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Labels: 23
Fanzines: 1
Webzines: 12
Stuff: 121

» Related bands

. Absidia
. Aclys
. Age Of Disgrace
. Brightside
. Crisis Never Ends
. Crowley S Passion
. Deadlock
. Devil Ate My Son
. Drift
. Drown In Frustration
. End Is Forever
. Fall Of A Season
. Final Prayer
. Heaven Shall Burn
. In Blood We Trust
. Indication
. Isolated
. Jane
. Japanische Kampfh
. Just Went Black
. Luca Brasi
. Maroon
. Narziss
. Optimist
. Out Of Step
. Pete Mosh
. Pole
. Proof
. Rise From Above
. Surface
. Tears Of Blood
. Tinta Leal
. Tonedown
. Violence Approved
. Zero Mentality

» Related releases

. Absidia  ''Morphology of fear''
. Age Of Disgrace  ''Those who persist''
. Ballroom  ''The race with the devil''
. Beat Down  ''Blood n tears''
. Beyond The Sixth Seal  ''Earth and sphere''
. Bleed Into One  ''Words cant save us now''
. Bobby Peru  ''S/t''
. Bravestar  ''Demo 2007''
. Brightside  ''Punchline''
. Caliban  ''Shadow hearts''
. Change The World  ''Sinking sun''
. Claim The Crown  ''Who s the king ?''
. Cleansweep  ''A fight far beyond our thoughts''
. Constraint  ''And what we do always changes''
. Copykill  ''S/t''
. Copykill  ''Victim or witness''
. Crisis Never Ends  ''The human encounter with death & desire''
. Crowleys Passion  ''Love kills''
. Crowleys Passion  ''Demo''
. Crowleys Passion  ''In my blood''
. Daylight  ''Vague pictures of amazing moments''
. Daylight  ''The dead end kids''
. Dead Man Walking  ''Screaming past turns into silent future''
. Deadlock  ''I ll make you''
. Deadlock  ''The arrival''
. Deadstyler  ''Sie ist sufs''
. Degradation  ''''
. Destiny  ''Diving into Eternity''
. Deviate  ''State of grace''
. Devil Inside  ''36 karat''
. Disrespect  ''Eternal mayhem''
. Disrespect  ''Hit the ceiling''
. Disrespect  ''Meriadan''
. Disrespect  ''99''
. Drift  ''Stalkin like killers''
. Drown In Frustration  ''Already fallen''
. Elision  ''Nephilim''
. End Of Days  ''Three song demo cd''
. End Of Days  ''Hate anthems''
. Fall Of A Season  ''After the last breath...''
. Fall Of Serenity  ''Smoldering doom''
. Fall Of Serenity  ''Grey man s requiem''
. Fear My Thoughts  ''Vitriol''
. Final Prayer  ''Right here right now''
. From My Hands  ''From hatred to justice''
. Hardflip  ''Bunkercore''
. Hardflip  ''Sicknature anthems''
. Heaven Shall Burn  ''Whatever it may take''
. Heaven Shall Burn  ''Antigone''
. I  ''One word''
. In Blood We Trust  ''Curb games''
. Indication  ''My energy''
. Intrude  ''S/t''
. Isolated  ''Antistyle''
. Jane  ''A doorway to elsewhere''
. Jane  ''S/t''
. Kaiserschnitt 13  ''Three other side''
. Koroded  ''Downstream voyage''
. Lifeforce  ''S/t''
. Lockjaw  ''A lesson in hate''
. Mark Of The Devil  ''S/t''
. Maroon  ''Captive in the room of,,,''
. Maroon  ''Antagonist''
. Max Rebo Kids  ''Ciphers''
. Miozan  ''Thorn in your side''
. Miozan  ''Ignorance''
. More Than Ever  ''Silent and cold''
. Morning Before  ''Sunblind''
. Narziss  ''Die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt''
. Narziss  ''Hope dies''
. Narziss  ''Solang das herz schl''
. Never Face Defeat  ''Remember your heartbeat''
. Nyari  ''Your nation is dead''
. Nyari  ''''
. Optimist  ''Mmxll''
. Out Of Step  ''Mr x and mr t''
. Paint The Town Red  ''Pt II home is where the hate is''
. Pete Mosh  ''The world is a gym''
. Pole  ''The wind''
. Pole  ''180''
. Pole  ''Sky conquerors are falling from the sun''
. Proof  ''S/t''
. Prophecy Of Rage  ''Wrong in the end''
. Rancor  ''Distinguish''
. Realign  ''Stagnation is death''
. Reply  ''A trail of ....''
. Revive  ''Beliefs of an old past''
. Rise From Above  ''Phoenix''
. Roodmass  ''We re getting closer''
. Self Conquest  ''Schatten deiner ''
. Settle The Score  ''S/t''
. Settle The Score  ''Royal flash''
. Shortage  ''The fine line between love & hate''
. Shortcut  ''Join the battle''
. Sidekick  ''99''
. Six Reasons To Kill  ''Kiss the demon''
. Six Reasons To Kill  ''Reborn''
. Six Reasons To Kill  ''Morphology of fear''
. Sixth Avenue  ''Hope is the last to die''
. Submit  ''Beginning of the madness''
. Suction  ''An image of fragility''
. Sunday Inn  ''As if''
. Surface  ''Shadows cast by the light''
. Surface  ''To millenium...and beyond''
. Tinta Leal  ''Take control''
. Tonedown  ''Berlin - warsaw - moscow''
. Treadmill  ''S/t''
. Treadmill  ''Stand up for ?''
. V/a 2 Friends  ''North meets south''
. V/a Beniihana  ''The crossroad project''
. V/a Dead Serious  ''Summer 04''
. V/a Deadserious  ''Freeware #3''
. V/a Let It Burn - Jttp  ''Let it burn vs. Join the teamplayer''
. V/a Lifeforce  ''S/t''
. V/a Lifeforce  ''Summer sampler 2004''
. V/a Lost And Found  ''European hardcore,the way it is''
. V/a Millipede  ''S/t''
. V/a Swellcreek  ''Suck this city 9''
. Violence Approved  ''No free rides''
. What It Was  ''Cold''
. Yage  ''3-17 october 1984''

» Related fanzines, magazines

. Inside View  ''''

» Related webzines

. Music Hunter
. Outlaw Media
. Europeanhardcore
. Fomp Dot De - The Forward Thinking Youth
. Hardcore In Saxony
. Helldriver Magazine
. In Your Face
. Mönchengladbach Hardcore Site
. Sanctuary Mosh
. Slamdancers
. With Love The Underground

» Related labels

. Alveran Records
. Bastardized Records
. Beniihana Records
. Circulation Records
. Dead Serious Records
. Demons Run Amok Records
. District 763 Records
. Filled With Hate Records
. Gain Ground Records
. Kingfisher Records
. Let It Burn Records
. Lifeforce Records
. Lost And Found Records
. Mad Mob Records
. March Through Records
. Nova Records
. Nuclear Blast Records
. Pateline Industries Records
. Spill The Blood Records
. Swellcreek Records
. True Till Deaf Records
. Voice Of Life Records
. Winter Records

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