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PALEHORSE | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography

Palehorse took its first stride in the summer of 2003. Vincent Calandra, joined forces with long-time friend Dave LePage to give today's hardcore what it's missing; Hardcore. Palehorse released a demo 3 songs of furious wrath, including the heart stopping "May Day". The demo was simply titled 'And I looked'

By the time the demo was released, Palehorse had begun working with their contacts all over the Northeast.Palehorse hit the road with a vengeance, playing relentlessly, weekend after weekend, and city after city. Whether it was in Connecticut, Western Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or Vermont, Palehorse went there. And they went there again, and then they went there again.Also now two us tours have been put under the horses belt.Hitting the rod with such acts as The Hoods.

After quickly realizing the potential for Palehorse, the members decided to record an EP. The band needed a studio, and they heard rumors about a studio opened up by Matt Henderson (Madball), and Dean (Salad Days). It was called Atomic Recording. Palehorse went to Atomic and cut a record explosive enough to level entire cities. That bomb is just waiting to be released. Martyr Records was the commander in cheif to use the new wepon.Secrets Within Secrets hit with a fury!

Drummer Joe Longbardi was the next addition, bringing the rhythm section of Palehorse to an unprecedented level. He is lightning fast and thunderously powerful, and exhibits a rhythmic imagination unparalleled. All anyone seems to say about him is, "Where did you find that kid?" Well, he just kind of showed up at practice one day and hung out. Palehorse has also added a second guitarist, John Tamas. Tamas has played in various bands with all of the members for more than a decade. He rounded out the sound, added a few blazing metal solos, and added to the live performance with his raw, boundless energy. Palehorse launches a new crusade every time they take the stage. And rest assured, it is a religious experience!(john Tamas R.I.P 8/9/1979 7/25/2005)

We look forward to playing for you. Pale Fucking Horse.

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