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1254 RANCOR "Distinguish" (cd) pix in the database

Pre Born From Pain members - Lifeforce records


1. Bane
2. Baphomet
3. Manducation
4. Infinity
5. Perish
6. Lured discipline

1242 FRAMEWORK "Never again" (cd)

Syracuse straight edge band, who later morphed into Earth Crisis.


1. Justice Coming
2. Hidden
3. Deteriorate
4. Broken Mirror
5. Fuse
6. Tear Me Down
7. Never again
8. Gatekeeper
9. Struggle

1087 POLE "180" (mcd) pix in the database


1. Contemplation
2. Daybreak
3. A New Story
4. Enemy
5. Estranged

1076 SOULSTICE "Raze the earth" (cd) pix in the database


1. Nothing But Despair
2. Crusader
3. Purge
4. Uncovered
5. Raze The Earth
6. Unbroken
7. Rejection
8. Ignite The Flame
9. Escape

999 UNCONQUERED "Wall of time" (cd) pix in the database


1. False Humanity
2. 2000 A New Millenium
3. This Life, Through My Eyes
4. Eluding The Truth
5. Wall Of Time
6. God Killer
7. Empty
8. Lies
9. Theft Of Innocence
10. Fallen
11. Entombed
12. My Pain
13. Final Judgement

866 UNBORN "Truth against the world" (mcd) pix in the database

Hardline metallic hardcore


1. Eternal Resistance
2. Wrath Of Persistance
3. Blood And Time At The End Of The World
4. Free To Be Human

838 DISRESPECT "Meriadan" (7) pix in the database


1. meriadan
2. killer of a thousand souls

758 SUNRISE "Traces to nowhere" (cd) pix in the database

What a disappointment regarding the new album of this Poland band. Their previous stuff was good as hell, "Traces To Nowhere" is definitely not in the same way.
The music is good, metal as usual, but the vocals, i can't support it anymore. Monotonous and classic boring metal vocals, not really interesting and pretty outdated in a time where metal bands work on the vocals diversity. When i listen to the cd, i focus on the voice and i try to imagine Sunrise with just an energic screamed vocal style, damn it that will be rad!
Nothing more to say except that we can find the hardcore element of Sunrise in the lyrics which deal with social problems of a relatively poor country like Poland.

Heres a biography of the band :
Sunrise started in 1994/1995 in Ostrowiec Św./Poland. 4 kids, who were pretty pissed off, coming from a punk and metal background, all psyched with HC teamed up together to create a unit to provoke people in their local scene and make them think while trying to promote fun.
In the summer of 1995 they started rehearsing and the first show happened on New Year's Eve 1995/96 in Dąbrowa G

755 V/A LIFEFORCE "Summer sampler 2004" (cd)

Free sampler featuring lastest Lifeforce bands : Destiny, Burning Skies, Deadsoil, Caliban, Herod, Cipher System etc... 15 total tracks.


1. Destiny : your diary
2. Fear My Thought : rituals
3. Herod : that green feeling
4. Cipher System : in perfection
5. The Lost : moment to moment
6. Burning Skies : murder by means of existence
7. Heaven Shall Burn : the weapon they fear
8. By Night : lamentation
9. Deadsoil : the promise
10. Sunrise : once we swore
11. Trivium : ember to inferno
12. Liar : frosbite
13. Cataract : the weapon
14. The Underwater : bring me you
15. Caliban : storm of rage

664 SUNRISE "Decontaminate" (cd) pix in the database

Split cd with LIAR

review soon

663 LIAR "Decontaminate" (cd) mp3 in da base

Split with SUNRISE

review soon

632 WILLIAM "Tints and shades" (cd)

Will Goodyear is known for his clear vocals and playing drums in such bands like PRAYER FOR CLEANSING and BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME. Since his departure from BTBAM he started a completely new musical "career", presented on this very laid-back and emotional CD called "Tints And Shades" on the reanimated Impression Music label.
The most impressive fact is that Will Goodyear arranged the whole album by himself, so that you could call WILLIAM a "one-man-band". His vocal capabilities should be known from his previous bands (especially from BTBAM). His clear voice is great, reminding me sometimes of River Cuomo`s (WEEZER).
Within the eleven songs he shows that he is also very talented in songwriting and arranging the songs with a slight depressive, yet melodic touch to it. This is also displayed in the lyrics...
Nice emotional Indie/Pop Rock album leaving the impression behind that you just listened to a great songwriter...

John Doe -

631 MINDFIELD "Be-low" (cd)

"Be-Low" is definitely not your conventional Lifeforce Records release...the label put a MINDFIELD Mp3 online already a long time ago and I was really stunnished by this song cause it was a beautiful display of modern and very atmospherical Metal Rock music.
Now having heard the whole "Be-Low" album, I am happy that all the songs go into this direction.
This CD has a lot to offer but it all comes down to one main theme which is the appearance of lots of beautiful, almost epic and balladesque melodies without getting pathetic at all and never missing the power and aggression of Metal.
A delightful clear, yet slightly rough voice by Danny Kabus melts perfectly with the musical elements. There can no screaming or shouting whatsoever be found on this record...just clear vocals. A part that I really like very much...
The whole album has a great atmosphere. Besides the mentioned facts, helping a lot of course is the tremendous production and the use of Gothic elements and keyboards now and then.
Although I am quite sure that the average HC kid will not like MINDFIELD, while Metalheads who are in search for atmospherical, emotional and sophisticated Metal will dig "Be-Low" a lot...

john doe -

572 CALIBAN "Shadow hearts" (cd) pix in the database

The long awaited follow up to their amazing album "vent" and another milestone in the bands history.great music, great artwork

555 BEYOND THE SIXTH SEAL "Earth and sphere" (cd)

Second release after their CDep "A homicide divine".
Very aggressive and at the same time high melodic deathmetal by this New England band. Featuring members of The Red Chord.

528 END THIS DAY "Sleeping beneath the ashes of creation" (cd) pix in the database

Debut album by this young band from WI, Blending the melody of European metal with the energy of American hardcore in a unique way, endthisday forges a new path for metal in the hardcore world. They combine blistering speed picking, massive breakdowns, catchy sing-alongs, and other well-rounded elements into their music, but never lose sight of what they set out to do: Write exceptional songs.

527 CATARACT "Martyr" (mcd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Cataract is the latest and most intensive incarnation of a long legacy of brutal bands. Born out of the now defunct Swiss powerhouse mine.

496 HEAVEN SHALL BURN "Whatever it may take" (cd) pix in the database

484 ALL THAT REMAINS "Behind silence and solitude" (cd)

Tracklist :


482 THE YEAR OF OUR LORD "" (cd) pix in the database

350 SHED "Shades of death" (mcd)

Is there something wrong with me or why i'm fixated on NJ bands and as for Finland, Lappeenranta bands. Ok i certainly have to write more ofter and more diverse range around this country, but this time it's again LPR shit coming up. Once upon a time there was a strong straight edge scene here in Finland, but nowdays there's only a memory of it. I myself of course didn't even get to see all that happening, being so young, blind and also quite sure stupid too. But what is sure as hell they had really good bands too back then. One of them, not maybe that widely known is Lappeenranta's very own deathmetal or you could say nowdays, metalcore outfit, Shed. They were all out straight edge band, that featured members that nowdays are still intact to hardcore scene here. Many from sxe glory days might not be edge anymore, but who really cares, everyone makes their own choices. Anyways, it's weird that kids haven't heard of this band because they even released a mcd titled Shades Of Death through Impression Records in 1999 (that would ultimately be Lifeforce Records in the future, that one you might know, right?). Shed had also a demo, witch i happen to have thanks to my friend Pekka of Worth The Pain -awesome (another LPR crew again, heh) band, check them out here. I don't have track names for the demo songs, so you will be entertained by tunes from Shades Of Death mcd. Shed created brutal metal that was combined into fury of hardcore and the outcome is pretty serious stuff. If you'd want some comprasions, try the old H8000 shit. Demo has also pretty evil tracks too, but i won't put 'em on without names and so on, sorry. Today there's newer band called Loss Of Humanity, who has continued to carry on legacy of Shed, at least in musical style taking influences from them, but more of those kids later. So hit it up and let me know what you think, it's a bad ass mcd for sure.


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