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OUT FOR BLOOD | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

  OUT FOR BLOOD | Belgium
Out For Blood
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» Biography

The story begins in the year 1994. Japi & Alain join forces and with the help of Laurent & Max, the band was born. Soon, a new guitarist joins the band, that's Vincent. Max is replaced by Jeremy. The band records a promo tape with a small 4-track recorder. 1995 is the year of its release. Shortly after, a new bassist joins the band to replace Laurent. His name is xVincentx. After many tries to replace Jeremy, a new drummer joins the band. His name is Per and he comes from Sweden. With this line-up, the story really begins. The first official demo tape comes out in early 1996 and it's a huge success. Over 1300 copies are sold all over the world. After having played many shows including a small tour in France, the band releases its first album 'Strive to survive' (1997) that confirms their status of leading hardcore band in the Brussels area. Their influences are numerous (Sick of it all, Madball, Inhuman, Crown of Thornz but also 25 Ta Life, Neglect or Next Step Up). However, OUT FOR BLOOD has developped a style of its own which is greatly appreciated by both Belgian and European kids. The demo 96 songs are re-released on a Swiss label called Division Records. It comes out as a vinyl 7" on red wax which has become a collector item. It features one extra song which is a live recording of the song 'Alone & Hated' recorded at the Dour Festival in 1996. The band plays shows in England, Germany, Holland & Switzerland. Highlights are their participation at both Dour festivals (1996 and 1997) and at the Eurocore Fest. They've played with bands such as 25 Ta Life, Snapcase, No Redeeming Social Value, Agnostic Front, Indecision, the Ryker's, Stormcore and many other Euro & US bands. In 1997 Per leaves the band and is replaced by Christian (ex-Catalepsy) More shows are played, new songs are written (Too Late, Both sides of the ditch) but they'll never be recorded. After a short tour that leads them to Switzerland, the band decides to parted ways. The decision is taken in early 1998. After a couple of months the band reforms but with 3 new members. Alexis (ex-Neverending) is on guitar and replaces Vincent. Ives takes place behind the drumset and Fred (ex-Hateful District member, better known as 'Speechless Fred' at that time) takes the bass duty. Then starts the second period of the band. New songs are written, leaving the old-school influences aside, the new musical direction is influenced by bands that play heavy metalcore such as Hatebreed or Merauder. In the Summer of 1999 OUT FOR BLOOD goes on tour thru France and Spain. This will be their only real tour, 15 days of shows, travel and fun that will remain for all of them a great souvenir. In 2000, the band decides to go back to studio in order to record their new songs and release the second album. The whole job is done, all songs are recorded, the promotion campaign starts but on the last minute, decision is taken not to release the record. The reason why this hard decision was taken is that the final result didn't please some band members. A huge deception followed and lead to the departure of Ives & Japi, the only founding member that remained with Alain. After a few unsuccessful tries to find a new guitarist & drummer, the band broke up for good in the Summer of 2000. OUT FOR BLOOD is probably one of the only bands that had the opportunity to play 3 (!!!) shows in a day. The first one was in the morning in Brussels, an open air show that was set up on the occasion of the yearly Brussels City celebration which is called 'F

» Country : Belgium
» Hit profil : 3623

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