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Householdname Records


1131 PIECE BY PIECE "We ve lost it all" (cd) pix in the database

After the demise of Carry On, Corey Williams and Nick Jett didn't waste any time starting a new band. With Nick on vocals and Corey on guitar they enlisted Shaun Grine on drums, Jeff Givens on bass and Edgar on 2nd guitar and started what was to become one of L.A.'s most unforgiving bands. Piece By Piece has become a scene favorite, inciting riot like moshing and the biggest dogpiles to be seen in ages.


1. Intro
2. Certain People I Know
3. Fuck Life
4. I've Lost My Mind
5. I Don't Care About You
6. Run
7. Waiting To Die
8. Untitled
9. It's Coming Back To You
10. Place That Hurts
11. Gone
12. Finish Your Business
13. Die Go Die
14. Untitled
15 . The War
16. Martyr
17. It's Coming Back To You
18. Conquer

954 INTERNAL AFFAIRS "Casualty of the core" (7) pix in the database


1. Intro
2. Heroes
3. Casualty of the core
4. Your jam
5. Internal affair
5. Mistakes
6. Go away
7. Hide
8. Cop out
9. What do i say

823 CAST ASIDE "Overcome" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base


1. Set in stone
2. Last chance
3. Never again
4. Say goodbye
5. Overcome
6. Take control
7. Forgive and forget
8. Denied
9. Never again
10. Trust
11. Take control
12. Say goodbye


Knives Out Records
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