New airplay stuff
BurdenTrapped In LifePurified In BloodBroken PromisesWaking Kills The DreamAcediaIndecisionWolverineNo Redeeming Social ValueOn Our OwnV/a Goodlife
  Waking Kills The Dream ''depending on tomorrow'' | Goodlife records
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Every saturday
7 pm - 8.30 pm
on Radio 666 | 99.1 FM

also through the web

Unity hxc radioshow
c/o J. MARIE
17 rue Claude Debussy
14114 Ver Sur Mer
FRANCE | About Unityhxc dot com

At first, unity" is a french weekly hardcore radioshow airing on Radio 666 (99.1Mhz) in Normandy since 1998.

Tune your radio every saturday between the hours of 7 pm and 8.30 pm and listen to the best of worldwide Hardcore old and new. Unity radioshow can also be heard through internet. Read just below. has been created to bring all bands, records labels, promoters... a better promotion in addition to the radioshow for all the stuff sent for airplay.
All material and all info are added on the website.
» Download the video's aim is to make people discover what hardcore is about. is a total DIY website.

Radio 666 webcam | Listen to the radio

Radio 666 's webcam
» Listen to Radio 666 (99.1 FM)
To listen to the radio

  • Windows : vous pouvez utiliser le logiciel WINAMP.
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    Page de téléchargement de la version 5 full :
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  • Linux : XMMS ou Mplayer
    Si vous avez besoin de l'adresse directe du flux ogg pour la rentrer dans le lecteur, c'est :

    Il y a plein d'autres logiciels qui lisent ce format, et il y en aura de plus en plus.

  • Vous pouvez visiter le site officiel en anglais sur lequel vous trouverez toutes une liste de logiciels libres.

    Back in the days

  • The first design of the homepage made in 1998 with a photo of the great band SUBSIST.

  • first design of the homepage in 1998

  • The first unity flyer made with word :-)

  • first unity flyer


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