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ABNEGATION - EXTINGUISH THE SICKNESS 7" (1994) FRONT - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon - La Justice et la Vengeance divine poursuivant le Crime (1804-1808) Louvre, Paris, France.
("La Justice divine poursuit constamment le Crime; il ne lui
(Source: Yitzhak Arad, The Pictorial History of the Holocaust - page 186, 1990)
ALL OUT WAR - TRUTH IN THE AGE OF LIES (1998) FRONT » Info - Gustave Dore - John
ALL OUT WAR - DESTINED TO BURN (1993) 7" FRONT - Limbourg Brothers - Tr
ANANDA - PROFANE (2000) CD » Info - albrecht D
(The greatest printmaking achievement of D
PRAYERS UPON DEAF EARS (1998) FRONT » Info - Gerard David - Saint Michel vaincs les 7 p
(Saint Michel, signifie "Qui est comme Dieu". souvent repr
ARKANGEL - DEAD MAN WALKING (1999) LYRICS » Info - Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost Illustration (From John Milton)
(Me miserable! Which way shall I fly. Infinite wrath, and infinite despair? Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell; And, in the lowest deep, a lower deep. Still threatening to devour me opens wide, To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heaven. Book IV, 73
ARKANGEL - DEAD MAN WALKING (1999) LYRICS » Info - Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost Illustration (From John Milton)
(Then Satan first knew pain, And writhed him to and fro convolved. Book VI, 327
ARKANGEL - DEAD MAN WALKING (1999) MIDDLE PAGE » Info - Unknow artist, follower of the Bosch school - Hell scene (detail)
(Nier qu'il y ait des peines et des r
ASCENSION » Info - Peter Paul Rubens
(Qui les entra
A.W.O.L. » Info - Fire Demon
A.W.O.L./HEADWAY Split 7 - The Nazgul
(In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, the Nazg
A.W.O.L. - The Glittering Caves of Aglarond
BDF/DENIED - LIVE IN SIN... FACE DEATH IN JUDGEMENT Split (2004) CD - Gustave Dore (Bible Illustration) "Heliodorus Punished In The Temple"
(But the spirit of the Almighty God gave a great evidence of his presence, so that all that had presumed to obey him, falling down by the power of God, were struck with fainting and dread. For there appeared to them a horse with a terrible rider upon him, adorned with a very rich covering: and he ran fiercely and struck Heliodorus with his fore-feet, and he that sat upon him seemed to have armor of gold. Moreover, there appeared two other young men, beautiful and strong, bright and glorious, and in comely apparel: who stood by him, on either side, and scourged him without ceasing with many stripes.
And Heliodorus suddenly fell to the ground, and they took him up covered with great darkness, and having put him into a litter they carried him out. So he that came with many servants, and all his guard into the aforesaid treasury, was carried out, no one being able to help him, the manifest power of God being known. And he indeed by the power of God lay speechless, and without all hope of recovery. Maccabees 2-III [23-29])
BDF/DENIED - LIVE IN SIN... FACE DEATH IN JUDGEMENT Split (2004) BACK - Gustave Dore - Divine Comedy Illustration (from Dante Alighieri, 1861) Inferno, Canto 8: The soul of the Florentine Philippo Argenti accosts the poets on the Styx
(While we were running through the dead canal, Uprose in front of me one full of mire, And said,
BLOODSTAIN - THE FALL AND RISE OF CERTAINTIES (2003) FRONT - Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost Illustration (From John Milton) detail
(Forthwith upright he rears from off the pool His mighty stature; on each hand the flames Driven backward slope their pointing spires, and, rolled In billows, leave i
BLOODSTAIN - THE FALL AND RISE OF CERTAINTIES (2003) BACK - Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost Illustration (From John Milton) detail
(Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from th
BLUDGEON - BODY LURE (1994) 7" FRONT Hieronymus Bosch - Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns) (1490-1500) The National Gallery, London, England.
(Four torturers surround Christ, pressing towards him, while he looks out at us. Bosch's picture emphasises the contrast between the brutality of the tormentors and the mild, suffering Christ. Its emotional intensity is achieved in a variety of ways. The half-length figures create a sense of proximity, and the lack of recession in the painting makes it appear very claustrophobic. From the centre of the picture Christ seems to appeal to us to share in his suffering. The characterisations here are not just grotesque, but reflect specific ideas. Christ's torturers were often referred to as savage beasts, which may explain why the man at the top right appears to wear a spiked dog collar. The figure at the lower left has a crescent moon of Islam and yellow star of the Jews on his head-dress, which mark him as an opponent of Christianity.)
BRODEQUIN - INSTRUMENTS OF TORTURE (2000) CD - Epreuve de l'estrapade, gravure de Milles de Souvigny, Paris (1541)
(L'estrapade est le nom donn
BRODEQUIN - INSTRUMENTS OF TORTURE (2000) INLAY - Urbain Grandier sous la torture, auteur inconnu
(En 1634, dans un couvent d'Ursulines
CATHARSIS - Matthias Gr
(Ils viennent du Japon et du monde entier voir un retable, peint par Matthias Gr
CONGRESS - Antoine Wiertz - The Premature Burial (1854)
CONGRESS - ANGRY WITH THE SUN (1998) LP FRONT » Info - Jeff Easley - Dragons of Faith (1984)
CONTEMPT - ONE JUSTICE (1997) CD FRONT » Info - Police Inhumanity
Atlanta policeman drags African American high school student Taylor Washington to paddy wagon during demonstration against restaurant segregation, Atlanta, Georgia, in 1963. Danny Lyon was the first staff photographer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), a national group of college students who joined together after the first sit-in by four African American college students at a North Carolina lunch counter. From 1963 to 1964, Lyon traveled the South and Mid-Atlantic regions capturing telling moments like these. These photographs are part of a limited edition portfolio that Lyon produced to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the civil rights struggle.
CONTRITION - Hieronymous Bosch - The Garden of Earthly Delights, Hell (Triptych, right panel, 1503-04) Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Spain.
(Many elements in the panel incorporate earlier iconographical conventions depicting hell. However, Bosch is innovative in that he describes hell not as a fantastical space, but as a realistic world containing many elements from day-to-day human life. Animals are shown punishing humans, subjecting them to nightmarish torments that may symbolise the seven deadly sins, matching the torment to the sin. Sitting on an object that may be a toilet or a throne, the panel's centerpiece is a bird-headed monster feasting on human corpses, which he excretes through a cavity below him. To his left, a group afflicted by a hare-headed demon is being punished for unchastity. Anger is represented by a knight torn down by a pack of wolves to the right of the tree-man. A man lying in his bed is visited by devils punishing sloth, while a proud female gazes at her face reflected on the buttocks of a demon.)
CRAWLSPACE - DON'T GET MAD... GET EVEN! (1998) FRONT » Info - Malebolgia character. Cover artwork of the comic-book
(Curse of the Spawn is set in a futuristic world in the throes of apocalypse, when Evil stands at the threshold of victory. The protagonist is HellSpawn Daniel Llanso, who died in prison after killing his cruel, abusive father to save his sister and mother. With the curse of the Spawn upon him, Daniel Llanso is doomed to serve as Hell's general, but even with the Dark Side constantly hounding him, Daniel Llanso can't quite commit himself to the task. In death, as in life, he finds himself with conflicting missions: beholden to a horrific monster, but driven only by the instinct to save his family.
Malebolgia is the name of a fictional demon in the Spawn universe, drawing its name from the Malebolge, the eighth circle of Dante's hell. He was the primary antagonist of the comic from issue 1-100 and was Spawn's master and one of the major Lords of Hell.)
CROSSBREED - THE STAMP OF HATE (2001) FRONT » Info - Alfred Rethel
(Le taux de mortalit
Nous sommes au XIVe Si
CULTURE - XXX 7" (1994) FRONT - Gustave Dore - Bible Illustration:
Samson destroys the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. [Judges 15]
CULTURE - XXX 7" (1994) BACK - Gustave Dore - Bible Illustration:
Moses smashes the tablets upon discovering the idolatry of the Israelites. [Exodus 32]
CULTURE - BORN OF YOU (1996) LP FRONT - Francis Bacon - Pope Innocent X, d'apr
(Sur son tr
DAWN OF ORION » Info - John Martin
(The Plagues of Egypt, the Biblical Plagues or the Ten Plagues are the ten calamities imposed upon Egypt by God in the Bible, in order to convince Pharaoh to let the poorly treated Israelite slaves go. [Exodus 9:13-33] The seventh plague of Egypt was a destructive storm. A powerful shower of hail intermixed with fire. Pharaoh asked Moses to remove this plague and promised to allow the Israelites to worship God in the desert, saying "This time I have sinned; God is righteous, I and my people are wicked." As a show of God's mastery over the world, the hail stopped as soon as Moses began praying to God - hail which was then in the air never reached the ground; it simply disappeared. However, after the storm ceased, Pharaoh again "hardened his heart" and refused to keep his promise.)
(Nine days they fell: Confounded Chaos roared, And felt tenfold confusion in their fall.)
(Neufs jours ils tomb
DECONTAMINATE - CLEANSE AND BURN (1999) CD FRONT - Caspar David Friedrich - The Abbey In The Oakwood (1810) Charlottenburg Museum, Berlin, Deutschland.
(The Abbey in the Oakwood is based upon studies of the ruins of Eldena Abbey (Cistercian monastery near the present town of Greifswald in Germany), which reappear in several other paintings. The same trees, in slightly altered forms, can also be seen in other works. Eldena Abbey may well have had personal meaning for Friedrich, as it was destroyed during the Thirty Years War by invading Swedish troops, who later used bricks from the abbey to construct fortifications. In the painting Friedrich draws a parallel between those actions and the use of Greifswald churches as barracks by occupying French soldiers. Thus, the funeral becomes a symbol of "the burial of Germany's hopes for resurrection".)
The ten entrancing visions in this beautiful codex of St. Hildegard, a unique figure in medieval mysticism, culminate in this illustration of man as the "microcosm" in the centre of the celestial spheres. Liber divinorum operum ("Book of Divine Works", also known as De operatione Dei, "On God's Activity". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hildegard_of_Bingen
DENIED/BDF - LIVE IN SIN... FACE DEATH IN JUDGEMENT Split (2004) BACK - Gustave Dore - Divine Comedy Illustration (from Dante Alighieri, 1861) Inferno, Canto 8: The soul of the Florentine Philippo Argenti accosts the poets on the Styx
(While we were running through the dead canal, Uprose in front of me one full of mire, And said,
DENIED/BDF - LIVE IN SIN... FACE DEATH IN JUDGEMENT Split (2004) CD - Gustave Dore (Bible Illustration) "Heliodorus Punished In The Temple"
(But the spirit of the Almighty God gave a great evidence of his presence, so that all that had presumed to obey him, falling down by the power of God, were struck with fainting and dread. For there appeared to them a horse with a terrible rider upon him, adorned with a very rich covering: and he ran fiercely and struck Heliodorus with his fore-feet, and he that sat upon him seemed to have armor of gold. Moreover, there appeared two other young men, beautiful and strong, bright and glorious, and in comely apparel: who stood by him, on either side, and scourged him without ceasing with many stripes.
And Heliodorus suddenly fell to the ground, and they took him up covered with great darkness, and having put him into a litter they carried him out. So he that came with many servants, and all his guard into the aforesaid treasury, was carried out, no one being able to help him, the manifest power of God being known. And he indeed by the power of God lay speechless, and without all hope of recovery. Maccabees 2-III [23-29])
DEVIATE - STATE OF GRACE (1999) FRONT » Info - Gustave Dore - The Vision Of Ezekiel (Bible Illustration, Volume 5)
(La main de l'
DEVICE - SPLIT W/ HARDSIDE (1998) 7'' FRONT » Info - French Nuclear Test in Algeria "Gerboise Verte" 25th april of 1961.
(The French army used soldiers and civilians as guinea pigs to test the effects of nuclear bombs a confidential report revealed. The aim was "to study physiological and psychological effects produced on man by nuclear weapons, so as to obtain necessary information to physically and mentally prepare modern warriors." Between 1960 and 1966, 17 bombs were tested and hundreds of soldiers and approximately 30,000 Algerian civilians exposed to harmful radiation. According to an excerpt of the report titled
DIM MAK/STATEMENT Split (1994) 7" FRONT - Vivisection: Le Test De Draize
DIM-MAK - ST 7" (1999) SIDE A - Manga Dr Slump: Gajira Norimaki (Gatchan) - T4 chap.5 "Gatchan's slapstick" (1980)
(http://naphtalene.free.fr/toriworld/dr_slump/ Voici encore un membre de la famille Norimaki particuli
DIM-MAK - ST 7" (1999) SIDE B - Manga Dr Slump: Chivil Pipiolli - T6 chap.6 "Le Messager De l'Enfer" (1981)
(Il est un diablotin travaillant pour les enfers. Arrivant p
DISRESPECT - MERIADAN 7" (1997) FRONT » Info - The Condemned in Hell, fresco by Luca Signorelli (1500
DROWNING (1999) FRONT » Info - Zdzislaw Beksinski - KT (1986) huile sur isorel
(Sombrant parfois dans le macabre voire l
DROWNING (1999) INLAY » Info - Gustave Dore - The Enigma (1871) Mus
EXCESSIVE FORCE - IN YOUR BLOOD (1995) FRONT » Info - Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Fall of the Rebel Angels (Oil on panel, 1562) Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium. D
(L'archange Michel, repr
FAT SOCIETY - THROUGH THE PAIN I SUFFER WITH A SMILE (2002) FRONT » Info - Peter Witkin - Mother And Child (1979)
(Joel-Peter Witkin n
FOUNDATION - Mummiform figures of the King as Osiris, in Egypt's famous Karnak Temple at Luxor.
(Born the son of Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky), Osiris was the twin brother of Isis and became the first pharoah. He was honored as the god who taught mankind the secrets of farming and agriculture, as well as the one who brought civilization itself to the world. Ultimately, the reign of Osiris was brought about by his death at the hands of his brother Set (or Seth). After his death, Osiris became a guardian of the underworld, or Duat. He became known as the judge of the dead, and it was his job to determine if a traveler's soul was worthy of entering the kingdom of paradise.)
HATEBREED - UNDER THE KNIFE (2000) FRONT » Info - la photo parle d'elle m
"Le raisonnement justifiant la vivisection, le sacrifice de cr
INDECISION » Info - William Holman Hunt
INDECISION - KNUCKLEDUST Split CD (1998) BACK » Info - William Holman Hunt
(The Lady of Shalott (La Dame de Shalott) est un po
INTEGRITY - IN CONTRAST OF TOMORROW (2001) FRONT - Jan Van Eyck - The Crucifixion and The Last Judgment (1425-30) d
(Matthieu [10:28] Et ne craignez point ceux qui
INTEGRITY - SLIVER IN THE HANDS OF TIME (2005) FRONT - Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost Illustration (From John Milton)
(Him the Almighty Power, Hurled headlong flaming from th
INTEGRITY - SLIVER IN THE HANDS OF TIME (2005) BACK - Hieronymous Bosch - The Garden of Earthly Delights (Triptych, right panel, 1503-04)
(Hieronymus Bosch (vers 1450
KICKBACK - NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE (1991) 7" BACK - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Tobe Hopper (1974)
KICKBACK - FOREVER WAR (1997) BACK » Info - Hans Memling - triptyque du Jugement Dernier (1467-71) d
(La notion chr
KICKBACK - FOREVER WAR (1997) INLAY » Info - Gunshot Suicide
(From the Feral House's edition, Death Scenes - A Homicide Detective
KICKBACK - FOREVER WAR (1997) CD » Info - Gravure allemande repr
KICKBACK - FOREVER WAR (1997) DOUBLE PAGE » Info - Pieter Brueghel The Elder - Triumph Of Death (1562, Museum Del Prado - Madrid)
KICKBACK - FOREVER WAR (1997) LYRICS (LP version) » Info - Enqu
(Nom donn
KICKBACK - LES 150 PASSIONS MEURTRIERES (2001) LYRICS » Info - 7 mugshots of the Green River Killer's victims
KICKBACK - Front cover of the Mayhem Comic #01, featuring The Mask (1989)
KICKBACK - NO SURRENDER (2009) CD FRONT - Kenyans riot in Nairobi, december 2007
(A blackout plunged the city's Kibera slum into darkness after President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of a presidential election, for a second five-year term, amid allegations of fraud and vote rigging. Violence erupted in various parts of the country. In Nairobi, where more than a million people, mostly Odinga supporters, live in densely packed slums, clashed with hundreds of riot police. Shops and shacks were torched while protestors waved clubs and machetes, chanting anti-Kibaki slogans.)
KNUCKLEDUST - INDECISION Split CD (1998) FRONT » Info - William Holman Hunt
KNUCKLEDUST - INDECISION Split CD (1998) BACK » Info - William Holman Hunt
(The Lady of Shalott (La Dame de Shalott) est un po
LENGTH OF TIME - APPROACH TO THE NEW WORLD (1998) FRONT - Gustave Dore - King Arthur & Knight's Progress
(Illustration par Gustave Dor
LENGTH OF TIME - APPROACH TO THE NEW WORLD (1998) CD - Medieval woodcut of Time with scythe.
(In this late medieval woodcut, Time, labeled in the middle of the frame in Latin as

(Among his paintings the best known are The Sin and War, at the Munich Pinakothek, The Sphinx, The Crucifixion, The Rivals, Paradise Lost, Oedipus, Temptation, and Lucifer. Though Stuck was one of the leaders of the Munich Sezession, he enjoyed an appointment of professor at the academy. From a historical viewpoint, it is notable that one of Stuck's (later) fans was Adolf Hitler, who admired many of the aforementioned paintings. Moreover, some historians claim that Stuck's painting, The Wild Chase, influenced Hitler's appearance. Reportedly, Hitler admired the painting (which depicts the Norse god Odin on horseback), and copied both Odin's hair style and mustache - facial features Hitler became well-known for. However, Stuck painted The Wild Chase during the 1880s, and died years before Hitler was elected Chancellor; he could not have foreseen its future influence.)
LIFER - Graveur inconnu. Peinture de Raphael
(Il y avait l
xMAROONx - ANTAGONIST (2002) FRONT » Info - Gustave Dore - John
MAROON - THE COLD HEART OF THE SUN (2007) CD FRONT Charles Errard, Engraver
(The association between death and anatomy continued in art anatomy, even as it waned in medical texts. Genga, a Roman anatomist, specialized in studies of classical sculptures. Errard, court painter to Louis XIV, helped found the Acad
MAY DAY - LOST IN SABBATH (1994) 7'' FRONT - Dieric Bouts - the Fall of the Damned (1470) Mus
MAYDAY - STAPLEGUN (1996) 7'' FRONT - Matthias Gr
(There are three views of the altarpiece. The first, with the wings closed, is a Crucifixion showing a harrowingly detailed, twisted, and bloody figure of Christ on the cross in the center flanked, on the left, by the mourning Madonna being comforted by John the Apostle, and Mary Magdalene kneeling with hands clasped in prayer, and, on the right, by a standing John the Baptist pointing to the dying Saviour. At the feet of the Baptist is a lamb holding a cross, symbol of the "Lamb of God" slaughtered for man's sins. In the second view, when the wings are opened, three scenes of celebration are revealed: the Annunciation, the Angel Concert for Madonna and Child, and the Resurrection. The third view with wings opened again discloses on either side of the carved innermost shrine two panels, Sts Paul and Antony in the Desert and a Temptation of St Antony. The Crucifixion is sombre and livid; inside, all is a magic glory of brilliant colour and light, and the final scenes of the Desert Saints are again lurid and eerie, with, in the Temptation, the kind of devil-haunted imagery that permeated Bosch's visions of sin.)
(La Divine Com
MORNING AGAIN - MARTYR (1997) CD FRONT & BACK » Info Annibale Carracci - The Dead Christ (1582, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart)
(Brush drawing with white highlights on a dark ground, 316 x 229 mm. Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna.)
(Brush drawing on a dark ground with white highlight, 400 x 235 mm. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.)
NOSTROMO - EYESORE (2000) FRONT » Info - US Special Forces VS Elian Gonzalez
(Le petit Cubain Elian Gonzalez rentre
NUEVA ETICA - LA VENGANZA DE LOS JUSTOS (2001) FRONT » Info - Jan Van Eyck - The Crucifixion and The Last Judgment (1425-30). Metropolitan Museum, NY (detail)
(On sait bien comment se manifeste l
ONE EIGHT SEVEN - HR Giger - New York V - Embryo Growth
ONLY ATTITUDE COUNTS - RETURN THE FAVOUR (2006) FRONT - Pit fight Team member Gan McGee against Brazilian Jiu-jitsu champion, Alexandre Dantas. UFC 41: Onslaught (2003)
(Gan McGee defeats Alexandre Dantas by technical knockout due to strikes at 4:49 of Round 1. Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is a U.S.-based mixed martial arts (MMA) organization, currently recognized as the largest MMA promotion in the world.)
ONLY ATTITUDE COUNTS - HARD TO SWALLOW (2001) FRONT » Info - Chair Electrocution (unknown person)
(An employee of Thomas Edision, Harold Brown patented the electric chair in 1887, and the chair was made a legal method of execution by New York State the following year. On August 6 1890, axe murderer William Kemmler is executed by two shocks, the first jolt failing to deliver lethality. He was the first person to be executed via electric chair. The electric chair operates by sending 2,000 volts through the customer. Sometimes mutiple shocks, as many as three or four -- called "death by installments" -- are required to kill. Most states have supplemented the chair by offering a choice between the chair and lethal injection)
PRIMAL AGE - THE LIGHT TO PURIFY (1998) BACK » Info - Explosion of 914-kiloton TN-60 thermonuclear warhead
(This picture was taken by the French army in the Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia on July 3, 1970. Codenamed Licorne)
PRIMAL AGE - THE LIGHT TO PURIFY (1998) CENTRAL PAGE d » Info - The Plague in Ashdod, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665). Oil on canvas, 1630. Mus
(Bubonic Plague : A contagious, often fatal epidemic disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia (syn. Pasteurella) pestis, transmitted from person to person or by the bite of fleas from an infected rodent, especially a rat, and characterized by chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and the formation of buboes.)
PURGATORY - HATE AND FEAR (2002) CD FRONT & BACK » Info - Hans Memling - The Last Judgement, triptych, right-hand panel (1467-71) National Museum, Gdansk, Poland.

(La notion chr
PURGATORY - HATE AND FEAR (2002) INLAY » Info - Jan Van Eyck - The Crucifixion and The Last Judgment (1425-30) d
(La mer avait rendu ses naufrag
PURGATORY - HATE AND FEAR (2002) LYRICS » Info - HR Giger - Biomechanical Landscape No. 312 (1976) detail
REPRISAL - WHERE HEAVY GLOOM DOMINATE (1998) FRONT » Info - Barad-Dur, illustration de John Howe
(Forteresse de Sauron le Mal
REPRISAL - WHERE HEAVY GLOOM DOMINATE (1998) BACK » Info - La Bataille De Fort-Le-Cor, illustration d
(La Bataille de Fort-le-Cor (appel
REPRISAL - WHERE HEAVY GLOOM DOMINATE (1998) BACK PAGE » Info - Le Hall de La Moria, illustration d'Alan Lee - Le Seigneur Des Anneaux
(Khazad-dum was the greatest of the Dwarf realms in Middle-earth. Its vast and beautiful halls lay under the Misty Mountains. From its mines came great riches and it was the only source of the precious metal called mithril. But a Balrog slept in the deeps beneath Khazad-dum, and when it awoke the Dwarves were driven from their home. The halls of Khazad-dum were taken over by Orcs and other evil creatures and it became known as Moria, the Black Chasm, and was a place of fear and dread.)
REPRISAL - BOUNDLESS HUMAN STUPIDITY (2000) FRONT (1998) BACK PAGE » Info - La photo parle d'elle-m
(Animal Liberation Front. L'ALF est tr
REPRISAL - BOUNDLESS HUMAN STUPIDITY (2000) BACK » Info - La photo parle d'elle-m
Elle aurait 5000 supporters. L'ALF n'est ni cautionn
SEKTOR - Gustave Dore
SEKTOR - Gustave Dore
(-And two behold! upon our left-hand side, Naked and scratched, fleeing so furiously, That of the forest, every fan they broke. -He who was in advance:
SENTENCE - PERFECTION THROUGH DISFUNCTION 7" (1999) FRONT - Gustave dore Illustration of the Divine Comedy: Inferno, Canto 5: "Francesca describes her death" d
"And all the while one spirit uttered this, The other one did weep so, that, for pity, I swooned away as if I had been dying, And fell, even as a dead body falls."
Then wheeling somewhat more, it seemed to me, Terrible as the lightning he descended, And snatched me upward even to the fire. Therein it seemed that he and I were burning, And the imagined fire did scorch me so, That of necessity my sleep was broken.
SENTIENT - VIOLENCE OF CONSUMPTION (2004) FRONT 7" - la photo parle d'elle m
(Political vegan straight edge from Southern California. Featuring members of Vegan Reich, Burn It Down, and Deadwait. Dual male and female vocal assault, layered over ferocious metallic hardcore.)
SHATTERED REALM » Info - Hans Sebald Beham
(Omnem in homine venustatem mors abolet: "All human beauty is ended by death")
SHELTER - PERFECTION OF DESIRE (1990) CD FRONT - Shri Madhvacharya painting
(Shri Madhvacharya (1238-1317) was the chief proponent of Tattvavāda (Philosophy of Reality), popularly known as Dvaita or Dualistic school of Hindu philosophy. It is one of the three most influential Vedanta philosophies. Madhva was one of the important philosophers during the Bhakti movement. He was a pioneer in many ways, going against standard conventions and norms. Madhvacharya is the third incarnation of Vayu aka Mukhyaprana, after Hanuman and Bhima.)
SIX FT DITCH - FACES OF DEATH (2003) FRONT » Info - Opera, film de Dario Argento (1987)
(Le jour o
SKARHEAD - KINGS AT CRIME (1999) FRONT » Info - Portraits de gangsters US du XXe si
- Ligne 01, de gauche
SLAVEARC - VANQUISH (1998) CD FRONT » Info - Caravaggio - Judith Beheading Holofernes (1598-1599 Galleria d'Arte Antica, Rome)
(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, dit Le Caravage, est un peintre italien n
SLAVEARC - 157 (1997) DEMO TAPE - Albrecht D
(According to the Gospel of John, Jesus was first brought before Ananus, and after a brief questioning of him about his teachings and followers, [John 18:19-23] (Jesus subsequently answers "If I have done something wrong, say so. But if not, why did you hit me?") was sent to Caiaphas, where some members of the Sanhedrin had met, and the first trial of Jesus took place (Matt. 26:57-68).)
SOULSTICE - RAZE THE EARTH (1997) FRONT » Info - Andrea Mantegna - Martyre de saint S
(Saint S
STATE CRAFT - UNTIL THE DARKNESS IS GONE (1997) CD FRONT » Info - Plato's Academy mosaic from Pompeii.
(In the Laws, Plato
STATE CRAFT - TO CELEBRATE THE FORLON SEASONS (2000) CD FRONT » Info - Gustave Dore - Noah Builds The Ark
("And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind; two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them." [Genesis 6. 19-21])
STATEMENT/DIM MAK Split (1994) 7" FRONT - Vivisection: Le Test De Draize
(Ce test est effectu
TENFOLD - VENGEANCE WILL BE OURS (1996) 7" FRONT - Francisco Goya - The Incantation (1797), Lazaro Galdiano Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
TENSION » Info - Affiche Anarchiste Espagnol 1936-1939 Combattants
(Trois fronts de lutte :
la guerre : les ouvriers, les armes
TERROR - ALWAYS THE HARD WAY (2006) CD FRONT - Peter Paul Rubens - Lion Hunt (1616), Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.
TRAPPED IN LIFE - WHAT I HAVE DONE? (1997) TAPE - Spawn character. Cover artwork of the comic-book
(In a future war, the battle of Armageddon is about to commence. The Anti-Pope, allying with the forces of evil, stands at the threshold of victory. Then, the man once known as Daniel Llanso rises out of the death destruction to become the new Hellspawn of this era. In a blind rage of memories from his own abused childhood, he saves two refugees, Madrid and Matthew from certain death at the hands of the Desiccator, by killing him. Even though Hellspawn just saved their lives, they feel only terror toward him while he seems very familiar to them.)
UNBORN » Info - Alan Lee "Merlin in his shamanic guise", Illustration for Avalon To Camelot book. drawn in pencil on vellum
(Merlin is Arthur's counselor and magician, and in many ways, he is the prime architect of Arthur's reign: Merlin helps Uther Pendragon to become Arthur's father; he guides Arthur to withdraw Excalibur from the Stone; he is the creator of the Round Table and prophet of the Grail; and he helps Arthur attain various goals. Even with all his magical power, however, Merlin has some weaknesses. He becomes infatuated with Morgan Le Fay, the half-sister of Arthur. After teaching her the tricks of the trade, he is imprisoned by her. In other versions, Merlin is enchanted by Viviane).
UNCONQUERED - WALL OF TIME (1998) FRONT » Info - Matthias Gr
UNCONQUERED - MY PAIN 7" (1995) FRONT - The Condemned in Hell, fresco by Luca Signorelli (1500
UNCONQUERED » Info - An officer enforces US prohibition in the 1920s.
(In the United States, the term Prohibition refers to the period 1920 to 1933, during which the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol for consumption were banned nationally as mandated in the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Prohibition of alcohol can also refer to the antecedent religious and political temperance movements calling for sumptuary laws to end or encumber alcohol use.)
UPHEAVAL - TESTIMONY TO THE ATROCITIES (2000) FRONT » Info - Tiziano Vecelli aka Titian "The Annunciation" (1559-1564) Oil on canvas. San Salvatore, Venice, Italy. D
(L'Annonciation est l'annonce faite
VA - JUSTICE FOR THE ENSLAVED (1999) CD FRONT - Ernest Meissonier - La Barricade, rue de la Mortellerie (1848) Louvres, Paris, France.
(The corpses of rioters, together with the cobblestones that form the remains of a barricade, lie like dummies who have lost their limbs in the center of a Paris street lined with old houses. Ernest Meissonier painted this picture after a watercolor (Mus
VERDICT - DEMO (2007) CD FRONT » Info - Gustave Dore - An angel of the Lord slays the army of Sennacherib of Assyria. II Kings 19. Bible Illustration.
[35] That night the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning
VIETNOM - DEATH IS THE OUTCOME (2002) FRONT - Pilote US aux mains des Japonais, apr
(La Seconde Guerre mondiale se termine officiellement en Europe le 8 mai 1945, 23h01, au lendemain de la capitulation sans condition de l'Allemagne nazie. Aussi les hostilit
VITALITY - SEKTOR Split 7 - Gustave Dore
(-And two behold! upon our left-hand side, Naked and scratched, fleeing so furiously, That of the forest, every fan they broke. -He who was in advance:
VITALITY - SEKTOR Split 7 - Gustave Dore
WARZONE - THE SOUND OF REVOLUTION (1996) FRONT - Archibald M. Willard - The Spirit Of '76 (1976)
(La guerre d'ind
WITHDRAWN » Info - Joseph Noel Paton - Voyage To Avalon
(Avalon (en gaulois
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