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the oncoming storm
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Metalblade records
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Landmine Marathon
Never Face Defeat
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Dew Scented
''issue vi''
Born From Pain
''in the love...''
When Freedom Dies
''demo cd''
Cast Aside
''the struggle''
Blood 4 Blood
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Inner Rage Records
Unityhxc.com | Your review of Choleric
''Weed out the week , when the sun goes down ''
I think these guys have it! When I say ''have it'' I mean they are infinite,they are so versitile that they could do whatever they want as far as music goes! I have heard 3 songs by them and they are when the sun goes down,friends like you and predator is prey.All 3 of these songs sound different and all 3 kick a$$! So check them out at www.cholericmusic.com or search the net for choleric they are the only ones you will find!
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» reviewed 2003-01-20 by
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100 Demons - s/t
18 Visions - the best of
25 Ta Life - keeping it real
50caliber/ Die My Demon - splitting ammunition
6-dtc - demo
A Death For Every Sin - in a time where hope is lost
Absone - last kiss before
As We Bleed - demo
Bdf/ Denied - live in sin .. face death in judgement
Berzerkers -
Blood 4 Blood - serenity
Bloodshot - a pestilence called humanity
Bored To Death - music is a conspiracy
Born From Pain - sands of time
Born From Pain - in the love of
Burnt By The Sun - same title
By My Fists - d
Caliban - the opposite from within
Cast Aside - the struggle
Catharsis - arsonist prayer
Cheech - a day late & a dollar short
Choleric - weed out the week , when the sun goes down
Congress - resurrection
Covenant - compil
Crawlspace / Full Court Press - the art of warfare
Crossing Point - the path less travelled
Day Of Contempt - see through the lies
Deformity - murder within sin
Deformity - superior
Dein Schatten - s/t
Dein Schatten - s/t
Deviate - red asunder
Dew Scented - inwards
Dew Scented - issue vi
Die...my Demon - love the game...hate the players
Do Or Die - heart full of pain
Do Or Die - the meaning of honour
Do Or Die - heart full of pain
Dropkick Murphys - blackout
End Of Days - hate anthems
Explicit Silence - nothing lasts forever
Fat Society - through the pain i suffer with a smile
Few Left Standing - regeneration of self
Field Of Illusion - demo 2001
FTX - Nevers hardcore
Ftx - life is too short
Full Blown Chaos - full blown chaos
Galahad - Dark Anthem
Grayhound - the sound & the fury demo 2004!!!
Grimlock - crusher (2004)
Hamartia - to play the day
HATE PM - No mind\'s land
Hate Pm - Weda - Ncid - ... in a split story
Hatebreed - perseverance
Hatebreed - perseverance
Hatebreed - perseverance
Hatebreed - the rise of brutality
Isis - oceanic
Jane - romeo is dead
Kickback - les 150 passions meutrieres
Killswitch Engage - alive or just breathing
Knuckledust - universal struggle
Lamb Of God - New American gospel
Last Quiet Time - last quiet time demo
LAWSTREET 16 - demo 2002
Length Of Time - antiworld
Los Crudos - el ultimo concierto
Madball - best of madball
Mantra - man of darkness vs. woman of light
Maypole - burning in water * drowning in flame
MENTAL IMP - the day after superbilly came
N.C.I.D - Straight to ourselves
Naiad - hardcore emotion
Naop - hard to eny
Narziss - all hope dies
Negate - dead guy palace
No Innocent Victim - tipping the scales
No Turning Back - damage done
None Shall Be Saved - choose your side
Nostradamus0014 - nostra ...
Nostradamus0014 - nostradamus 0014
Off My Chest - demo 2004
Outrage - disharmony brings harmony
Point Of Recognition - refresh renew
Purgatory - hate and fear
Purification - 1996/2000
Purification / Unborn - split cd
Reprisal - mail order knife set
Security Threat - the order
Sentence - war
Shedding Skin - protection
Shedding Skin - zero.com -2004- 16 titres
Shortage - control_1.0
Snapcase - end transmission
State Craft - to celebrate the forlorn season
Stigmata - do unto others ... before they do unto you
Strife - angermeans
Strife - angermeans
Strife - angermeans
Sworn Enemy - integrity defines strength
Terror - lowest of the low
The Blue Bloods - the blue bloods
Trapped In Life - c16 blood and gold
Trapped In Life - 12 icons
Underule - misfortune comes by means of the mouth
Upperhand - hope for nothing
Vile - empire down
Vile - empire down
VITAMIN X - see thru their lies
When Freedom Dies - demo cd
Wings Of Scarlet - before the great collapse
Xborn Of Firex - demo
Xborn Of Firex - sticky demo 96
Xchildren Of Gaiax - i pray to watch you bleed
Xdisciple Ad X - the revelation (2003)
Xkombatx - when silence makes you deaf
Xmaroonx - antagonist
Xmaroonx - antagonist
ZEBARGES - De troyes rock city
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