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DA SECT ''Borough heavyweights'' | Backside records
"Borough heavyweights"
Backside records
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€ 4 »
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
x Da sect x
Lost commitments
Mastha o no mercy
Beatdown * Bulldoze
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100 Demons ''S/t''
100 Demons ''In the eyes of...''
108 ''Curse of instinct''
25 Ta Life ''Friendship...''
25 Ta Life ''S/t''
4 In Tha Chamber ''Existence''
4 In Tha Chamber ''Memories die''
4 In Tha Chamber ''Not for the weak...''
43 Urban ''Street metal''
43 Urban ''History x''
50 Caliber ''Internal bleeding''
6 Dtc ''S/t''
7 Angels 7 Plagues ''Until the day...''
7 Seconds ''Take it back,...''
A 18 ''...''
A Better Tomorrow ''S/t''
A Day Refrain ''The Fiberglass...''
A Death For Every Sin ''In a time where...''
A Death For Every Sin ''God s final...''
A Life Once Lost ''A great artist''
A Perfect Murder ''War of aggression''
A Shroud Cast Over ''S/t''
Abhinanda ''Senseless''
Abnegation ''Verses of the...''
Above This Fire ''In perspective''
Absconded ''Five year plan''
Absence ''Shall the...''
Absidia ''Morphology of fear''
Absone ''''
Absone ''S/t''
Acedia ''S/t''
Acedia ''Everyone you...''
Adamantium ''From the depths...''
Adamantium ''Traditions''
Adept ''The rose will...''
Adjudgement ''Information...''
After All ''S/t''
After The Fall ''S/t''
Aftermath Of A Trainwreck ''Horseshoes and...''
Aftershock ''Letters''
Aftershock ''Through the...''
Against The Grain ''War stories''
Against The Grain ''Mentiroso''
Age Of Disgrace ''Those who persist''
Age Of Ruin ''The opium dead''
Age Of Ruin ''The tides of...''
Agnostic Front ''Dead yuppies''
Agnostic Front / Discpline ''Working class...''
Agoraphobic Nosebleed ''The poacher...''
Alcatraz ''S/t''
Alea Jacta Est ''Demo 2007''
Alea Jacta Est ''Split cd 2008''
All Bets Off ''Two new songs''
All Is Lost ''No hope''
All Is Suffering ''S/t''
All Out War ''Truth in the age...''
All Out War ''Condemned to...''
All Out War ''Assassins in the...''
All Out War ''For those who...''
All Out War ''Hymns of the...''
All Out War ''Destined to burn''
All Out War ''Truth in the age...''
All Spyz ''S/t''
All That Remains ''Behind silence...''
Allegiance ''Desperation''
Alterkation ''Heaven hath no...''
Among The Living ''Broken foundation''
Anah Aevia ''Realise you re...''
Ananda ''Profane''
Anchor ''First year''
Angel Crew ''Another day...''
Another Day ''S/t''
Another Nothing ''New breed''
Apathemy ''Encased in black...''
Apathy ''What the dead see...''
Arameus ''Is your...''
Aria ''As if forever...''
Arise Of Judgement ''A war to end it...''
Arkangel ''Hope you die by...''
Arkangel ''Prayers upon deaf...''
Arkangel ''Dead man walking''
Arkangel ''Prayers Upon Deaf...''
Arkham ''The wrath''
Arma Angelus ''Where...''
Arma Angelus ''The grave end of...''
Arson ''Written in blood''
Arson ''Less perfect than...''
Arson ''Lacerate the sky''
As I Bleed ''Fire in summer''
As I Bleed ''S/t''
As We Bleed ''''
As We Fight ''The darkness of...''
As We Fight ''Black nails and...''
Ascension ''The years of fire''
Ascension ''Abomination''
Ashlar ''Enthroned in a...''
Assert ''Left opposition''
Assert ''More than a...''
Assert ''Riotous assembly''
Astro Zombies Ad ''Mutants at mosa...''
At Hopes End ''Demo''
At The Drive-in ''Relationship of...''
Awaken ''S/t''
Awaken ''All that glitters...''
Awaken Demons ''From heaven to...''
Awkward Thought ''S/t''
Awkward Thought ''Split release''
Awkward Thought ''Ruin a good time''
Awoken ''Take aim''
Awoken ''Demo 2005''
Awol ''A way of life''
Axp ''The devil we dont...''
Back Against The Wall ''Down to earth''
Back Down ''Pushing Forward''
Backfire ''Choose my own path''
Backfire ''Change the game''
Backhand ''2003 demo''
Backhand ''Love all''
Backslap ''Find yourself''
Backstab ''Demo 2007''
Backstabbers ''S/t''
Ballroom ''The race with the...''
Bane ''It all comes down...''
Barcode ''Showdown''
Battery ''Only the diehard...''
Battery ''Let the past go''
Beans ''So it goes''
Beat Down ''Blood n tears''
Beat Down Fury ''First family''
Beecher ''Breaking the...''
Beecher ''This elegy, his...''
Beneath The Remains ''Quest of the lost...''
Beneath The Remains ''''
Beneath The Remains/facedown Nj ''Split 4''
Berzerkers ''Cut throat words''
Bestiary ''The loscust, the...''
Betrayed ''Addiction''
Betrayed ''Substance''
Between The Buried And Me ''''
Between The Buried And Me ''The silent circus''
Beyond Reason ''The demands of...''
Beyond The Sixth Seal ''Earth and sphere''
Billy Club Sandwich ''...hold the...''
Billy The Kid ''Jonestown''
Birthright ''Out of darkness''
Black My Heart ''Before the devil''
Bleed Into One ''Words cant save...''
Bleeding Heart ''2 song promo''
Blood For Blood ''Livin in exile''
Blood For Blood ''Serenity''
Blood Is The Harvest ''Till the bitter...''
Bloodjinn ''Leave this world...''
Bloodlined Calligraphy ''Say hi to the bad...''
Bloodlined Calligraphy ''Ypsilanti''
Bloodlined Calligraphy ''They want you...''
Bloodshot ''Carnal assault...''
Bloodshot ''A pestilence...''
Bloodsport ''Warrior beast...''
Bloodstained ''Saligia''
Bloodties ''Into the dark...''
Bloodties ''S/t''
Bloody Sunday ''They attack at...''
Bobby Peru ''S/t''
Born From Pain ''Reclaiming the...''
Born From Pain ''S/t''
Born From Pain ''Sands of time''
Botch ''We are the romans''
Botch ''An anthology of...''
Bounz The Ball ''Companeros de vida''
Boxcutter ''Thug rock''
Boy Sets Fire ''S/t''
Boy Sets Fire ''Live for today''
Bravestar ''Demo 2007''
Break It Up ''S/t''
Break Of Dawn ''S/t''
Break Your Fist ''Face to face''
Breakdown ''Plus minus''
Breed 77 ''The message''
Brethren ''To live again''
Brethren ''No regrets''
Bridge To Solace ''Where nightmares...''
Brightside ''Punchline''
Bring It On ''Payback''
Broken Fist ''Berlin - warsaw -...''
Broken Oath ''What lies ahead''
Broken Promises ''Dying before the...''
Brother S Keeper ''Ladder''
Brother S Keeper ''Forever never...''
Building ''S/t''
Built To Last ''...and knowing is...''
Bulldoze ''The final beatdown''
Burden ''With every step...''
Buried Alive ''The death of your...''
Burn ''Cleanse''
Burn Hollywood Burn ''It shouts and...''
Burning Skies ''Premonition of...''
Burnside ''Vision of serenity''
Burst ''''
Burst One S Side ''Tight''
Bury Your Dead ''Cover your tracks''
Bury Your Dead ''You had me at...''
Bust The Chain ''Burned bridges''
Butt Plug ''S/t''
By My Fists ''Demo 2003''
By My Hands ''Demo''
Cain ''Choke the sun''
Caliban ''Shadow hearts''
Callisto ''Ordeal of the...''
Cameran ''S/t''
Camorra ''Guidance''
Canaan ''Gehenna made flesh''
Canvas ''S/t''
Canvas ''Lost in rock''
Capdown ''Civil disobedients''
Capdown ''Time for change''
Carry On ''A life less...''
Carved In Stone ''Demo''
Cassandra ''Pay us suicide...''
Cast Aside ''The struggle''
Cast Aside ''Overcome''
Cast In Fire ''S/t''
Castahead ''S/t''
Cataract ''War anthems''
Cataract ''Martyr''
Cataract ''S/t''
Catharsis ''Arsonist s prayer''
Cave In ''Until your heart...''
Cave In ''Creative eclipse''
Cave In ''Jupiter''
Cdc ''Demo 2003''
Cease ''S/t''
Cease To Exist ''Demo 2003''
Ceasefire ''The cycle of...''
Center Of Zero ''S/t''
Chain Of Strength ''The one thing...''
Chalice ''Deathmask grin''
Chamberlain ''Vive year diary...''
Change The World ''Sinking sun''
Cheech ''A day late and a...''
Cheech ''Keep your pimp...''
Children ''Impedimenta''
Chokehold ''Content with dying''
Choleric ''Weed out the week...''
Christiansen ''Emphasizing...''
Cipher ''Protoculture''
Cipher ''Recognize''
Civil Disorder ''''
Claim The Crown ''Who s the king ?''
Cleanser ''S/t''
Cleansweep ''A fight far...''
Clear ''Tha sickness must...''
Clear Convictions ''Warning''
Clenched Fist ''S/t''
Closer Than Kin/none But Burning ''S/t''
Coalition ''The ignition:from...''
Coalition Against Shane ''Down with the king''
Coalition Against Shane ''Keepin' the dogs...''
Codeseven ''Division of labor''
Cold As Life ''Declination of...''
Cold Hard Truth ''Reflect the...''
Cold Steel ''Forget your...''
Comin Correct ''One scene unity''
Comin Correct ''Split release''
Comin Correct ''In memory of''
Comin Correct ''Alive and kicking''
Comin Correct ''Hardcore pride''
Comity ''The Deus...''
Comun Y Corriente ''S/t''
Concrete Warfare ''S/t''
Confusion ''Taste of hate''
Congress ''Resurrection''
Congress ''Angry with the sun''
Congress ''Stake through the...''
Congress ''Blackened...''
Constraint ''And what we do...''
Contempt ''One justice''
Contenders For The Crown ''S/t''
Convent ''Birth''
Converge ''The poacher...''
Convicted Truth ''Words of...''
Copykill ''S/t''
Copykill ''Victim or witness''
Count The Cost ''Tried and true''
Count To React ''Demo 2004''
Count To React ''Out for the count''
Countime ''Broken blinded...''
Course Of Action ''...no redeeming...''
Covenant ''Part 2''
Coverhate ''S/t''
Crawlspace ''Don t get...''
Crawlspace / Full Court Press ''The art of warfare''
Crippler Lbu ''S/t''
Crisis Never Ends ''The human...''
Crossbreed ''The stamp of hate''
Crosscurrent ''S/t''
Crowleys Passion ''Love kills''
Crowleys Passion ''Demo''
Crowleys Passion ''In my blood''
Cry For Change ''S/t''
Crystal Lake ''Dimension''
Culture ''Born of you''
Culture ''Deforestation''
Culture ''Split cd''
Culture ''Heteronome''
Cutdown ''Kontula style''
Cwill ''Beyond reality''
Cwill ''Nations''
D-fact ''The war undone''
D.o.a. ''Triumph of the...''
Da Sect ''Borough...''
Damage Control ''Can't keep us down''
Damnation ''The hangman''
Damnation Ad ''In this life or...''
Danny Diablo ''Dollerz Make Sense''
Dark Day Dungeon ''S/t''
Dark Day Dungeon ''Know your enemy''
Dark Orchestra ''4 people, 4 knobs''
Darkest Hour ''So sedated,so...''
Darkest Hour ''Hidden hands of a...''
Darkest Hour ''Deliver us''
Darkside Nyc ''Ambitions make...''
Darwin ''In the eye of the...''
Dawn Of Anger ''S/t''
Dawn Of Orion ''On broken wings''
Dawn Of Orion ''For the lust of...''
Day Of Contempt ''S/t''
Day Of Contempt ''See through the...''
Day Of Mourning ''Your future s end''
Day Of Mourning ''Reborn as the...''
Day Of Mourning ''S/t''
Day Of Mourning ''A move towards...''
Day Of Suffering ''The eternal jihad''
Daylight ''Vague pictures of...''
Daylight ''The dead end kids''
Days Of Discord ''The thong behind...''
Days Of Discord ''Rise of violence''
DCA ''Upsurge''
Dead 50s ''Standing on the...''
Dead And Buried ''The company i keep''
Dead By Dawn ''New sounds of...''
Dead Man S Chest ''Hateline''
Dead Man Walking ''Screaming past...''
Dead Pop Club ''Autopilot off''
Dead Reprise ''Death of a nation''
Dead Reprise ''Day of defiance''
Dead To Fall ''Everything i...''
Dead To Fall ''Villainy and...''
Deadlock ''I ll make you''
Deadlock ''The arrival''
Deadscore ''Built to last''
Deadstyler ''Sie ist sufs''
Death Before Disco ''S/t''
Death Before Dishonor ''Wartime''
Death Before Dishonor ''Friends family...''
Death Before Dishonor ''Count me in''
Death By Stereo ''Day of the death''
Death By Virtue ''S/t''
Death Or Glory ''Your choice''
Death Threat ''For god &...''
Death Threat ''Peace and security''
Deathstar ''The triumph''
December ''Praying, hoping,...''
December Peals ''First in flight''
Decline ''Damaged''
Decontaminate ''S/t''
Defdump ''Circle's closing''
Defdump ''David vs...''
Deformity ''Murder within sin''
Deformity ''Misanthrope''
Degradation ''''
Dehanza ''S/t''
Denied Reality ''S/t''
Denied Reality ''Leviathan''
Dent ''S/t''
Despair ''Kill''
Destiny ''Diving into...''
Deviate ''State of grace''
Deviate ''Red asunder''
Deviate ''Crisis of...''
Device ''Has been''
Device ''S/t''
Devil Inside ''36 karat''
Dias De Agonia ''El renacer de...''
Die My Demon ''Love The Game......''
Die My Will ''...and still we...''
Die My Will ''S/t''
Die My Will ''Split cd''
Die Young ''The message''
Disciple ''No blood, no...''
Disciple ''Scarab''
Disciple Ad ''Doxology''
Disciplinary Action ''S/t''
Discipline ''Nice boys finish...''
Discipline ''Everywhere we go''
Discipline ''Saints and sinners''
Discipline ''Working class...''
Diseptikons ''Solutions...''
Dispel The Crowd ''Declaration''
Disrespect ''Eternal mayhem''
Disrespect ''Hit the ceiling''
Disrespect ''Meriadan''
Disrespect ''99''
Distract ''Humanitywhispers...''
District 9 ''Schoolahardknox''
Distrust ''No good deed...''
Disturb ''The last resort''
Disturb ''The worst is to...''
Disturb ''From south we rise''
Dmize ''Backlash''
Do Or Die ''Heart full o fpain''
Do Or Die ''The meaning of...''
Dodgin Bullets ''Soundtrack to the...''
Dodgin Bullets ''World wide war''
Doggystyle ''Self inflicted...''
Doggystyle ''Salvation''
Down For Life ''It's always the...''
Down My Throat ''Real heroes die''
Down My Throat ''Through the river...''
Down To Nothing ''The most''
Down To This ''Life blood''
Downlow ''Slipping from...''
Downpour ''Footsteps over...''
Downset ''Check your people''
Downshot ''Payback's bitch''
Downshot ''King of the meek''
Dragbody ''Flip the kill...''
Drift ''Stalkin like...''
Driven ''Cowardice...''
Dropgod ''S/t''
Drown In Frustration ''Already fallen''
Drowning ''S/t''
Drowning ''S/t''
Dusk Within ''S/t''
Dusk Within/unsafe/own Decision ''Here we set the...''
E Town Concrete ''Time 2 shine''
E Town Concrete ''Fuck the world''
E Town Concrete ''The renaissance''
Earth Crisis ''Nemesis''
Earth Crisis ''All out war''
Earth Crisis ''Firestorm''
Earth Crisis ''The oath that...''
Earth Crisis ''Destroy the...''
Earthmover ''Death carved in...''
Ecorche ''S/t''
Edge Of Mortality ''S/t''
Edgewise ''S/t''
Eight Degrees ''Swam the waters''
Eighteen Visions ''Lifeless''
Eighteen Visions ''Until the ink...''
Elision ''Nephilim''
Ember ''One cell will...''
Embers ''The first squall...''
Embers ''The bird fly again''
Emmure ''Goodbye to the...''
Empathy ''Burning from the...''
Empire Falls ''The lines have...''
End Begins ''One step back''
End Of Days ''Three song demo cd''
End Of Days ''Hate anthems''
End Of One ''The aftermath''
End Of Statement ''S/t''
End On End ''Why evolve when...''
End This Day ''Sleeping beneath...''
End To End ''Dedicated to the...''
Endeavor ''Of equality''
Endeavor ''Crazier than a...''
Endeavor ''Constructive...''
Endpoint ''If the spirits...''
Enemy Ground ''In memory of them...''
Enemy Of The Sun ''S/t''
Enemy Of The Sun ''Eclipse''
Enrage ''The definitive''
Enrage ''Sins of release''
Ensign ''Direction of...''
Envision ''The season of...''
Envy ''All the...''
Es La Guerilla ''...the movie''
Eso Charis ''S/t''
Esprit Du Clan ''Chapitre 0''
Esprit Du Clan ''Universel''
Esprit Du Clan ''Chapitre 1''
Esprit Du Clan ''Reverence''
Eventide ''One word title''
Evergreen Terrace ''Losing all hope...''
Evergreen Terrace ''Writer s block''
Evergreen Terrace ''S/t''
Eviscerate Ad ''What lies ahead''
Excessive Force ''In your blood''
Exit Wounds ''Return fire''
Explicit Silence ''S/t''
Explicit Silence ''Demo 2001''
Extinction ''Hypocrisy breeds...''
Extinguish ''Downfall of...''
Eye Of Judgement ''The war has begun''
Eye To Eye ''Split''
Face Down ''Blinded by...''
Facedown ''...''
Faction Zero ''War stories''
Faction Zero ''S/t''
Fall From Grace ''S/t''
Fall Of A Season ''After the last...''
Fall Of Serenity ''Smoldering doom''
Fall Of Serenity ''Grey man s requiem''
Fall Silent ''Superstructure''
Falling Cycle ''The conflict''
Fast Times ''Where were you''
Fast Times ''Counting down''
Fat Ass ''Split cd 2008''
Fat Ass ''Past Is Lost...''
Fat Nuts ''Settin it straight''
Fat Society ''Demo''
Fat Society ''Through the pain...''
Fat Society ''Illusion s demise''
Fatality ''NY state of mind''
Fear My Thoughts ''Vitriol''
Few Left Standing ''Regeneration of...''
Field Of Hate ''Blood and steel''
Field Of Illusion ''Demo2000''
Field Of Illusion ''Demo2001''
Field Of Illusion ''Deceit''
Fight Everyone ''Up against the...''
Figure Four ''No weapon formed...''
Figure Four ''S/t''
Figure Four ''When it s all...''
Final Fight ''Demo 2003''
Final Fight ''Under attack''
Final Prayer ''Right here right...''
Final Stand ''The only...''
Final Word ''Fools like you''
Finger Print ''Discographie''
Fingerprint ''S/t''
First Alliance ''Claiming the...''
First Base ''Reach out''
First Blood (fr) ''S/t''
Five Minute Major ''When it ends''
Flitox ''N 1''
Floorpunch ''Fast times at ...''
For The Glory ''Drown in blood''
For The Love Of ''In consequence''
For The Love Of ''Feasting on the...''
For The Real ''S/t''
Force ''S/t''
Force Of Change ''The bond we share''
Foreclosure ''Unfolding thoughts''
Forest In Blood ''What a wonderful...''
Forge ''Speed and timing''
Foundation ''S/t''
Fragment ''...answers...''
Fragment ''Angels never came''
Fragment ''Angels never came''
Framework ''Never again''
Freya ''As the last light...''
From Ashes Rise ''S/t''
From My Hands ''From hatred to...''
From The Dying Sky ''Truth's last...''
Frontal ''Vida convicta''
Frontside ''S/t''
Ftx ''Life is too short''
Fugue ''Proof of the man''
Full Blown Chaos ''S/t''
Full Court Press ''S/t''
Full Court Press ''The art of warfare''
Full In Your Face ''Everytime the...''
Fury For Another ''S/t''
Fury Of Five ''Telling it like...''
Galahad ''Dark anthem''
Gameness ''No unusual...''
Gameness ''S/t''
Gantz ''Les jours...''
Garlic Boys ''Poem''
Garlic Boys ''Love''
Get Lost ''Demo 2005''
God S Heritage ''Handheld...''
Godbelow ''S/t''
Godless Wicked Creeps ''Smile''
Godsburn ''S/t''
Good Clean Fun ''Positively...''
Grade ''Under the radar''
Grade ''Triumph and...''
Grievance ''S/t''
Grieving Days To Come ''The unsaid...''
Grimlock ''Songs of self''
Grimlock ''Crusade of reality''
Grimlock ''Crusher''
Grimlock ''Songs Of...''
Groundzero ''Split''
H Tray ''Worst times of...''
H Tray ''First demo''
Hamartia ''To play the part''
Hands Upon Salvation ''Celebrate the...''
Hard Resistance ''It s all around''
Hard To Swallow ''Protected by the...''
Hardflip ''Bunkercore''
Hardflip ''Sicknature anthems''
Hardlife ''Victimas del odio''
Hardsell ''Breaking the jaw''
Hardside ''S/t''
Harvest ''Living with a god...''
Hate Force ''Back for more''
Hate Pm ''No mind s land''
Hatebreed ''Under the knife''
Hatebreed ''Satisfaction is...''
Have Heart ''The things we...''
Have Heart ''Songs to scream''
Heaven Shall Burn ''Whatever it may...''
Heaven Shall Burn ''Antigone''
Hell Burns Away ''The vehemence of...''
Hell Burns Away ''Worse than the...''
Hellchild ''Circulating...''
Hellnation ''Dynamite up your...''
Hentai ''S/t''
Hhh ''Making changes''
Hightower ''...''
Hit List ''S/t''
Hk ''S/t''
Holdstrong ''Pursuit in the...''
Holdstrong ''Nothing in return''
Holdstrong ''Gaining ground''
Homestell ''Deceit''
Hoods ''Pray for death''
Hoods ''Time...the...''
Hoods ''The king is dead''
Hoods ''Once again 1996''
Hoods ''Aces''
Hoods ''New blood''
Hopeful ''Demos''
Hopesfall ''The frailty of...''
Horizon ''Where the blind...''
Hotcross ''Cryonics''
Human Demise ''Whitechapel demise''
Hyde ''A beautiful...''
I ''One word''
I Am Afraid To Depress ''S/t''
Ignorance Never Settles ''S/t''
Ill Blood ''The test of time''
Ill Omen ''S/t''
Imballance ''Spouting rhetoric''
Implicate ''S/t''
In Blood We Trust ''Curb games''
In Cold Blood ''Hell on earth''
In Due Time ''Back to basics''
In Dying Days ''After the fire''
In Dying Days ''Life as a...''
In Greed ''Demo''
In Greed ''Unlive''
In My Eyes ''Live in philly''
In My Eyes ''Nothing to hide''
In Quest ''Destination :...''
In Reach ''Seize the day''
In Reach ''Miles to go''
In The Clear ''Out of our past''
Incarnate ''A dark age of lies''
Incoherence ''A world without...''
Incured ''Stand as one''
Indecision ''Release the cure''
Indecision ''Discography''
Indecision ''Most precious...''
Indecision ''Smash tradition''
Indecision ''Youth crew 1995''
Indicate ''S/t''
Indication ''My energy''
Indust ''A quiet place''
Infuriated ''Silent scream''
Inhuman ''Black reign''
Inhuman ''Rebellion''
Inhuman ''Evolver''
Inhuman ''S/t''
Innate ''S/t''
Inner Dam ''When angels fall''
Inner Dam ''Through Darkness,...''
Inner Dam ''Through the eyes...''
Inside Conflict ''Headless''
Inside Conflict ''Unearthed from...''
Inside Conflict ''Spherical mirage''
Inside Conflict / Sylvester Stalline ''''
Inside Me ''La ira de los...''
Inside Out ''No spiritual...''
Instigate ''Darkside forces''
Instil ''Questioning like...''
Integrity ''Systems overload''
Integrity ''Humanity is the...''
Integrity 2000 ''S/t''
Intercede ''S/t''
Internal Affairs ''Casualty of the...''
Intrude ''S/t''
Irate ''Demo''
Irate ''Burden of a...''
Isolated ''Antistyle''
Jane ''A doorway to...''
Jane ''S/t''
Jaymie ''Between a shadow...''
Jetsex ''Demo''
Joshua ''The baggage''
Judgement Day Nyc ''Mind over matter...''
Judoboy ''S/t''
Kafka ''Truths''
Kaiserschnitt 13 ''Three other side''
Karras ''S/t''
Kartel ''Gutter music vol 1''
Kickback ''Cornered''
Kickback ''Forever war''
Kickback ''Les 150 passions...''
Killed By Memories ''Demo2002''
Killed By Memories ''Forever doesn t...''
Kindred ''Split cd''
King Of Clubz ''Time for grievance''
King Of Clubz ''Time of grievance''
Kingpin ''Bad habits die...''
Knockdown ''Violence for...''
Knuckledust ''In yer boat''
Knuckledust ''Smash tradition''
Knuckledust ''Universal struggle''
Knuckledust ''Promises comfort...''
Knuckledust ''London hardcore''
Knuckledust ''Time wont heal...''
Knut ''Diy cd1''
Knut ''Challenger''
Kobayes ''S/t''
Kombat ''When silence...''
Kombat / Cast In Fire ''''
Koroded ''Downstream voyage''
Krull ''Anguish''
Krutch ''Our thing-the...''
Krutch ''S/t''
Ladyluck ''Life in between''
Landmine Marathon ''Wounded''
Landmine Marathon ''Rusted eyes awake''
Lariat ''Manifesto''
Last Dayz ''S/t''
Last Quiet Time ''Demo''
Last Quiet Time ''Demo''
Last To Remain ''Operation beatdown''
Last Year ''Pictures, letters...''
Lawstreet 16 ''Demo 2002''
Lawstreet 16 ''Off the sidewalk''
Leeway ''Born to expire,...''
Lenght Of Time ''How good the...''
Lenght Of Time ''Antiworld''
Let It Die ''Stick to your guns''
Liar ''Liar's hell''
Liar ''Decontaminate''
Liar ''Invictus''
Lickity Split ''S/t''
Life As War ''To tell you this''
Life Or Death ''Sentenced''
Lifebleed ''A wardrobe full...''
Lifeforce ''S/t''
Lifetorn ''Our fight for''
Ligature ''Extinction agenda''
Lightsome ''Chance of the...''
Lin ''853''
Line Of Scrimmage ''Cinderblock...''
Living Sacrifice ''Conceived in fire''
Lockdown ''The ldp''
Locked In A Vacancy ''S/t''
Locked In A Vacancy ''''
Locked In A Vacancy ''S/t''
Lockjaw ''A lesson in hate''
Logic ''2 inches to...''
Logic ''Straight up chaos''
Los ''Bad intentions...''
Lose None ''Warrior blood''
Losin It ''Danger zone''
Lost In Battle ''S/t''
Lost In Battle ''S/t''
Love Hope And Fear ''Rose''
Love Is Red ''''
Loyal 2 None ''8 minutes of hate''
Madball ''Droppin many...''
Manhunt ''S/t''
Manhunt ''Revenge volume one''
Mark Of The Devil ''S/t''
Maroon ''Captive in the...''
Maroon ''Antagonist''
Mastiff ''Strength In...''
Max Rebo Kids ''Ciphers''
Maypole ''Burning in...''
Meant To Last ''Nla style''
Medulla Nocte ''A conversation...''
Merauder ''Master killer''
Mindfield ''Be-low''
Miozan ''Thorn in your side''
Miozan ''Ignorance''
Miss Mofet ''An island of...''
Misura ''S/t''
Misura ''Shame of the...''
Monsieur Po ''S/t''
Monsieur Po ''There was life''
More Than Ever ''Silent and cold''
Morning After ''Through the eyes...''
Morning Again ''Hand of the martyr''
Morning Again ''The cleanest war''
Morning Again ''Martyr''
Morning Again ''S/t''
Morning Before ''Sunblind''
Morning Before ''The new romantics''
Most High Game ''Discharge''
Motherbirth ''One fine day''
Motive ''I vs. the...''
Mushmouth ''Lift the curse''
My Own Victim ''The weapon''
My Own Victim ''No voice no right...''
My Own Victim ''S/t''
My Own Victim ''Burning inside''
My Son My Executioner ''In between heaven...''
N A O P ''Hard to deny''
Naiad ''Hardcore emotion''
Narcissus ''...and forthwith...''
Narcissus ''Newwave techno...''
Narziss ''Die hoffnung...''
Narziss ''Hope dies''
Narziss ''Solang das herz...''
Nasty ''The beginning''
Neck ''S/t''
Neck ''Should my fist eye''
Negate ''The fifth season''
Negate ''Tragik circus''
Negate ''Enemy''
Negate ''The dead guy...''
Negate ''S/t''
Negative Verdict ''S/t''
Neglect ''End it''
Neglect ''S/t''
Neglect ''En public''
Nehemiah ''Lenore''
Neshamah ''The grass withers...''
Never Face Defeat ''Remember your...''
Never The More ''Never the more''
New Noise Project ''''
New Noise Project ''The difficulty of...''
Newborn ''Arsonist s prayer''
Next Step Up ''Breaking point''
Next Step Up ''Heavy, the return...''
Nine ''Ligths out''
Ninesin ''The death we will...''
Nj Bloodline ''Be afraid''
No Compromise ''The common disease''
No Compromise ''Life is a whore...''
No Grace ''Eating from the...''
No Guts No Glory ''Hardcore college''
No Innocent Victim ''Flesh and blood''
No Innocent Victim ''Tipping the scales''
No Innocent Victim ''C.E.B.''
No Innocent Victim ''S/t''
No Junk Food ''1680 axial flow''
No Redeeming Social Value ''Skinheads rule !!''
No Reflexion Left ''Demo 2003''
No Retreat ''S/t''
No Retreat ''Rise of the...''
No Submission ''Long island...''
No Turning Back ''Damage done''
No Turning Back ''Revenge is a right''
None But Burning/closer Than Kin ''S/t''
None Shall Be Saved ''Choose your side''
None Shall Be Saved ''Knowledge is the...''
None Shall Be Saved ''Those days are...''
Norma Jean ''Bless the martyr...''
Norte Cartel ''Fiel a tradicao''
North Side Kings ''Allied forces''
Nostromo ''Argue''
Nostromo ''Eyesore''
Nostromo ''Eccelex''
Not Waving But Drowning ''S/t''
Not Without Resistance ''The blood the...''
Nothing Between Us ''Berlin - warsaw -...''
Nothing Left To Mourn ''Through thick and...''
Nueva Etica ''Inquebrantable''
Nueva Etica ''La vengenza de...''
Nunchaku ''Best of 1993-1998''
Nyari ''Your nation is...''
Nyari ''''
Odk Crew ''Old school vs new...''
On A Warpath ''S/t''
On Our Own ''Now and forever''
On The Rise ''Burning inside''
Oncle Slam ''First attack''
One Fifth ''S/t''
One For One ''Seven year cicada''
One For One ''Version2,0''
One For One ''I wont lose''
One King Down ''God loves, man...''
One King Down ''Bloodlust revenge''
One King Down ''S/t''
One Last Chance ''To prove you wrong''
One Last Sin ''Cd promo''
One Last Sin ''The fall of...''
One Life Crew ''Crime ridden...''
One More Attempt ''S/t''
One Second Thought ''Self inflicted''
One Shot Eye ''His last will''
One Step Too Many ''Under the bar''
One Thirty Late ''S/t''
One True Reason ''Kings can fall''
Onfall ''The hardcore...''
Only Attitude Counts ''100%''
Only Attitude Counts ''We stand as one''
Only Attitude Counts ''Never face defeat...''
Only Attitude Counts ''Hard to swallow''
Only Attitude Counts ''Face the wrath''
Onslaught ''Bloodgeoned''
Ookla The Mok ''Bless her little...''
Opposition Of One ''I try to...''
Optimist ''Mmxll''
Ordeal ''Empiricism''
Oubliette ''Cries of the...''
Out Of Step ''Mr x and mr t''
Out To Win ''Beg for life''
Out To Win ''Persist and...''
Outface ''Pr''
Outrage ''Disharmony brings...''
Outspoken ''Spotlight''
Overcome ''Immortal until...''
Overcome ''Blessed are the...''
Overcome ''The life of death''
Overcome ''When beauty dies''
Overreact ''S/t''
Overthrow ''S/t''
Overthrow ''Long island...''
Ovide ''Demo''
Own Decision/dusk Within/unsafe ''Here we set the...''
Ownfight ''El tiempo y la...''
Ownfight ''Salva, por...''
Ownfight ''Punto de no...''
Painmask ''Are you prepared...''
Paint The Town Red ''Pt II home is...''
Past Glories ''Demo 2001''
Path Less Taken ''S/t''
Paura ''History bleeds''
Pencilcase ''4 the kids''
Pete Mosh ''The world is a gym''
Piece By Piece ''We ve lost it all''
Piece By Piece NYC ''Live demo''
Piecemeal ''Split cd''
Pig Destroyer ''''
Pitboss 2k ''Everyone s a...''
Pledge Alliance ''S/t''
Pocket Change ''Golden''
Point Of Recognition ''Refresh,renew''
Point Of Recognition ''S/t''
Point Of Recognition ''Day of defeat''
Point Of Recognition ''Days of defeat''
Poison The Well ''The opposite of...''
Pole ''The wind''
Pole ''180''
Pole ''Sky conquerors...''
Polyglot ''S/t''
Porterhall ''Everything I know...''
Portrayal Of Vengeance ''S/t''
Possession ''Art diabolis''
Pound For Pound ''For our fallen...''
Pound For Pound ''Common crooks''
Powerage ''Protest to survive''
Powerhouse ''What lies ahead''
Premonitions Of War ''Left in kowloon''
Prevaricators ''Jihad''
Primal Age ''The light to...''
Primal Age ''The light to...''
Primal Age ''A hell romance''
Proclamation ''Let the truth be...''
Proof ''S/t''
Prophecy Of Rage ''Wrong in the end''
Proud Of Ignorance ''Letters in blood''
Proudz ''Rey de reyes''
Proudz ''Ajuste de cuentas''
Proudz ''Solo los fuertes''
Providence ''Time for grievance''
Providence ''Turn the tide''
Providence ''Far beyond our...''
Providence ''Kings can fall''
Providence ''Time of grievance''
Providence ''Far beyond our...''
Providence ''Aces''
Provider ''Wasteland''
Provoke ''This is real''
Psychopunch ''S/t''
Psyke Project ''Samara''
Public Disturbance ''Victim of...''
Public Disturbance ''Possessed to hate''
Pulling Teeth ''Demo 2005''
Pulling Teeth ''Martyr immortal''
Punch The Klown ''''
Punch Your Face ''S/t''
Punch Your Face ''White nights and...''
Purgatory ''Demo''
Purgatory ''Hate and fear''
Purification ''1996/2000''
Purified In Blood ''Last leaves of a...''
Questions ''Life is a fight''
Racial Abuse ''What mirrors...''
Racial Abuse ''Climb''
Rag Men ''Rag men''
Raid ''Hands off the...''
Rain ''S/t''
Rain On The Parade ''Body bag''
Raised Fist ''Watch your step''
Rancor ''Distinguish''
Rancor ''Distinguish''
Ratface ''Demons days''
Realign ''Stagnation is...''
Rebel Troops ''Crew related''
Red Angel Dragnet ''Demo''
Red Blood Hands ''In the space of...''
Redcore ''Amyao''
Redline ''S/t''
Redline ''Moments of truth''
Redline ''A portrait of a...''
Redline ''This day''
Redsky ''Mpfw''
Redsky ''A move towards...''
Refraining ''Ten years after''
Regression ''Heartless''
Rejuvenate ''To the extreme''
Remembering Never ''God save us''
Renewal ''Repetition breed...''
Reply ''A trail of ....''
Reprisal ''Boundless human...''
Reprisal ''Where heavy gloom...''
Reprisal ''Mail order knife...''
Reprove ''Severed''
Restrain ''S/t''
Restraint ''Until the end''
Restraint ''Pure from blood''
Retaliate ''Dead in the eyes...''
Retaliate ''Why we hate''
Revive ''What is your...''
Revive ''Beliefs of an old...''
Revive ''Claim the change''
Right Direction ''To right the wrong''
Right Direction ''All of a sudden''
Right For Life ''Destroy babylon''
Right For Life ''Destroy babylon''
Rise From Above ''Phoenix''
Rising Sinister ''Victory of death''
Roodmass ''We re getting...''
Rude ''S/t''
Ruiner ''Prepare to be let...''
Running Like Thieves ''The approval of...''
Rydell ''Hard on the trail''
Sad Origin ''S/t''
Sad Origin ''A double edged...''
Saidwrong ''Standing on the...''
Santa Sangre ''Feast for the new...''
Sarah ''Herzelomp betek...''
Saving Throw ''We're never on...''
Scarrots ''Peace of sun shine''
Schizma ''Hardcore enemies''
Schizma ''Unity 2000''
Season ''S/t''
Second Chance ''Fortune favors...''
Second Combat ''What inspired us''
Second Combat ''One more fight''
Security Threat ''The order''
Sektor ''Ultimate threat''
Self Conquest ''Schatten deiner ''
Sentence ''Dominion on evil''
Sentence ''War''
Set It Straight ''Live your heart...''
Settle The Score ''S/t''
Settle The Score ''Royal flash''
Severcore ''S/t''
Shai Hulud ''Hearts once...''
Shattered Realm ''Broken ties......''
Shattered Realm ''All will suffer''
Shear ''Heat from the sun''
Shed ''Shades of death''
Shelter ''Here we go''
Shelter ''Eternal''
Shield ''Built me up''
Shikari ''1999-2003''
Shit Happens ''Silence sucks''
Shockwave ''Dominion''
Shockwave ''Live in poland''
Shockwave ''The ultimate doom''
Shockwave ''Omega supreme''
Shockwave ''Warpath''
Shorebreak ''Path of survival''
Shorebreak ''Demos''
Short Fused ''Tolerated...''
Short Fused ''Forget reality''
Shortage ''The fine line...''
Shortcut ''Join the battle''
Shortlife ''S/t''
Shortsight ''Could wounds...''
Show Of Hands ''S/t''
Show Of Hands ''A new day not...''
Shutdown ''Few and far...''
Shutdown ''Nothing to prove''
Shutdown ''Youth crew 1995''
Shutdown ''Turning the tide''
Side By Side ''You re only young...''
Sidekick ''99''
Sideline ''S/t''
Sidewalk ''Time spent''
Silence The Foe ''Demo''
Silencer 7 ''Directions on a...''
Silverstein ''When broken is...''
Since The Flood ''Valor and...''
Sinking Ships ''Disconnecting''
Six Cents ''S/t''
Six Ft Ditch ''Faces of death''
Six Reasons To Kill ''Kiss the demon''
Six Reasons To Kill ''Reborn''
Six Reasons To Kill ''Morphology of fear''
Sixth Avenue ''Hope is the last...''
Skarhead ''Kings at crime''
Skinless ''''
Skirmish ''The crooked and...''
Skycamefalling ''To forever...''
Skycamefalling ''1021''
Slapshot ''Digital warfare''
Slavearc ''Vanquish''
Slavearc ''Structural damage...''
Slavery ''To sedate agony''
Sleeping At Last ''Live at Chicago''
Sleeping At Last ''There s a quiet...''
Slick Scratch ''Ep''
Sludge ! ''S/t''
Slumlords ''Demo 2003''
Slumlords ''S/t''
Smash Your Enemies ''The great midwest...''
Snap-her ''Nice girls don't...''
Snapcase ''Energy dome''
Snapcase ''End transmission''
Snubfighter ''Eight years far''
Snubfighter ''Eight years far''
Soar ''S/t''
Soar ''S/t''
Soldier ''Tras lineas...''
Solid ''Total rush''
Somehow Hollow ''Busted wings and...''
Soul Embraced ''Immune''
Soul Embraced ''This is my blood''
Soulstice ''Raze the earth''
Southpaw ''Brighter future''
Spack ''Face the fact''
Special Move ''End of level boss''
Special Move ''Dark overlord''
Spider Crew ''A menace ta...''
Spineless ''Painfields''
Spineless ''A talk between me...''
Spirit Of Youth ''Colors that bleed''
Spirit Of Youth ''S/t''
Spit Ya Teeth ''Demo 2006''
Spit Ya Teeth ''Shut your mouth''
Spitalfield ''Remember right now''
Spitfight ''Demo''
Spitfight ''Knife leaving...''
St Hood ''Sanctified''
St Hood ''S/t''
Stab Back ''Breaking out''
Stampin Ground ''A new darkness...''
Stampin Ground ''Dawn of night''
Stampin Ground ''Allied forces''
Stand And Fight ''Together we win''
Start Of The End ''Terror is me''
Statecraft ''To celebrate the...''
Statecraft ''Until the...''
Statement ''Genocidal justice''
Stemm ''Further efforts''
Step Aside ''Reaching out''
Stigmata ''Do unto others''
Stitch ''S/t''
Stone Edge ''Pain and pleasure''
Stonecold ''Nothing lasts''
Stormcore ''In for the kill''
Stormcore ''Hardcore pride''
Straightfaced ''Pulling teeth''
Strain ''Here and now''
Strange Corner ''Schism''
Strength For A Reason ''Show and prove''
Strife ''Angermeans''
Strife ''One thruth''
Strife ''In this defiance''
Strike Back ''S/t''
Striker ''Take our strike''
Strongarm ''The advent of a...''
Struggling Time ''S/t''
Stubborn ''Settling of scores''
Stuck Up ''Declining kingdom''
Submerge ''S/t''
Submit ''Beginning of the...''
Subsist ''Lessons in...''
Subterfuge ''Our own terms''
Subterfuge ''Nobody gets out...''
Subzero ''Happiness without...''
Suction ''An image of...''
Suffocate Faster ''Only time will...''
Sum Of All Fears ''1995 sin of anger...''
Sunday Inn ''As if''
Sunrise ''Decontaminate''
Sunrise ''Traces to nowhere''
Superior ''You can't deny...''
Surface ''Shadows cast by...''
Surface ''To...''
Surge Of Fury ''It s gonna be...''
Swear To God ''2003 demo''
Sworn Enemy ''As real as it gets''
Sworn Vengeance ''Domination''
Sworn Vengeance ''Abbadon''
Sworn Vengeance ''Destroyer of...''
Sylvester Stalline ''''
Taiho ''Chugalug''
Taken ''And they slept''
Tang ''This quietness...''
Taste The Steel ''Demo 2006''
Tears Eviction ''Once...''
Tears From The Sky ''Demo''
Tears Of Frustration ''No retreat no...''
Tech 9 ''Devil in the...''
Ten Yard Fight ''Hardcore pride''
Ten Yard Fight ''Back on track''
Tension ''...and at the...''
Tension ''Agent of the...''
Tension ''Struggle within''
Terror ''Lowest of the low''
Terror ''Rhythm amongst...''
The Alliance ''In love, in...''
The August Prophecy ''Five endeavors in...''
The Automata ''Through the...''
The Blinding Light ''The ascension...''
The Blue Bloods ''S/t''
The Butcher ''Mass destruction...''
The Change ''S/t''
The Dawn ''Loud tunes and...''
The Deal ''S/t''
The Deal ''Pretty words,...''
The Dillinger Escape Plan ''Calculating...''
The Edge ''Promo 2011''
The Kyds Vs Columbus ''S/t''
The Process ''Taste the knife''
The Red Baron ''S/t''
The Ten Commandments ''Baptised in...''
The Underwater ''Bleed me blue''
The Warriors ''Beyond the noise''
The Year Of Our Lord ''''
These Are The Days ''Demo 2005''
Thirdfall ''Pure evil''
Threadbare ''Feeling older...''
Through My Eyes ''Blinded by hatred''
Throwdown ''S/t''
Throwdown ''Do it yourself''
Throwdown ''Beyond repair''
Thumbsdown ''Crossroads''
Thursday ''Full collapse''
Tied Down ''S/t''
Time Has Come ''S/t''
Timebomb ''The full wrath of...''
Timebomb ''The beat is here...''
Tinta Leal ''Take control''
To Each His Own ''Breaking the mdld''
To Kill ''Vultures''
To Kill ''When blood turns...''
To Learn ''No war without...''
Together We Fall ''Drowned''
Together We Fall ''Tws''
Tonedown ''Berlin - warsaw -...''
Torn Apart ''The fifty ninth...''
Torn Apart ''Ten songs for the...''
Torn Asunder ''In painful...''
Trapped In Life ''Blood and gold''
Trapped In Life ''12 icons''
Trc ''Destroy and...''
Treadmill ''S/t''
Treadmill ''Stand up for ?''
Tremors ''Fire''
Trench War ''Unrivaled''
Trial ''Are these our...''
Tribal Zone ''Anthology''
Triphammer ''S/t''
True Valiance ''Expect resistance''
Try To Win ''All is ullusion''
Turmoil ''Anchor''
Turmoil ''The process of''
Twelve Tribe ''The rebirth of...''
Twelve Tribes ''Instruments''
Twenty One Enemy ''Demo''
Two By Four ''Split''
Tyrant ''Demo 2004''
Ulcerrhoea/sivilimurha ''S/t''
Ultimhate ''In your ass...''
Unborn ''Truth against the...''
Unbreakable ''Demo 2007''
Unconquered ''''
Unconquered ''You say...''
Unconquered ''Wall of time''
Underground Society ''Dreadful days''
Underground Society ''The other side''
Underoath ''Cries of the past''
Underule ''Misfortune comes...''
Undying ''The whispered...''
Unearth ''Endless''
Unearth ''The sting of...''
Unearth ''The oncoming storm''
Unfit To Life ''Who wants peace...''
Unfold ''Aeon aony''
Unfold ''Five''
Unfound ''S/t''
Unit 731 ''Res ipsa loquitur''
Unit 731 ''Demo 2006''
Unite ''Playing with fire''
United ''Distorted vision''
Unsafe/own Decision/dusk Within ''Here we set the...''
Unsilent Reign ''The fires of body...''
Unstable Foundation ''Strength through...''
Unsung ''Tetsu''
Unsung Zeros ''Moments from...''
Until The End ''S/t''
Until The End ''The blind leading...''
Up Front ''Movement''
Up Front ''S/t''
Up Front ''Five by seven''
Upheaval ''Testimony to the...''
Uppercut ''''
Upperhand ''Hope for nothing''
V/a 2 Friends ''North meets south''
V/a Abacus Recordings ''Abacus''
V/a Age Of Venus ''Kds crew, rise...''
V/a All Systems Go ''This town has...''
V/a Back Ta Basics ''Down for the core...''
V/a Beniihana ''The crossroad...''
V/a Blackout ''An international...''
V/a Blasphemour ''One hell of a...''
V/a Burning Heart ''Cheap Shots vol 5''
V/a Dead Serious ''Summer 04''
V/a Deadserious ''Freeware #3''
V/a Desperate Fight Records ''Straight edge as...''
V/a Exit ''Mindset overhaul''
V/a Facedown ''Now the tables...''
V/a Fullhouse Records ''Building a legacy...''
V/a Funtime ''Compil 2001/01''
V/a Gangstyle ''Hardcore 2004''
V/a Goodlife ''Budget sampler 2''
V/a Goodlife ''Vol 4''
V/a Goodlife ''America s hardcore''
V/a Goodlife ''Summer sampler''
V/a Goodlife ''The way it is''
V/a Guideline ''Songs to set...''
V/a Householdname ''Evilfest 98''
V/a Householdname ''Ukhc''
V/a Howling Bull ''Faster,...''
V/a Iscream ''5 years of blood,...''
V/a Iscream ''Still going strong''
V/a Let It Burn - Jttp ''Let it burn vs....''
V/a Lifeforce ''S/t''
V/a Lifeforce ''Summer sampler...''
V/a Lost And Found ''European...''
V/a Millipede ''S/t''
V/a Mind Of Resistance ''Hxc compilation''
V/a More Romance ''For the love of...''
V/a Nawpost ''Satisfaction...''
V/a Neg Fx ''Single ticket to...''
V/a New Eden ''S/t''
V/a On My Own Records ''Wake up call''
V/A One Voice 1 ''Indonesian...''
V/A One Voice Records ''Compilation 3''
V/a Overcome ''In this other land''
V/a Overcome ''Sampler #1''
V/a Prosthetic ''Sampler''
V/a Purity ''A new approach''
V/a Reflection ''1998-2003 labels...''
V/a Reflections Records ''Sampler 2006''
V/a Rise ''Paris rising''
V/a Ronald Reagan ''2005 label sampler''
V/a Rucktion ''Time for some #1''
V/a Side One Dummy ''Atticus dragging...''
V/a Spook City ''Covered in blood''
V/a Stand Up #1 ''Da new french hxc...''
V/a Stick To The Core ''When dreams start...''
V/a Swellcreek ''Suck this city 9''
V/a Tooth And Nail ''Helpless amongst...''
V/a Tribunal Records ''Radio sampler...''
V/a Under The Volcano ''Kaos...''
V/a Underground Hardcore ''Compilation n 1''
V/a United Front ''Bonds of old...''
V/a Upfront ''Strength through...''
V/a Victory ''Style 4''
V/a Victory ''Built 4...''
V/a Victory ''Style 2''
V/a Victory ''Style 3''
V/a Victory ''Only the strong''
V/a Vienna Style ''Showin you what...''
Va Rpp ''The harder they...''
Vale Tudo ''Anything goes''
Vanilla ''Fantastiques''
Vassline ''Permanence''
Vengeance Theory ''S/t''
Verdict ''S/t demo''
Verdict ''Constanta''
Verse ''Four songs''
Verse ''Aggression''
Versus ''El mundo en guerra''
Versus ''Trece''
Versus ''Insurreccion''
Vice Dolls ''Die trying''
Victims ''S/t''
Vile ''Empire down''
Villanova Junction ''S/t''
Violence Approved ''No free rides''
Vision ''Detonate''
Vision Of Disorder ''S/t''
Vision Of Disorder ''Resurrecting...''
Vitality ''Crucial wires''
Vitality ''Bloodline''
Voice Of Reason ''S/t''
Waiting For Better Days ''S/t''
Wake Up Cold ''Deliver me from...''
Waking Kills The Dream ''Depending on...''
Walls Of Jericho ''The bound feed...''
Walls Of Jericho ''Aal hail the dead''
War Of Ages ''Pride of the...''
War To End Hate ''''
Warfare ''Songs of pain''
Wartime Manner ''Split''
Wasted Day ''Thought you were...''
Waterdown ''The files you...''
Weight Of The Crown ''Keep your head up''
What It Was ''Cold''
What Lies Within ''S/t''
Where It Ends ''Resonate''
Wide Awake ''25 song...''
William ''Tints and shades''
Windfall ''Loud with the...''
Windfall ''S/t''
Wisdom In Chains ''S/t''
Wise Up ''Many ways one...''
With One Intent ''Leaving it all...''
With Open Force ''Lights show me...''
Withdrawn ''Seeds of...''
Withdrawn ''A certain innate...''
Wolverine ''Prey for us''
World Indifference ''S/t''
Worlds Collide ''All hope abandon''
Worth The Pain ''No rest no peace''
Worth The Pain ''Promo 2002''
Yage ''3-17 october 1984''
Yellow Machine Gun ''Spot remover''
You Lose ''All in''
Zao ''A parade of chaos''
Zao ''All else failed''
Zao ''The splinter...''
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