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  Proclamation ''let the truth be told'' | Life Sentence records
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Everybody Gets Hurt
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Life Or Death  (353)
Dias De Agonia  (378)
Above This Fire  (394)
Nothing Left To Mourn  (358)
Shikari  (391)
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Dew Scented
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Born From Pain
''in the love...''
When Freedom Dies
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Cast Aside
''the struggle''
Blood 4 Blood
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Filled With Hate Records

EULOGY Records

EULOGY Records

1189 HOODS "The king is dead" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base


1. King Is Dead, The
2. Lost Hope
3. Drawn Out
4. 26 Seconds Of Hate
5. Ernie Cortez
6. Heartless
7. Coward
8. Addicted To Dying
9. This Time
10. End Of Days

744 AGE OF RUIN "The tides of tragedy" (cd)

Age Of Ruin signe l

567 UNEARTH "The sting of conscience" (cd) mp3 in da base

526 ARMA ANGELUS "Where sleeplessness is" (cd) pix in the database

ARMA ANGELUS ascended from two of hardcore's most notorious bands, Racetraitor and Extinction. The music is expertly composed of ominous imagery, leaden rock'n'roll, casting rough metal undertones. Arma Angelus are a collaboration, intended to express their political unrest, and dissatisfaction with the fundamental of the scene and many other issues at hand. They aim to craft a new experience for the hardcore scene deriving their deep-rooted capacity for music. This band goes beyond all borders we know in hardcore today.

418 TWELVE TRIBES "Instruments" (mcd) pix in the database

340 SANTA SANGRE "Feast for the new gods" (cd)

The members of ANOTHER VICTIM formed a new band, this is the result, heavy and inspiring hardcore that has no mercy!
Syracuse styled hardcore.
like: Another Victim meets old Earth Crisis

70 CHRISTIANSEN "Emphasizing function over design" (cd)


Knives Out Records
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