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1122 ONE FIFTH "S/t" (cd)

Split with Evergreen Terrace


1. Evergreen Terrace - Blue Eyes, Black Heart
2. Evergreen Terrace - Burned Alive by Time
3. Evergreen Terrace - Cut Down To oblivion
4. Evergreen Terrace - Bitter Ending
5. XOne FifthX - XHey Tallahassee I Think You Dropped Something
6. XOne FifthX - Can Adam See Your Boobies?
7. XOne FifthX - Four Door Killer
8. XOne FifthX - Put Another Quarter In The Jukebox Baby
9. XOne FifthX - The Shit Hit The Fan

1121 EVERGREEN TERRACE "S/t" (cd) mp3 in da base

Split with xOne Fifthx


1. Evergreen Terrace - Blue Eyes, Black Heart
2. Evergreen Terrace - Burned Alive by Time
3. Evergreen Terrace - Cut Down To oblivion
4. Evergreen Terrace - Bitter Ending
5. XOne FifthX - XHey Tallahassee I Think You Dropped Something
6. XOne FifthX - Can Adam See Your Boobies?
7. XOne FifthX - Four Door Killer
8. XOne FifthX - Put Another Quarter In The Jukebox Baby
9. XOne FifthX - The Shit Hit The Fan

489 EVERGREEN TERRACE "Losing all hope is freedom" (cd) mp3 in da base


1. Sweet Nothings Gone Forever
2. Tevis Sux
3. Failure of a Friend
4. Embrace
5. Manifestation of Anger
6. What Would Jesus Do With a Weapon
7. In My Dreams I Can Fly
8. Behind My Back
9. This Wonderful Hatred
10. Look Up at the Stars and You're Gone
11. Sunday Bloody Sunday (U2 cover)


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