ONE SHOT EYE | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
ONE SHOT EYE arose in July 2002. Having more or less successful adventures with other bands we wanted to come true in what we truly loved: heavy, metallic hardcore. Playing in unbroken line-up so far, we try to create music which stands on the crossroads of these genres. Organic harmony of powerful slashing in the vein of Carcass, At The Gates and ground-hitting breakdowns which bands like Unearth, Lenght of Time boast of... - from the very beginning there was only one goal - the music had to bang precisely in the face... Playing shows and rehearsals non-stop we look for more effective measure for that recipe. We entered MAMUT studio in October 2002 to record our first, 4-song demo. The stuff didn't meet with no response, doing well during live shows. Everyone who was on our concert perfectly knows what we mean. Nowadays we polish up our full-lenght material. We have some releasing plans, but we don't want to put a jinx on it...
We don't hide that our lyrics are into the background, but it doesn't mean they deal with insignificant nonsenses... At first glance one may have impression that we are closer to silly, satanic bullshit... It's erroneous - we leave it for menacing scouts in funny make-ups. Dark, full of ambiguous similes, kept in religious-apocalytpic convention lyrics have strong, sociological overtone. They all have common denominator: form of lost human individual in the world. It's a peculiar diary of sad existence: "Dancing with devil", "Your way to the cross"; problem of faith, attempt of finding God: "Army Of God", "Drink my blood", "Forgive me god"; life: "Apocalypse", "Hellish Nation"; death - both physiological and the sudden one, which has already taken a few of our friends: "His last will", "Life like wind"...
Time goes by and OSE still do its own. We will see in what direction everything will go on soon...
» Country : Poland » Website : http://www.oneshoteye.hard-core.pl » Hit profil : 2614
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