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Still Life Records


1187 EARTHMOVER "Death carved in every word" (cd)

Death Carved in Every Word improves on everything that made Themes From Everyday Life a worthwhile listen. To begin with, the production is thicker and fuller than on Themes, doing the band's two-guitar attack justice. The vocals benefit from the production as well, sounding deeper and more entrenched. Lyrically, the band continue their first person struggle with social issues and personal downfalls; however, they never come across as trite or self indulgent. More sophisticated arrangements are also noticeable, including a greater use of tight, fast thrash parts. These sections are particularly effective when they meet up with Earthmover's extremely heavy breakdowns. Death Carved in Every Word cements Earthmover's status among Detroit's most legendary and influential hardcore bands. To a list that includes Negative Approach, Cold as Life, Pitbull, and Ricochet, Earthmover's name can conclusively be added. ~ Matthew Kantor, All Music Guide.
Feat. members of Walls Of Jericho


1. Fall of enchantment
2. Letting go
3. Where s your war
4. Turn around
5. Drowning
6. I believe
7. I am promised the world
8. Money
9. Trust the few
10. Death carved in every word
11. Libertatis pugilis


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