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ENRAGE Records
ENRAGE Records
786 ESPRIT DU CLAN "Reverence" (cd) pix in the database

Chapter O, chapter 1, and now chapter 2 learnedly entitled "Reverence". Is it because EDC is taking its reverence? By listening to this album, certainly, it is undeniable the EDC continues its take-off of the hardcore scene towards the metal/nu metal scene. You understood it, their new album is resolutely metal, already by the artwork (wholly black cover with a photo of cow 's squeleton) and by the music its self.
It's a fact, EDC passes from a angry styled hardcore from the streets, like merauder to traditional metal certainly well done but without reel originality and power.
Reverence however starts with the piece which illustrates this album, a title rather well done and energetic predicting the best for the rest.
Vain joy, starting from the third title, it all gets out of breathe, leaving place to titles of a deep and soporiphic linearity, vocals are average, monotonous, not powerful and we don't hear enough the guitars.
In short, you understood it, we don't find anymore the EDC than we knew. Their ardour, their rage against the whole society, against life is always present but seems diminued and if found in softer songs as if the band had thrown their weapons to the ground. But yet according to the lyrics of the last song "no nothing has changed, we are still full of rage and unity".
To notice is the featuring of their friends of the parisian band "Es La Guerilla" (ex member of EDC, Drowning, Knockoutz) on the song entitled "Babylon".
In the end, this album is a big deception but as EDC says " we can't please everyone".
EDC remains for me a band built for shows, where they show all their fulgurating energy.


1. Intro
2. Reverence
3. Indivisible
4. Phenix
5. Le venin
6. Babylone (feat Es La Guerilla)
7. Talion
8. Opium
9. Salva me
11. Terre brul


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