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COALITION AGAINST SHANE | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

Coalition Against Shane
  » Releases :

coalition against shane
"Down with the king"
(Prophecy rds)
coalition against shane
"Keepin' the dogs away"
(13th Day rds)

» Biography

XCoalition Against ShaneX is a band that me and a friend started for the sole purposes of being idiots and making fun of people. All of us in D.o.M. and XCASX have been friends for a long time, and are complete jokers and fools. We started off making fun of this kid Shane (original D.o.M. bassist) for being a complete skid and all of a sudden it blew up. I never thought it would go any- where, but a lot of kids are into this band. I think my favorite thing about XCASX is the fact that like 95% of the lyrical content, no matter how shocking.. .is completely true. Yes, we did make a kid eat a raw onion for a demo, yes, there was a kid named Tobe that drank a bottle of pee to amuse us, and ye.s we did get drunk metalheads to harass Corpsegrinder at a Cannibal Corpse show. We're dorks, but it's harmless fun, until someone gets stabbed with a pitchfork, which actually happened at a XCASX show, but that's a story in itself. We've collaborated with such heroes (well, to us anyway) as Dan Lilker of Brutal Truth, Chris Dodge of Spazz, and the mighty rock warrior THOR. We did a couple of demos that went out of print and were pressed onto the "Down with the King" CD on XProphecy RecordsX which is also out of print. Right now, we have" a split CD with THOR called "Keepin" the Dogs Away" which is doing really good. We wanna revive THOR, so we can tour with him and PILEDRIVER. (MRR interview)

» Country : U S A
» Hit profil : 1971


» Total added : 515


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