JUST WENT BLACK | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

» Releases :
» Biography
The release of a 4-song demotape in early 2002, it took several line up changes and some downtimes to mould into the band that recorded the debut "balancing reasons in an unbalanced world"(released on Assault Records) in the fall of 2003. JUST WENT BLACK's sound is build on an often fast and straight forward, yet always highly melodic old school hardcore groundwork, blending in with some rather classic punk rock and some mosh parts. All this is thrown together in short and explosive but still complex songs.
Despite the melodic guitars, the fierce and aggressive vocals do justice to the dark and honest lyrics, fueled by the frustration and tragedy of everyday life. Just as the music refuses to be categorized, so does the band itself, playing shows to different audiences of the nowadays widely separated punk and hardcore
» Country : Germany » Hit profil : 1213
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