
Split with One King Down
Belgium vs Usa - SIX awesome unreleased tracks !
H8000 Hardcore meets NY Hardcore !
One King Down
1. Only Way Out
2. Prey To Human Silence
Spirit Of Youth
3. Into Despair
4. Meadow
5. Labyrinth
6. New Season
ONE KING DOWN "S/t" (cd)
Split with Spirit Of Youth
Belgium vs Usa - SIX awesome unreleased tracks !
H8000 Hardcore meets NY Hardcore !
One King Down
1. Only Way Out
2. Prey To Human Silence
Spirit Of Youth
3. Into Despair
4. Meadow
5. Labyrinth
6. New Season
Mini split with 25 Ta Life.
1. Dictation of beauty (Morning Again)
2. Where it begins (25 Ta Life)
3. Make it work (25 Ta Life)
TORN APART "Ten songs for the bleeding hearts" (cd)
TORN APART bring it on it a noisy and aggressive edgemetal way on this, their second full length offering. Only the vinyl is released by Goodlife... we do carry the Cd release on Trustkill though.
1. She's going home
2. Hearts and cross bones
3. Rotting from inside
4. Hardluck
5. Evil eye
6. Built to break
7. Snakes
8. Rock and roll killed my job
9. It's so easy
10. Every girl has a boyfriend
SHORTSIGHT "Could wounds waking" (cd)
Legendary H8000 sxe band featuring Hans Liar's sis, Saskia Verbeke on vocals, together with members of Regression... Great atmospheric metal with melodic (non-screaming) vocals. Great record. Understand why any band with a female singer takes Shortsight as an example nowadays. Ahead of it's time !
1. Feverchild
2. Ebony's song
3. Uprooted
4. Freeze
5. Father
6. Cold wounds waking
7. Give him light
8. Seizure
9. Screaming trees
V/A GOODLIFE "The way it is" (cd)
Second Good Life Release - the comp that immediately established the label at the fore front of the European Hardcore scene... To this day a VERY enjoyable hardcore sampler that compiles exclusive tracks by bands from all over europe, such as Separation, Veil, Congress, Liar, Mainstrike, Comrades and many more... way ahead of it's time ! Crazy over the top graphics and beautiful exclusive photos make this still one of the best looking HC comps ever !
1. END IN SIGHT 'The truth is out there'
2. CONGRESS 'Euridium/Lifting the ban'
3. LIAR 'Blade'
4. BLINDFOLD 'Hypostatized'
5. SHORTSIGHT 'Screaming trees'
6. REGRESSION 'Mass appeal'
7. MAINSTRIKE 'Pursuit'
8. SEPARATION 'Wither'
9. VEIL 'In my heart'
10. SERENADES 'No words are spoken'
11. COMRADES 'Disillusioned'
MORNING AGAIN "Martyr" (cd)
This record shows MORNING AGAIN growing up, developing their own style, later copied by hundreds, but never topped. This was the first record with Kevin Ray Byers (now in Waking Kills The Dream) on vocals.
1. Not by birth
2. Slave
3. Broken promises
4. Puppet and soldier
5. No path to follow
6. Cradle of empty promise
7. Martyr
ARKANGEL "Dead man walking" (mcd)
Alors la on tient du lourd.. du culte...du definitf. Dead man walking reste et restera pour longtemps encore , un album majeur dans la scene HxC et plus particulierement appell
CONGRESS "Stake through the heart" (cd)
Europe's longest standing Hardcore band has done it again. A CONGRESS record has never disappointed anyone, and this one is no different. If nothing else, CONGRESS are taking more influences from all corners, New York Hard Core, Gothic and Heavy Metal to name a few. Incredible technical musicianship, amazing songwriting and the usual personal/political lyrics make for another keeper. This is the kind of record you'll listen to 100 times and you'll still hear and discover new things everytime you do. 'Stake Through The Heart' also marks the last of the line up problems for CONGRESS. 2 new guys in the band (ex-Spineless and ex- Natural Order). We also welcome Tom (formerly vocalist of Family of Dog) as the new singer for CONGRESS. His stage presence and personality are bound to make a big difference!
1. Sharpening the stakes
2. Breed some courage
3. Chemical breakdown
4. Angry with the sun
5. Reality conspiracy
6. Forsaken future
7. In bad blood
8. Sunset forever
9. Thirteen stabwounds
10. Overlord
CULTURE "Heteronome" (mcd)
Members of Morning Again
1. Oath
2. The Everyman
3. No drive
4. Deforestation
5. Exchange
CULTURE "Split cd" (cd)
Ow this is what you can call quality hardcore. Culture and Kindred were, without any doubt, some of the most talked about HC bands in our scene back in 1997 and this split just proves why. Great songs, both bands sound better than ever ! We're running out the last 50 cd's and they will never be repressed so make sure you get yours. Different artwork was made for the vinyl release, totally beautiful Silver sleeve ! This record was supposed to come out in the US on Toybox Records, but it never came out. All that exists is an American Testpress 12" on Toybox.
1. K: Retribution
2. K: Existence
3. K: Blank
4. C: Pillars
5. C: Vampires
6. C: Cast your vote
KINDRED "Split cd" (cd)
Ow this is what you can call quality hardcore. Culture and Kindred were, without any doubt, some of the most talked about HC bands in our scene back in 1997 and this split just proves why. Great songs, both bands sound better than ever ! We're running out the last 50 cd's and they will never be repressed so make sure you get yours. Different artwork was made for the vinyl release, totally beautiful Silver sleeve ! This record was supposed to come out in the US on Toybox Records, but it never came out. All that exists is an American Testpress 12" on Toybox.
1. K: Retribution
2. K: Existence
3. K: Blank
4. C: Pillars
5. C: Vampires
6. C: Cast your vote
BROKEN PROMISES "Dying before the first step" (cd)
Broken promises is a great band from Brussels, Belgium. Music wise as well as lyricwise this band is inspired by Catharsis, Poison the well, Zao etc. Personal, political lyrics that have a lot to say... Shows are always hot as hell and always great to witness.
1. the ultimate drug
2. Let the shoulder fall down
3. the lost secret of a consumed picture
4. Outside of the beaten footpaths
5. I hit myself
6. Ode to a too early lost life
7. My war against humanity
8. The silent companion
9. forever young
REGRESSION "Heartless" (cd)
Legendary H8000 release, maybe the hardest straight edge band that ever existed. One of the orginal H8000 sXe band's debut CD, sold out and never to be repressed. Members went on to form Shortsight and Deformity later on.
1. Beacon
2. Retaliation
3. As we speak
4. Heartless
5. Mass-appeal
6. Reject
SHELTER "Eternal" (cd)
The brandnew Shelter Album. Just when everybody thought it was over, Ray Cappo strikes back with possibly the best Shelter album since Mantra. 10 new tracks and a re-recorded version of 'in defense of reality'. Line-up for this album consists out of Ray Cappo, Ken Olden and Dave Dicenzo
1. Meant to be
2. Built to Resist
3. Eternal
4. First priority
5. Back to Vrindavan
6. My chance to live
7. Amend
8. Return to Eden
9. In Defense of Reality
10. Lotus-like
11. Authenticity
BIRTHRIGHT "Out of darkness" (mcd)
Urt Catalyst's band. After some self produced 7"s they finally gained some attention with this release on GL. Still holding on to their Straightedge and Vegan philosphy they became well known because of that.
1. Forsworn
2. Gnosis
3. Ascension
4. Purge
5. Drowning in flame
6. Forsworn
7. Interregnum
8. New direction
ABNEGATION "Verses of the bleeding" (cd)
Where to begin? After they became pretty famous in the scene with their 7"s, this U.S. Death/Grind extravaganza knocks you off your feet with this full length debut! Nice (disgusting) artwork too, the cd cover is censored with a limited black tray, not unlike that Carcass CD ! Music, vocals and artwork totally over-the-top. A must for all gore fans.
1. When the smoke clears
2. Verses of the bleeding
3. Hopes of harmony
4. Bury the needle
5. Stones that strike the cedar
6. Welcome to hell
7. Drowning in halos water
8. A kiss before dying
9. Cry of the ezurate
DRIVEN "Cowardice consumer of the west" (mcd)
Driven will always be remembered as 'that political Hardcore Metal band from the Netherlands'. When they feel the need to do so, they go out and play - if their singer isn't in college in the USA.
1. Serpentine
2. Awaiting your tears' worth
3. Pyramid of the ants
4. Marrow
5. Reap
CONGRESS "Angry with the sun" (cd)
Their most mature album to date. If the Belgium rockpress and metalscene didn't have their noses up their ass, they would've have recognised this as a true masterpiece of metal.
1. Nyarlathotep (intro)
2. The release
3. Escape the apocalypse
4. Flame
5. Mass control
6. Incubi lamae
7. Decembers blackest tears
8. Mouthafter
9. Satanic surfers
10. The other cheeck
11. Exhume the truth
12. One more attempt
POISON THE WELL "The opposite of december...a season of separation" (cd)
" and MCD. As much as the debut was and still is an incredible, essential release, this full length shows less brutality and more melody.
1. 12/23/93
2. A wish for wings that work
3. Artists rendering of me
4. Slice paper wrists
5. Nerdy
6. To mandate heaven
7. Not within arms length
8. Midair love message
9. My mirror no longer reflects
AFTERSHOCK "Through the looking glass" (cd)
After a previous CD on X Life Sentence X Records and a split 7" release with Statecraft, this Western Massachusetts drop more evil sounding hardcore with Swedish death metal overtones than most bands around. Soooo heavy. Several members went on to play in the huge metal outfit known as KILLSWITCH ENGAGE.
1. Prelude to forever
2. Through the looking glass
3. Jabberwocky
4. Traversing the gap
5. Living backward
6. Impenetrability
7. My own invention
8. Infinite conclusion
9. Awaking the dream
CULTURE "Born of you" (cd)
True Masterpiece of Florida Hardcore, featuring John Wylie and Damien Moyal, as well as current Blood Has Been Shed guy Rich Thurston and Gordon Tarpely (ex AFR). Way ahead of it's time, and, with songs like 'Twenty-Four', a classic band and record in the new wave of Straight Edge
1. Born of you
2. Apologies
3. Not as mine
4. Unconditional love
5. Twenty four
6. Another path
7. One and only
8. Defect
9. Still crossed
10. Silence surrounds
100 DEMONS "In the eyes of the lord" (cd)
1. Forsaken
2. Suffer
3. So alone
4. Wake up and hate
5. While your praying
6. Infected
7. How can i regret
8. Hard luck
9. Back lash
10. Hard surprise
SKYCAMEFALLING "To forever embrace the sun" (7)
1. A penny for your confessions
2. Of adornment and disgust
3. Shroud of Turin
4. Visceral
5. The fall of Cain s countenance
6. Annulment
SHOREBREAK "Path of survival" (cd)
Great, Morning Again - inspired Hardcore/Metal from Spain. Totally popular band !!!
1. Look around
3. Dignity
4. Dress your inner emptyness
5. Broken heart
6. The world's soul
7. From the path of survival
8. Just something...
DEFORMITY "Misanthrope" (mcd)
Their first signed material ! H800 metalcore at its best !!!
1. My creation
2. Splitting
3. They watch
4. 177252: god defined
5. Aidg
CONGRESS "Resurrection" (cd)
Congress are without doubt one of the most respected, longest lasting underground hardcore bands from Belgium. The band started way back in 1993, when all hardcore activity was at an alltime low in Belgium. The band first recorded a four-song demo with a different singer (which would later become the added bonustracks on 'The Other Cheek'), and in 1994 the band released their debut 7" 'Euridium' on what was then still called Warehouse Records later to become the Goodlife label. 'Euridium' hit hardcorescenes worldlike like a bomb, thus introducing the musical style typical for Congress and what would later become wellknown as 'Edgemetal', a combination of the straightedge/drugfree lifestyle and deathmetal music which was the trend in their H8000-area. Soon, through the release of 'Euridium' on CD and relentless touring of Europe, Congress set a very strong live-reputation for themselves, resulting in the nothing short of amazing full length debut album 'Blackened Persistance' (1995). This record is still one of the genredefining records. 'Blackened Persistance' is Goodlife's logical bestseller to date and was recently rereleased in the fall of '97 with six live bonussongs for CD-ROM-video, which enables the listener or rather, viewer to watch the band play live on their computer screen on five different locations! 1996 saw the release of Congress''The Other Cheek'-CD. 'The Other Cheek' is nothing short of a brilliant record, again recorded at Midas Studio in Belgium, a studio that saw it's reputation rise along with Congress' fame, 'The Other Cheek' was another climax in Congress' short but happening story so far... In the meantime, members of Congress also started playing in bands like Liar or Goodlife's Deformity, with whom Congress did a split 7" in the summer of '97. After a quite calm period, the band made it's re-appearance with their most recent, best written and produced album so far 'Angry with the Sun'. (1998).The record was released may 1st and got tremendous response and reviews worldwide. They were asked to tour during alongside New Yorks hardest All Out War and played on some of the big festivals with success. In 1999, Congress recorded four new songs which appeared on the Australian Trial and Error label, the complexity and variety of these songs made the foundation of their yet-to-come-full length which would appear in 2000. Trouble within the band lead to the departure of rythm-guitarist Micha
NAIAD "Hardcore emotion" (mcd)
Kyoto s NAIAD is one of the most promising Japanese hardcore bands. Coming out of the HUGE Japan scene, this band is taking over their very own scene by storm. Playing a style that is anything but traditional Japanese hardcore, they
Split with death before disco
Split with what lies within
review coming soon
V/A GOODLIFE "Summer sampler" (cd)
WAKING KILLS THE DREAM "Depending on tomorrow" (cd)
SENTENCE "War" (cd)
Mettalic vegan hxc from Rome
LAST YEAR "Pictures, letters and memories" (cd)
This amazing Albany trio could easily be the next New found Glory. They play a great mix of Hardcore, Punkrock and Punkpop and they will surely impress you with their supercatchy songs and good sung lyrics that will be the soundtrack for good old fashion 'bing-bing' with the lady!This is a damn fine piece of art...
SCARROTS "Peace of sun shine" (cd)
Amazing Pop-Punk for fans of Jimmy eat World, Get up Kids or Weezer!
V/A GOODLIFE "America s hardcore" (cd)
WAKING KILLS THE DREAM, Hamartia, The Last Year and Horse the band. delivering each some of their newest songs, each in their own unique style ranging from emo to the more metal orientated hardcore...this release gives you an insight on some of the upcoming talents from the US.
REPRISAL "Mail order knife set" (cd)
Finally, it's here! The New Reprisal Album and it kicks Fucking ass! 13 excellent Vegan Straight edge anthems. More militant than ever before!NYHC touch + one track with Integrity members
UNDYING "The whispered lies of angels" (cd)
Another new band on GL is North Carolina's UNDYING. This band has two former members of CATHARSIS in it's ranks and this whole record has the Catharsis influence allover it ! UNDYING's approach is way more technical, 12 songs on this one. Expect fast & technical Swedish-influenced Deathmetal from Undying with great and thoughtful lyrics.
LENGHT OF TIME "How good the world could be again" (cd)
Finally the third album of Length Of Time sees the light of day... And what an album it is! Length of time once more unleashes it's dark hymns of brutal Hardcore, wrapped up in a special design (DIGIPACK AVAILABLE) with some of the most diversive vocals of this year! The crushing sound & more mature approach than on previous work make this one a sure hitter!
V/A GOODLIFE "Vol 4" (cd)
Including new tracks by AVENGED SEVENFOLD, DEAD BLUE SKY, BROKEN PROMISES, CONGRESS, LIAR, STATECRAFT, SPIRIT 84, ABERRANCE, etc... and featuring tracks by Length of Time, Undying, 100 Demons...
V/A GOODLIFE "Budget sampler 2" (cd)
Featuring: 25 ta life, spirit of youth, shorebreak, morning again, comin correct, culture, deformity, driven, lenght of time, congress, spirit 84, racial abuse, regression, kindred, shortsight, reveal, catharsis.
Cheap price!
STATECRAFT "To celebrate the forlorn seasons" (cd)
To celebrate the Japanese / H8000 alliance, this is the first Nippon based band on GLR. Killer Deathmetal Hardcore in the vein of Morning Again mixed with Morbid Angel madness... if you can imagine that ??!! BRUTAL is the word - a killer disc thru and thru !
Monument du metalcore fortement teint
SPIRIT OF YOUTH "Colors that bleed" (cd)
H-8000 band. excellent New school straight-edge hardcore.
REPRISAL "Boundless human stupidity" (cd)
Vegan Metalheads watch out, because this new record of REPRISAL will hit you like aTen ton train! Slamming riffs & brutal grooves are served with delirious breakdowns toGive you the rush of your life. Lyrics dealing with veganism, animal rights, etc Reprisal stand solid as a rock & all you can do is spread the word: END SPECEISM! And worship Reprisal !
DISCIPLE "No blood, no altar now" (cd)
New school hardcore from Erie with a strong blend of positive and spiritual message.
The band is gaining tons of attention in the states. In the vein of No Innocent Victim .
COMIN CORRECT "One scene unity" (cd)
Total nyhc hardcore with some members of 25 ta life.
Leave it to Rick to bring you something different and interesting. A slight stray away from the 1st CD from Comin Correct, Rick takes it to another level. Opening with the Star Wars theme music the new Comin Correct starts off quite heavy. Vocals are faster an deeper than the 1st cd. Music is TOTALLY different. Lots and lots of metal, quick style hardcore riffs here. Personally, I like the new Cd better than the original but some might feel that it sounds too much like 25 ta Life. You gotta here this CD yourself to decide. Brutal, deep, and powerful, this band has made a big musical change, but the message is the same.
ANGEL CREW "Another day living in hatred" (cd)
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