ASSERT ''Riotous assembly'' | Hardboiled records

» Review:
Assert, the UK wrecking crew return with their fourth, and most brutal offering yet, "Riotous Assembly", a statement of intent that captures the passion and fury of a band who have been pushed to, and have returned from, the edge of oblivion. "Riotous Assembly" has a simple defining code, a modus operandi fuelled by primal anger that sees Assert leading from the front instead of entering from the rear. With "Riotous Assembly" Assert have laid down the ground rules by which everyone is going to have to play. There is no middle ground. You either go for the throat as Assert always do, or hang up your boots and retire gracefully. "Riotous Assembly" is the sound of a band lashing out at injustice and the hand that fate and destiny have dealt them, howling at the moon and shattering the conventions that the HC scene holds so dear. It pushes the boundaries and redefines the notion of what HC is and can be. Once you hear "Riotous Assembly", you'll never forget it. The world is theirs for the taking. Welcome to the vision of destruction, welcome to Assert and welcome to the "Riotous Assembly".
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» Additional informations:
Hits : Country : U K
Website :
No pictures of Assert in the database
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