» Releases :
» Biography
The band was formed in 2005 in Rennes when a group of close friends having skimmed the hardcore scene for a long time (musicians, bookers, fans) decided to start a band. Composed by two energetic frontmen in a hardcore - hip hop flow and supported by two guitars with a trenchant sound, and by a groovy bass and battery, this moshing hardcore gets the attention of the hardcore beatdown fans. Being hard influenced by the metal hardcore stage (Born from Pain, Irate, Knuckledust) and supporters of Hip Hop (Wu-tang, House of Pain, Run DMC...) their first demo (auto-produced) "In your ass bastard" is accompanied with a website with photos and mp3s. Persevering and explosive, the group tries to play more shows and searches gigs a bit everywhere in France. Energy, power and groove on stage... They already shared stage with acts like: Stubborn, Confronto (Brazil), Down By Prejudice, Hardside, Des Mafios, Cloberrin time, Primal Age, Sentence (Italy), FTX, Apocalypse Now, None Shall Be Saved, True Valiance, bitter taste of life and more...
» Country : France » Website : http://www.myspace.com/ultimhatehxc » Hit profil : 2043