VERDICT | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
We started in 2004, but there were some line-up changes and the band was dysfunctional for some time. In 2006 we gathered with a new line-up and began writing music again. At the end of 2007 we released our demo-cd on Self X True Records, this is the only record at the moment. We just wanted to introduce our band with the help of these few songs to all the people interested. Our sound is compared with such bands as Reprisal, Arkangel, Culture, Morning Again and other outstanding bands from 90`s. They influenced us a lot. We have grown up listening these bands, so our goal is to preserve that 90`s spirit and vibe. So you are to decide if we are successful or not. But we like what we do and it is the most important thing for us. In our songs we tell about people rotting because of different shit surrounding them, we sing about dangerous "creatures", about lies, betrayal and injustice surrounding us. May be for someone such lyrics may seem too dark and obscure, but we put particular sense and meaning in every song. In august 2008 our first full-lenght "Constanta" СD was released .
» Country : Russia » Hit profil : 2405
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