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» Related bands

. 100 Demons
. 108
. 4 In Tha Chamber
. 7 Angels 7 Plagues
. 7 Seconds
. A Life Once Lost
. Abnegation
. Above This Fire
. Adamantium
. Aftermath Of A Trainwreck
. Against The Grain
. Age Of Ruin
. Agnostic Front
. All Bets Off
. All Out War
. All That Remains
. Allegiance
. Alterkation
. Another Breath
. Apathemy
. Aria
. Arson
. As Friends Rust
. As Friends Rust
. At Hopes End
. Awkward Thought
. Bad Brains
. Bane
. Battery
. Beneath The Remains
. Beneath The Sky
. Beowulf
. Betrayed
. Better Than A Thousand
. Between The Buried And Me
. Beyond The Sixth Seal
. Birthright
. Bishop
. Bitter End
. Black My Heart
. Blacklisted
. Blood For Blood
. Bloodjinn
. Bloodlined Calligraphy
. Bloodties
. Bloody Sunday
. Bold
. Botch
. Breakdown
. Breather Resist
. Bringing Back The Glory
. Built To Last
. Built Upon Frustration
. Buried Alive
. Burn
. Burn It Down
. Burnside
. Burnside
. Bury Your Dead
. By Virtue Alone
. Carry On
. Casey Jones
. Casey Jones
. Cast Aside
. Caught In A Trap
. Cause For Alarm
. Chain Of Strength
. Cheech
. Cherem
. Cipher
. Coalition Against Shane
. Comin Correct
. Confusion
. Contempt
. Contenders For The Crown
. Countime
. Crosscurrent
. Culture
. Damnation Ad
. Dark Day Dawing
. Darkest Hour
. Day Of Suffering
. Dead And Buried
. Dead To Fall
. Death Before Dishonor
. Death Threat
. Decontaminate
. Die My Will
. Diseptikons
. Dodgin Bullet
. Down To Nothing
. Downshift
. Drain This Blood
. Earth Crisis
. Edge Of Mortality
. Edgewise
. Embrace The End
. Embrace Today
. Emmure
. Empire Falls
. End Of Humanity
. End Of One
. End This Day
. End To End
. End Your Life
. Enrage
. Everybody Gets Hurt
. Extinction
. Facedown Nj
. Faction Zero
. Fall From Grace
. Fall Of Serenity
. Fall Silent
. Fast Times
. Fat Nuts
. Fight Everyone
. Fight Like Hell
. First Blood
. Fit Of Anger
. Five Minute Major
. Folsom
. For The Living
. For The Love Of
. Force Of Change
. Forever Is Forgotten
. Fragment
. Freya
. Full Blown Chaos
. Fury Of Five
. Godbelow
. Gone Without Trace
. Good Clean Fun
. Gorilla Biscuits
. Grimlock
. Hamartia
. Hand To Hand
. Hard Response
. Harvest
. Have Heart
. Hellnation
. Holdstrong
. Hoods
. Hotcross
. In Cold Blood
. In Due Time
. In My Eyes
. Inner Dam
. Invocation Of Nehek
. Judge
. Kill Your Idols
. Killing The Dream
. Killing Time
. Krutch
. Landmine Marathon
. Let It Die
. Life Or Death
. Light This City
. Looking Forward
. Losin It
. Madball
. Merauder
. Minor Threat
. Misura
. Modern Life Is War
. Morning Again
. Most Precious Blood
. My Own Victim
. My Son My Executioner
. Neglect
. Nehemiah
. Nj Bloodline
. No Innocent Victim
. No Retreat
. No Retreat
. Nodes Of Ranvier
. North Side Kings
. On A Warpath
. On Our Own
. On The Rise
. One Dead Three Wounded
. One King Down
. One Last Sin
. One Second Thought
. Out To Sea
. Out To Win
. Palehorse
. Path Less Taken
. Path Of Resistance
. Pitboss 2000
. Pocket Change
. Point Of Recognition
. Poison The Well
. Polyglot
. Pound For Pound
. Powerhouse
. Premonitions Of War
. Pride Kills
. Proclamation
. Protestant
. Provider
. Psycho Enhancer
. Pulling Teeth
. Punch Your Face
. Punishment
. Racetraitor
. Rag Men
. Raid
. Redline
. Reflux
. Rejuvenate
. Remembering Never
. Repercussion
. Ruiner
. Sabertooth Zombie
. Set It Straight
. Set It Straight
. Set Your Goals
. Seventh Star
. Shelter
. Shockwave
. Side By Side
. Sidewalk
. Sinai Beach
. Since The Flood
. Skare Tactic
. Skarhead
. Skycamefalling
. Slapshot
. Snapcase
. Spit Ya Teeth
. Spitvalves
. Stars And Stripes
. Step Aside
. Stigmata
. Strife
. Subterfuge
. Sworn Vengeance
. Taken
. Ten Yard Fight
. The Assistant
. The Blinding Light
. The Blue Bloods
. The Hope Conspiracy
. The Power And The Glory
. The Promise
. The Red Baron
. The Year Of Our Lord
. These Are The Days
. These Are The Days
. Threadbare
. Through The Discipline
. Throwdown
. Thursday
. Together We Fall
. Torn Apart
. Torn Asunder
. Turmoil
. Twelve Tribe
. Tyrant
. Undying
. Until The End
. Upheaval
. Verse
. Vision
. Vision Of Disorder
. Voice Of Reason
. Walls Of Jericho
. Warzone
. Weight Of The Crown
. Will To Live
. Wisdom In Chains
. With One Intent
. Youth Of Today
. Zao

» Related releases

. 100 Demons  ''S/t''
. 100 Demons  ''In the eyes of the lord''
. 108  ''Curse of instinct''
. 25 Ta Life  ''Friendship loyalty commitment''
. 25 Ta Life  ''S/t''
. 4 In Tha Chamber  ''Existence''
. 4 In Tha Chamber  ''Memories die''
. 4 In Tha Chamber  ''Not for the weak of heart''
. 7 Angels 7 Plagues  ''Until the day breathes and the shadows flee''
. 7 Seconds  ''Take it back, take it on, take it over''
. A 18  ''Foreverafternothing''
. A Better Tomorrow  ''S/t''
. A Day Refrain  ''The Fiberglass Sessions''
. A Life Once Lost  ''A great artist''
. A Shroud Cast Over  ''S/t''
. Abnegation  ''Verses of the bleeding''
. Above This Fire  ''In perspective''
. Acedia  ''S/t''
. Acedia  ''Everyone you lovve will eventually die''
. Adamantium  ''From the depths of depression''
. Adamantium  ''Traditions''
. After All  ''S/t''
. After The Fall  ''S/t''
. Aftermath Of A Trainwreck  ''Horseshoes and handgrenades''
. Aftershock  ''Letters''
. Aftershock  ''Through the looking glass''
. Against The Grain  ''War stories''
. Against The Grain  ''Mentiroso''
. Age Of Ruin  ''The opium dead''
. Age Of Ruin  ''The tides of tragedy''
. Agnostic Front  ''Dead yuppies''
. Agoraphobic Nosebleed  ''The poacher diaries''
. Alcatraz  ''S/t''
. All Bets Off  ''Two new songs''
. All Is Lost  ''No hope''
. All Is Suffering  ''S/t''
. All Out War  ''Truth in the age of lies''
. All Out War  ''Condemned to suffer''
. All Out War  ''Assassins in the house of god''
. All Out War  ''For those who were crucified''
. All Out War  ''Hymns of the apocalypse''
. All Out War  ''Destined to burn''
. All Out War  ''Truth in the age of lies''
. All That Remains  ''Behind silence and solitude''
. Allegiance  ''Desperation''
. Alterkation  ''Heaven hath no fury''
. Anah Aevia  ''Realise you re dead''
. Another Nothing  ''New breed''
. Apathemy  ''Encased in black this is forever''
. Apathy  ''What the dead see thru''
. Aria  ''As if forever really exists''
. Arkham  ''The wrath''
. Arma Angelus  ''Where sleeplessness is''
. Arma Angelus  ''The grave end of the shovel''
. Arson  ''Written in blood''
. Arson  ''Less perfect than death''
. Arson  ''Lacerate the sky''
. As I Bleed  ''Fire in summer''
. As I Bleed  ''S/t''
. Ascension  ''The years of fire''
. Ascension  ''Abomination''
. At Hopes End  ''Demo''
. At The Drive-in  ''Relationship of command''
. Awkward Thought  ''S/t''
. Awkward Thought  ''Split release''
. Awkward Thought  ''Ruin a good time''
. Axp  ''The devil we dont know''
. Backhand  ''2003 demo''
. Backhand  ''Love all''
. Backslap  ''Find yourself''
. Bane  ''It all comes down to this''
. Battery  ''Only the diehard remain''
. Battery  ''Let the past go''
. Beneath The Remains  ''Quest of the lost souls''
. Beneath The Remains  ''''
. Beneath The Remains/facedown Nj  ''Split 4''
. Berzerkers  ''Cut throat words''
. Bestiary  ''The loscust, the fire and the plumbline''
. Betrayed  ''Addiction''
. Betrayed  ''Substance''
. Between The Buried And Me  ''''
. Between The Buried And Me  ''The silent circus''
. Beyond Reason  ''The demands of commerce''
. Billy Club Sandwich  ''...hold the bologna''
. Birthright  ''Out of darkness''
. Black My Heart  ''Before the devil''
. Blood For Blood  ''Livin in exile''
. Blood For Blood  ''Serenity''
. Bloodjinn  ''Leave this world breathing''
. Bloodlined Calligraphy  ''Say hi to the bad guy''
. Bloodlined Calligraphy  ''Ypsilanti''
. Bloodlined Calligraphy  ''They want you silent''
. Bloodties  ''Into the dark decade''
. Bloodties  ''S/t''
. Bloody Sunday  ''They attack at dawn''
. Botch  ''We are the romans''
. Botch  ''An anthology of dead ends''
. Boxcutter  ''Thug rock''
. Boy Sets Fire  ''S/t''
. Boy Sets Fire  ''Live for today''
. Break Of Dawn  ''S/t''
. Breakdown  ''Plus minus''
. Brethren  ''To live again''
. Brethren  ''No regrets''
. Bring It On  ''Payback''
. Brother S Keeper  ''Ladder''
. Brother S Keeper  ''Forever never ending''
. Built To Last  ''...and knowing is half the battle''
. Bulldoze  ''The final beatdown''
. Buried Alive  ''The death of your perfect world''
. Burn  ''Cleanse''
. Burnside  ''Vision of serenity''
. Bury Your Dead  ''Cover your tracks''
. Bury Your Dead  ''You had me at hello''
. Butt Plug  ''S/t''
. Carry On  ''A life less plagued''
. Carved In Stone  ''Demo''
. Cast Aside  ''The struggle''
. Cast Aside  ''Overcome''
. Cast In Fire  ''S/t''
. Castahead  ''S/t''
. Catharsis  ''Arsonist s prayer''
. Cave In  ''Until your heart stops''
. Cave In  ''Creative eclipse''
. Cave In  ''Jupiter''
. Cdc  ''Demo 2003''
. Cease To Exist  ''Demo 2003''
. Ceasefire  ''The cycle of unbelief''
. Center Of Zero  ''S/t''
. Chain Of Strength  ''The one thing that still holds true''
. Chalice  ''Deathmask grin''
. Cheech  ''A day late and a dollar short''
. Cheech  ''Keep your pimp hand strong''
. Choleric  ''Weed out the week , when the sun goes down''
. Christiansen  ''Emphasizing function over design''
. Cipher  ''Protoculture''
. Cipher  ''Recognize''
. Cleanser  ''S/t''
. Clear  ''Tha sickness must end''
. Clenched Fist  ''S/t''
. Closer Than Kin/none But Burning  ''S/t''
. Coalition  ''The ignition:from friction to fire''
. Coalition Against Shane  ''Down with the king''
. Coalition Against Shane  ''Keepin' the dogs away''
. Codeseven  ''Division of labor''
. Cold As Life  ''Declination of independance''
. Comin Correct  ''One scene unity''
. Comin Correct  ''Split release''
. Comin Correct  ''In memory of''
. Comin Correct  ''Alive and kicking''
. Comin Correct  ''Hardcore pride''
. Concrete Warfare  ''S/t''
. Confusion  ''Taste of hate''
. Contempt  ''One justice''
. Contenders For The Crown  ''S/t''
. Converge  ''The poacher diaries''
. Count The Cost  ''Tried and true''
. Countime  ''Broken blinded betrayed''
. Crosscurrent  ''S/t''
. Culture  ''Born of you''
. Culture  ''Deforestation''
. Culture  ''Split cd''
. Culture  ''Heteronome''
. Damnation  ''The hangman''
. Damnation Ad  ''In this life or the next''
. Danny Diablo  ''Dollerz Make Sense''
. Darkest Hour  ''So sedated,so secure''
. Darkest Hour  ''Hidden hands of a sadist nation''
. Darkest Hour  ''Deliver us''
. Darkside Nyc  ''Ambitions make way for dread''
. Dawn Of Orion  ''On broken wings''
. Dawn Of Orion  ''For the lust of prophecies undone''
. Day Of Suffering  ''The eternal jihad''
. Dead 50s  ''Standing on the edge of forever''
. Dead And Buried  ''The company i keep''
. Dead To Fall  ''Everything i touch falls into pieces''
. Dead To Fall  ''Villainy and virtue''
. Death Before Dishonor  ''Wartime''
. Death Before Dishonor  ''Friends family forever''
. Death Before Dishonor  ''Count me in''
. Death By Stereo  ''Day of the death''
. Death By Virtue  ''S/t''
. Death Threat  ''For god & governement''
. Death Threat  ''Peace and security''
. Deathstar  ''The triumph''
. December  ''Praying, hoping, nothing''
. Decline  ''Damaged''
. Decontaminate  ''S/t''
. Denied Reality  ''S/t''
. Denied Reality  ''Leviathan''
. Dent  ''S/t''
. Despair  ''Kill''
. Die My Will  ''...and still we destroy''
. Die My Will  ''S/t''
. Die My Will  ''Split cd''
. Die Young  ''The message''
. Disciple  ''No blood, no altar now''
. Disciple  ''Scarab''
. Disciple Ad  ''Doxology''
. Disciplinary Action  ''S/t''
. Diseptikons  ''Solutions supported by the angry''
. District 9  ''Schoolahardknox''
. Dmize  ''Backlash''
. Dodgin Bullets  ''Soundtrack to the end''
. Dodgin Bullets  ''World wide war''
. Down To Nothing  ''The most''
. Down To This  ''Life blood''
. Downlow  ''Slipping from reality''
. Downpour  ''Footsteps over our heads''
. Downset  ''Check your people''
. Dragbody  ''Flip the kill switch''
. E Town Concrete  ''Time 2 shine''
. E Town Concrete  ''Fuck the world''
. E Town Concrete  ''The renaissance''
. Earth Crisis  ''Nemesis''
. Earth Crisis  ''All out war''
. Earth Crisis  ''Firestorm''
. Earth Crisis  ''The oath that keeps me free''
. Earth Crisis  ''Destroy the machines''
. Earthmover  ''Death carved in every word''
. Ecorche  ''S/t''
. Edge Of Mortality  ''S/t''
. Edgewise  ''S/t''
. Eighteen Visions  ''Lifeless''
. Eighteen Visions  ''Until the ink runs out''
. Emmure  ''Goodbye to the gallows''
. Empire Falls  ''The lines have been drawn''
. End Of One  ''The aftermath''
. End On End  ''Why evolve when we can go sideways?''
. End This Day  ''Sleeping beneath the ashes of creation''
. End To End  ''Dedicated to the emotion''
. Endeavor  ''Of equality''
. Endeavor  ''Crazier than a shithouse rat''
. Endeavor  ''Constructive semantics''
. Endpoint  ''If the spirits are willing''
. Enrage  ''The definitive''
. Enrage  ''Sins of release''
. Ensign  ''Direction of things to come''
. Eso Charis  ''S/t''
. Eventide  ''One word title''
. Evergreen Terrace  ''Losing all hope is freedom''
. Evergreen Terrace  ''Writer s block''
. Evergreen Terrace  ''S/t''
. Excessive Force  ''In your blood''
. Extinction  ''Hypocrisy breeds traitors''
. Eye To Eye  ''Split''
. Faction Zero  ''War stories''
. Faction Zero  ''S/t''
. Fall From Grace  ''S/t''
. Fall Silent  ''Superstructure''
. Falling Cycle  ''The conflict''
. Fast Times  ''Where were you''
. Fast Times  ''Counting down''
. Fat Nuts  ''Settin it straight''
. Fatality  ''NY state of mind''
. Few Left Standing  ''Regeneration of self''
. Fight Everyone  ''Up against the world''
. Final Fight  ''Demo 2003''
. Final Fight  ''Under attack''
. Final Stand  ''The only certainly in life is death''
. Five Minute Major  ''When it ends''
. Floorpunch  ''Fast times at ...''
. For The Love Of  ''In consequence''
. For The Love Of  ''Feasting on the will of humanity''
. Force Of Change  ''The bond we share''
. Forge  ''Speed and timing''
. Foundation  ''S/t''
. Fragment  ''...answers...''
. Fragment  ''Angels never came''
. Fragment  ''Angels never came''
. Framework  ''Never again''
. Freya  ''As the last light drains''
. From Ashes Rise  ''S/t''
. Frontside  ''S/t''
. Full Blown Chaos  ''S/t''
. Fury For Another  ''S/t''
. Fury Of Five  ''Telling it like it is !!!''
. Godbelow  ''S/t''
. Godless Wicked Creeps  ''Smile''
. Good Clean Fun  ''Positively positive 1997-2002''
. Grieving Days To Come  ''The unsaid everything''
. Grimlock  ''Songs of self''
. Grimlock  ''Crusade of reality''
. Grimlock  ''Crusher''
. Grimlock  ''Songs Of Immortality''
. Groundzero  ''Split''
. Hamartia  ''To play the part''
. Harvest  ''Living with a god complex''
. Hatebreed  ''Under the knife''
. Hatebreed  ''Satisfaction is the death of desire''
. Have Heart  ''The things we carry''
. Have Heart  ''Songs to scream''
. Hellnation  ''Dynamite up your ass''
. Hit List  ''S/t''
. Holdstrong  ''Pursuit in the face of misfortune''
. Holdstrong  ''Nothing in return''
. Holdstrong  ''Gaining ground''
. Hoods  ''Pray for death''
. Hoods  ''Time...the destroyer''
. Hoods  ''The king is dead''
. Hoods  ''Once again 1996''
. Hoods  ''Aces''
. Hoods  ''New blood''
. Hopesfall  ''The frailty of words''
. Horizon  ''Where the blind lead the blind''
. Hotcross  ''Cryonics''
. Hyde  ''A beautiful nightmare''
. Implicate  ''S/t''
. In Cold Blood  ''Hell on earth''
. In Due Time  ''Back to basics''
. In My Eyes  ''Live in philly''
. In My Eyes  ''Nothing to hide''
. In Reach  ''Seize the day''
. In Reach  ''Miles to go''
. Indecision  ''Release the cure''
. Indecision  ''Discography''
. Indecision  ''Most precious blood church''
. Indecision  ''Youth crew 1995''
. Inhuman  ''Black reign''
. Inhuman  ''Rebellion''
. Inhuman  ''Evolver''
. Inhuman  ''S/t''
. Inner Dam  ''When angels fall''
. Inner Dam  ''Through Darkness, Broken Hearts and Open Veins''
. Inner Dam  ''Through the eyes of suffering''
. Inside Out  ''No spiritual surrender''
. Integrity  ''Systems overload''
. Integrity  ''Humanity is the devil''
. Integrity 2000  ''S/t''
. Intercede  ''S/t''
. Internal Affairs  ''Casualty of the core''
. Irate  ''Demo''
. Irate  ''Burden of a crumbling society''
. Judgement Day Nyc  ''Mind over matter of fact''
. Killed By Memories  ''Demo2002''
. Killed By Memories  ''Forever doesn t last''
. King Of Clubz  ''Time for grievance''
. King Of Clubz  ''Time of grievance''
. Krutch  ''Our thing-the mafia years''
. Krutch  ''S/t''
. Ladyluck  ''Life in between''
. Landmine Marathon  ''Wounded''
. Landmine Marathon  ''Rusted eyes awake''
. Lariat  ''Manifesto''
. Last Year  ''Pictures, letters and memories''
. Leeway  ''Born to expire, desperate measures''
. Lickity Split  ''S/t''
. Life Or Death  ''Sentenced''
. Lifebleed  ''A wardrobe full of bodies''
. Line Of Scrimmage  ''Cinderblock solution''
. Living Sacrifice  ''Conceived in fire''
. Locked In A Vacancy  ''S/t''
. Locked In A Vacancy  ''''
. Locked In A Vacancy  ''S/t''
. Logic  ''2 inches to victory''
. Logic  ''Straight up chaos''
. Lose None  ''Warrior blood''
. Losin It  ''Danger zone''
. Love Hope And Fear  ''Rose''
. Love Is Red  ''''
. Loyal 2 None  ''8 minutes of hate''
. Madball  ''Droppin many suckers''
. Manhunt  ''S/t''
. Manhunt  ''Revenge volume one''
. Mastiff  ''Strength In Despair''
. Merauder  ''Master killer''
. Misura  ''S/t''
. Misura  ''Shame of the nation''
. Morning Again  ''Hand of the martyr''
. Morning Again  ''The cleanest war''
. Morning Again  ''Martyr''
. Morning Again  ''S/t''
. Motherbirth  ''One fine day''
. Motive  ''I vs. the Beckoning of Darkness''
. Mushmouth  ''Lift the curse''
. My Own Victim  ''The weapon''
. My Own Victim  ''No voice no right no freedom''
. My Own Victim  ''S/t''
. My Own Victim  ''Burning inside''
. My Son My Executioner  ''In between heaven and hell''
. Narcissus  ''...and forthwith came out blood''
. Narcissus  ''Newwave techno homicide''
. Neck  ''S/t''
. Neck  ''Should my fist eye''
. Neglect  ''End it''
. Neglect  ''S/t''
. Neglect  ''En public''
. Nehemiah  ''Lenore''
. Next Step Up  ''Breaking point''
. Next Step Up  ''Heavy, the return of''
. Nj Bloodline  ''Be afraid''
. No Innocent Victim  ''Flesh and blood''
. No Innocent Victim  ''Tipping the scales''
. No Innocent Victim  ''C.E.B.''
. No Innocent Victim  ''S/t''
. No Redeeming Social Value  ''Skinheads rule !!''
. No Retreat  ''S/t''
. No Retreat  ''Rise of the underdog''
. No Submission  ''Long island hardcore split''
. None But Burning/closer Than Kin  ''S/t''
. Norma Jean  ''Bless the martyr and kiss the child''
. North Side Kings  ''Allied forces''
. Not Waving But Drowning  ''S/t''
. Not Without Resistance  ''The blood the honor the truth''
. Nothing Left To Mourn  ''Through thick and thin''
. On A Warpath  ''S/t''
. On Our Own  ''Now and forever''
. On The Rise  ''Burning inside''
. One Fifth  ''S/t''
. One For One  ''Seven year cicada''
. One For One  ''Version2,0''
. One For One  ''I wont lose''
. One King Down  ''God loves, man kills''
. One King Down  ''Bloodlust revenge''
. One King Down  ''S/t''
. One Last Sin  ''Cd promo''
. One Last Sin  ''The fall of darkness''
. One Life Crew  ''Crime ridden society''
. One Second Thought  ''Self inflicted''
. One Step Too Many  ''Under the bar''
. Onslaught  ''Bloodgeoned''
. Ookla The Mok  ''Bless her little black heart''
. Oubliette  ''Cries of the peaceful''
. Out To Win  ''Beg for life''
. Out To Win  ''Persist and destroy''
. Outrage  ''Disharmony brings harmony''
. Outspoken  ''Spotlight''
. Overcome  ''Immortal until their work is done''
. Overcome  ''Blessed are the persecuted''
. Overcome  ''The life of death''
. Overcome  ''When beauty dies''
. Overthrow  ''S/t''
. Overthrow  ''Long island hardcore split''
. Painmask  ''Are you prepared to meet the truth''
. Path Less Taken  ''S/t''
. Piece By Piece  ''We ve lost it all''
. Piece By Piece NYC  ''Live demo''
. Piecemeal  ''Split cd''
. Pig Destroyer  ''''
. Pitboss 2k  ''Everyone s a winner''
. Pocket Change  ''Golden''
. Point Of Recognition  ''Refresh,renew''
. Point Of Recognition  ''S/t''
. Point Of Recognition  ''Day of defeat''
. Point Of Recognition  ''Days of defeat''
. Poison The Well  ''The opposite of december...a season of separation''
. Polyglot  ''S/t''
. Pound For Pound  ''For our fallen brothers''
. Pound For Pound  ''Common crooks''
. Powerhouse  ''What lies ahead''
. Premonitions Of War  ''Left in kowloon''
. Prevaricators  ''Jihad''
. Proclamation  ''Let the truth be told''
. Provider  ''Wasteland''
. Pulling Teeth  ''Demo 2005''
. Pulling Teeth  ''Martyr immortal''
. Punch The Klown  ''''
. Punch Your Face  ''S/t''
. Punch Your Face  ''White nights and bar fights''
. Rag Men  ''Rag men''
. Raid  ''Hands off the animal''
. Rain On The Parade  ''Body bag''
. Redline  ''S/t''
. Redline  ''Moments of truth''
. Redline  ''A portrait of a mirror image''
. Redline  ''This day''
. Rejuvenate  ''To the extreme''
. Remembering Never  ''God save us''
. Restrain  ''S/t''
. Ruiner  ''Prepare to be let down''
. Running Like Thieves  ''The approval of the crowd''
. Santa Sangre  ''Feast for the new gods''
. Saving Throw  ''We're never on good terms''
. Set It Straight  ''Live your heart and never follow''
. Severcore  ''S/t''
. Shai Hulud  ''Hearts once nourished w/hope''
. Shattered Realm  ''Broken ties... spoken lies''
. Shattered Realm  ''All will suffer''
. Shelter  ''Here we go''
. Shelter  ''Eternal''
. Shockwave  ''Dominion''
. Shockwave  ''Live in poland''
. Shockwave  ''The ultimate doom''
. Shockwave  ''Omega supreme''
. Shockwave  ''Warpath''
. Show Of Hands  ''S/t''
. Show Of Hands  ''A new day not forgotten''
. Shutdown  ''Few and far between''
. Shutdown  ''Nothing to prove''
. Shutdown  ''Youth crew 1995''
. Shutdown  ''Turning the tide''
. Side By Side  ''You re only young once''
. Sidewalk  ''Time spent''
. Silverstein  ''When broken is easily fixed''
. Since The Flood  ''Valor and vengeance''
. Sinking Ships  ''Disconnecting''
. Six Cents  ''S/t''
. Skarhead  ''Kings at crime''
. Skinless  ''''
. Skycamefalling  ''To forever embrace the sun''
. Skycamefalling  ''1021''
. Slapshot  ''Digital warfare''
. Sludge !  ''S/t''
. Slumlords  ''Demo 2003''
. Slumlords  ''S/t''
. Smash Your Enemies  ''The great midwest trendkill''
. Snapcase  ''Energy dome''
. Snapcase  ''End transmission''
. Somehow Hollow  ''Busted wings and rusted halos''
. Soul Embraced  ''Immune''
. Soul Embraced  ''This is my blood''
. Soulstice  ''Raze the earth''
. Southpaw  ''Brighter future''
. Spit Ya Teeth  ''Demo 2006''
. Spit Ya Teeth  ''Shut your mouth''
. Spitalfield  ''Remember right now''
. Stand And Fight  ''Together we win''
. Stemm  ''Further efforts''
. Step Aside  ''Reaching out''
. Stigmata  ''Do unto others''
. Stitch  ''S/t''
. Straightfaced  ''Pulling teeth''
. Strength For A Reason  ''Show and prove''
. Strife  ''Angermeans''
. Strife  ''One thruth''
. Strife  ''In this defiance''
. Strongarm  ''The advent of a miracle''
. Subsist  ''Lessons in brokness''
. Subterfuge  ''Our own terms''
. Subterfuge  ''Nobody gets out alive''
. Subzero  ''Happiness without peace''
. Suffocate Faster  ''Only time will tell''
. Sum Of All Fears  ''1995 sin of anger demo''
. Swear To God  ''2003 demo''
. Sworn Enemy  ''As real as it gets''
. Sworn Vengeance  ''Domination''
. Sworn Vengeance  ''Abbadon''
. Sworn Vengeance  ''Destroyer of worlds''
. Taken  ''And they slept''
. Taste The Steel  ''Demo 2006''
. Tears Of Frustration  ''No retreat no defeat''
. Ten Yard Fight  ''Hardcore pride''
. Ten Yard Fight  ''Back on track''
. Tension  ''...and at the hour of our death''
. Tension  ''Agent of the people''
. Tension  ''Struggle within''
. Terror  ''Lowest of the low''
. Terror  ''Rhythm amongst the chaos''
. The Alliance  ''In love, in honor, in death''
. The August Prophecy  ''Five endeavors in self murder''
. The Automata  ''Through the bandage seeps a whisper''
. The Blinding Light  ''The ascension attempt''
. The Blue Bloods  ''S/t''
. The Dillinger Escape Plan  ''Calculating infinity''
. The Kyds Vs Columbus  ''S/t''
. The Red Baron  ''S/t''
. The Warriors  ''Beyond the noise''
. The Year Of Our Lord  ''''
. These Are The Days  ''Demo 2005''
. Threadbare  ''Feeling older faster''
. Throwdown  ''Beyond repair''
. Thursday  ''Full collapse''
. Tied Down  ''S/t''
. Time Has Come  ''S/t''
. To Each His Own  ''Breaking the mdld''
. Together We Fall  ''Drowned''
. Together We Fall  ''Tws''
. Torn Apart  ''The fifty ninth session''
. Torn Apart  ''Ten songs for the bleeding hearts''
. Torn Asunder  ''In painful remembrance''
. Trench War  ''Unrivaled''
. Trial  ''Are these our lives ?''
. Triphammer  ''S/t''
. Turmoil  ''Anchor''
. Turmoil  ''The process of''
. Twelve Tribe  ''The rebirth of tragedy''
. Twelve Tribes  ''Instruments''
. Two By Four  ''Split''
. Tyrant  ''Demo 2004''
. Unconquered  ''''
. Unconquered  ''You say moderation, i scream prohibition''
. Unconquered  ''Wall of time''
. Underoath  ''Cries of the past''
. Undying  ''The whispered lies of angels''
. Unearth  ''Endless''
. Unearth  ''The sting of conscience''
. Unearth  ''The oncoming storm''
. Unfound  ''S/t''
. Unit 731  ''Res ipsa loquitur''
. Unit 731  ''Demo 2006''
. Unsilent Reign  ''The fires of body & mind''
. Unstable Foundation  ''Strength through determination''
. Unsung Zeros  ''Moments from mouring''
. Until The End  ''S/t''
. Until The End  ''The blind leading the lost''
. Up Front  ''Movement''
. Up Front  ''S/t''
. Up Front  ''Five by seven''
. Upheaval  ''Testimony to the atrocities''
. V/a Abacus Recordings  ''Abacus''
. V/a Back Ta Basics  ''Down for the core 8''
. V/a Blackout  ''An international hxc compilation''
. V/a Blasphemour  ''One hell of a compilation''
. V/a Exit  ''Mindset overhaul''
. V/a Facedown  ''Now the tables have turned''
. V/a Nawpost  ''Satisfaction guaranteed''
. V/a New Eden  ''S/t''
. V/a Prosthetic  ''Sampler''
. V/a Purity  ''A new approach''
. V/a Side One Dummy  ''Atticus dragging the lake''
. V/a Spook City  ''Covered in blood''
. V/a Tooth And Nail  ''Helpless amongst friends vol 2''
. V/a Tribunal Records  ''Radio sampler #1-#2''
. V/a Under The Volcano  ''Kaos 4-introducing bill''
. V/a Upfront  ''Strength through diversity''
. V/a Victory  ''Style 4''
. V/a Victory  ''Built 4 speed-motorhead tribute''
. V/a Victory  ''Style 2''
. V/a Victory  ''Style 3''
. V/a Victory  ''Only the strong''
. Vengeance Theory  ''S/t''
. Verse  ''Four songs''
. Verse  ''Aggression''
. Vice Dolls  ''Die trying''
. Vision  ''Detonate''
. Vision Of Disorder  ''S/t''
. Vision Of Disorder  ''Resurrecting reality''
. Voice Of Reason  ''S/t''
. Wake Up Cold  ''Deliver me from evil''
. Waking Kills The Dream  ''Depending on tomorrow''
. Walls Of Jericho  ''The bound feed the gagged''
. Walls Of Jericho  ''Aal hail the dead''
. War Of Ages  ''Pride of the wicked''
. War To End Hate  ''''
. Wartime Manner  ''Split''
. Waterdown  ''The files you have on me''
. Weight Of The Crown  ''Keep your head up''
. What Lies Within  ''S/t''
. Where It Ends  ''Resonate''
. Wide Awake  ''25 song discography''
. William  ''Tints and shades''
. Windfall  ''Loud with the window open''
. Windfall  ''S/t''
. Wisdom In Chains  ''S/t''
. With One Intent  ''Leaving it all behind''
. Wolverine  ''Prey for us''
. World Indifference  ''S/t''
. Worlds Collide  ''All hope abandon''
. Zao  ''A parade of chaos''
. Zao  ''All else failed''
. Zao  ''The splinter shards the birth of separation''

» Related fanzines, magazines

. Boiling Point #2  ''Interview with Choke (Slapshot), Dave Smalley, Dag...''
. Boiling Point #4  ''Interviews with Judge, Inside Out (the other hardcore band...''
. Dancefloor Justice #7  ''New England Zine made by the singer of Spit ya...''
. Fastbreak  ''Hardcore photozine. Chain Of Strength, Powerhouse,...''
. Look Beyond #1  ''Straight edge Hardcore fanzine. Far From Breaking(Texas...''
. Pindrop Zine #1  ''Pindrop releases, merchandise, Fragment interview, Die My...''
. Skratch #20  ''Free Punk Hardcore zine Groovie ghoulies, Dropkick Murphy...''
. Skratch #21  ''Free Punk hardcore printed zine Lag Wagon, Stiff Little...''
. Skratch #22  ''Free Punk hardcore printed zine The Force, Homegrown,...''
. The Crucial Times #14  ''YOuth In Submission, Strength For Today, Diehard Youth,...''
. Wonka Vision  ''Your source for independent music and thoughts. Drive Thru...''

» Related webzines

. Laredo Hardcore
. Louisville Hardcore
. Aversionline
. Bleeding Mascara
. Boston Beatdown
. Bright Idea
. Bushmado Webzine And Webradio
. Chicago Hardcore
. Concussion
. Dark Time
. Feast Of Hate And Fear
. Fromthepit
. Grindcore Dot Com
. Guerrilla Warfare Video Fanzine
. Hardcoremusic Dot Com
. How Is Your Edge
. I Am No Hero
. Into - Obscurity
. Metal Underground
. Nosebleed 17
. Pheer Dot Com
. Pittsburg Hardcore
. Sandiego Hardcore
. Texas Hardcore
. Wasteland Zine
. World Wide Punk
. Xreparationx
. Xsisterhoodx

» Related labels

. Back Ta Basics Records
. Blasphemour Records
. Bridge 9 Records
. Catalyst Records
. Coptercrash Records
. Counter Intelligence Records
. Crosscheck Records
. Dead Truth Records
. Deathwish Records
. East Coast Empire Records
. Equal Vision Records
. Eulogy Records
. Exit Records
. Eyeball Records
. Facedown Records
. Faction Zero Records
. Ferret Records
. Free Spirit Records
. Hydrahead Records
. Immigrant Sun Records
. Indecision Records
. Indianola Records
. Innerstrength Records
. Kungfu Records
. Last Resort Records
. Level Plane Records
. Life Sentence Records
. Life To Live Records
. Malfunction Records
. Nawpost Records
. New Age Records
. New Eden Records
. No Joke Records
. On The Attack Records
. One Day Savior Records
. Organized Crime Records
. Penske Material Records
. Pindrop Records
. Prosthetic Records
. Purity Records
. Resurrection Ad Records
. Revelation Records
. Roadrunner Records
. Rock Vegas Records
. Roundhouse Records
. Sa Mob Records
. Sanguine Records
. Selah Records
. Side One Dummy Records
. Significant Records
. Smorgasbord Records
. Solidstate Records
. Sound Pollution Records
. Spook City Records
. Stillborn Records
. Strike First Records
. Substandard Records
. Surface Records
. Thorp Records
. Too Damn Hype Records
. Tooth And Nail Records
. Tribunal Records
. Triplecrown Records
. Trustkill Records
. Twelve Gauge Records
. Twist Of Faith Records
. Undecided Records
. Up Front Records
. Uprising Records
. Victory Records
. Warmachine Records
. Warmachine Records
. We Bite Records
. Westcoast Worldwide Records
. Willowtip Records
. Wreck Age Records

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