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1265 POLE "Sky conquerors are falling from the sun" (10) pix in the database


1. song of a visionary
2. an icon
3. illuminate
4. homeless
4. fire and ice
6. crushed
7. third transission
8. sea of knowledge
9. adventures in the outdoors

468 WHAT IT WAS "Cold" (mcd)

Wow, this POLE*/PURE666ART side-project is the biggest surprise of this season - amazing, powerfull and catchy emo-core in the vein of FOO FIGHTERS and CRANBERRIES!!!

315 POLE "The wind" (mcd) pix in the database

A record full of hooks, breaks and other surprises. this band combines everything you love in hardcore - intensity, honesty and cogency. give this a try and get addicted by this amazing band.


1. take the burden
2. the wind
3. strive for supremacy
4. the stand (headfirst)

268 MORNING BEFORE "Sunblind" (cd)

An amazing fusion of influences ranging from classical music, pop and rock to hardcore, they stand out from a great mass of bands, because they exceed any genres, boudaries or possible clich

235 KAISERSCHNITT 13 "Three other side" (cd)

What do you expect from a band called KAISERSCHNITT 13?? Yeah - this probably the best HC/Punk band around with 9 tracks of exciting catchy-tuned Oldschool-Hardcore. On the mike you'll find the fantastic voice of the DROWN IN FRUSTRATION singer Andr

142 DROWN IN FRUSTRATION "Already fallen" (7)

Yeah, the oldschool is back - this sounds like a sympathic german version of ignite. really good singing here on this 5 song 7". this band deserves all your support - really nice people with an even nicer production!(col. vinyl available).


1. Adrenalin
2. See myself
3. Whispers
4. Another end
5. Ready to rock

30 BALLROOM "The race with the devil" (mcd)

This one stands for the emo-rock section of pateline. most zinewriters compared this to kill holiday and sensefield with a rougher who i am to disagree ? really nice fold out cover with gold (!) letters on it.


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