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Still Life Records


451 V/A NAWPOST "Satisfaction guaranteed" (cd)

A Live hardcore compilation cd featuring:
25 ta life, Awkward Thought, No Redeeming Social Value, Final Warning, Rejuvenate, Yuppicide, Sealed With A Fist, Setback, No Win Situation, The 6 And Violence, Maximum Penalty, Stressboy, Terminal Confusion, Sheer Terror, The Pist, Bugout Society and Killing Time.
17 bands, 27 songs, 77 minutes of your favorite punk and hardcore. Live and studio unreleased cuts also!

80 COMIN CORRECT "Split release" (7) pix in the database

Split release with back ta basic records.
2 songs each by these nyhc punk bands!
Fast heavy hardcore old style!

35 BILLY CLUB SANDWICH "...hold the bologna" (7)

Debut release from this nyhc band!
Billy Club Sandwich got their start before the new wave of Hardcore / Metalcore began , and have been forming a name for themselves lately. It all started in 1991 with Glen on drums , Tony on Bass and Rod on Guitar.

This singerless lineup banged around Glen basement for years . It was during this time that , with Rod living out of state , Glen and Tony had a brief stint playing in Setback. Eventually they had realized that their musical vision wasn't being fulfilled , and by coincidence , Rod had moved back to New York and wanted to start the band back up . So , they recruited long time friend and Goatamentise singer Martin . After 4 long years , the lineup was now complete and the onslaught began.

In the spring of 1996 Billy Club Sandwich recorded and released their first demo which contained four songs in the classic heavy Billy Club Sandwich style . The release of this demo coincided with their first show at The Wetlands on May 19th with Madball , 25 Ta Life , Indecision , Powerhouse , and the first Agnostic Front 2 song reunion .
It didn't take long before Billy Club Sandwich was getting known for their live shows and stage antics , gaining a soild reputation for delivering powerful Hardcore , New York Style.

Billy Club Sandwich were then approached by Nawpost Records and in the Fall of 1998 a 7" E.P. named " Hold The Bologna " was released . This E.P. on Nawpost contained four songs with a very aggressive sound and prouduction. With some of the lyrics written in Spanish , Billy Club Sandwich broadened their fanbase and appeal to a much larger New York and East Coast audience. With the release of this 7 " Billy Club Sandwich showed tremendous growth potentialelling out the first pressing of 2000 records in a matter of months. They also released a two song split 7" with Everybody Gets Hurt on Back Ta Basics. An instant sell out as well.

25 AWKWARD THOUGHT "Split release" (7)

Split release with back ta basic records.
2 songs each by these nyhc punk bands!
Fast heavy hardcore old style!


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