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FIT OF ANGER | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

Fit Of Anger
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» Biography

The band was started back in 1987 by Grampa-vocals, Chris Benetos-bass, Al Koos-guitar and Todd Lung-drums. In 1988 they released their first demo which did really well and helped them make a name for themselves in the then still growing New York City Hardcore scene.
Shortly after that they added a second guitar player Nick Benetos. Many great shows followed with bands like A.F, S.O.I.A, Sheer Terror, Brekdown, Outburst, Leeway, Maximum Penalty, Youth Of Today, Warzone, BioHazard, Killing Time, the list goes on and on....
By 1989 Chris B. was getting restless and wasn't into playing in FOA anymore, he was replaced by a long time friend John Boles.
In 1991 a second demo was released, which also did very well. We continued playing shows and making a name for ourselves in NYC and up and down the East coast. After a while Todd had enough, he was replaced by a list of drummers, none who seemed to click with the band. Soon after him Al dropped out of site.
In 1992 the NYHC scene was in pretty bad shape, clubs refused to book shows due to violence and if there were shows many kids were too scared to come down. After a while without a permanent drummer FOA decided to call it quits for a while.
In 1996 our brother, friend and bass player John passed away. Nick, Grampa and Chris got back together along with Vinnie (NRSV/Warzone) on drums to play a benefit show for his family. The show went great and there were thoughts of getting back together but at the time everyone was busy with their new projects, Nick with Cold Front and Chris with EGH.
In 1998 another friend from the NY scene passed away. Once again FOA got back together to play a beneifit. After the show Greg from New Found Hope records who had been a longtime fan asked us if we would like to record a full-length. We agreed. Nick, Grampa and Chris hooked up with drummer Dimroc (COT, Skarhead, Stillsuit, Cold Front,Yuppicide) FOA was back and better than ever. We all picked our favorite tracks and went into the studio and recorded. The album which is out now on New Found Hope Records in the US and on KingFisher in Europe contains 8 newly recorded tracks of songs from both demos.

» Country : U S A
» Website :
» Hit profil : 1979

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