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Still Life Records


598 NARZISS "Hope dies" (mcd) pix in the database

New CDep of Narziss,all lyrics now in english - belgian mosh swedish melodies.


500 NARZISS "Die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt" (cd) pix in the database

Back in 2002 for a great record we could call a symbol for the german metalcore scene. The early years of 2000 have seen a lot of big acts in germany like Heaven Shall Burn, Absidia, Caliban, Maroon, Fear My Thoughts, Neaera between many others. These bands have delivered a style that have influenced the hole world and led to the now well known metalcore FM who in my opinion poison the world of extrem music. "Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt" is the second release of Narziss and its best one without a doubt. Angered vocals, a very particular sound with no medium, furious drums, you'll find here nine tracks of a spirited and excellent metalcore record.
by xPierrex


1. Griff nach den Sternen
2. Entstelltes Bild
3. Gotteskrieger
4. Totenk

479 REPLY "A trail of ...." (cd)


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