ADAMANTIUM | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
Derived from the strongest of elements, Adamantium is a band that defies categorization, fusing together the best of punk, metal and hardcore with intense honesty and emotion. The members of Adamantium have created a sound that is simply striking in its power, yet intrinsically personal in its vision. As the band prepares for the release of the new record, and yet another tour, we caught up with Aaron Lisi to catch a glimpse of what drives this incredible band...
As heavy as the music Adamantium composes, the bands moniker is one that undoubtedly begs for explanation to the uninitiated. "The name Adamantium came from our original bass player," Lisi says. "He was a comic book fan, and he derived the name from the X-Men character Wolverine, who
» Country : U S A » Hit profil : 3225
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