LOVEBREED | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
Lovebreed is rised from the ashes of few bands in the end of 2004. In October Camille and Pierre started the project to play a show in december who was supposly maintained for their last band. Instead of canceling, and with a bit of dumb and suicidal will, they challenge the "45mn of music in 2 months" trial with 3 or 4 practice per week. Joined in the way by Joh and Skiz on vocals, the band (2 guitarists and 2 vocalists) couldn't find a drummer and a bassist in a time this short. No choice but to relay themselves on "Bobby", their computer-blast-machine drummer, and finaly recorded 8 tracks in 1 months and half. The name "Lovebreed" came as a joke on "hatebreed" among a lots more, same for the official logo : lame parody as well ! :)
The band had a life equal to 3 months, managed to play 4 shows, shared the stage with Eden Maine, 8 Control, Stubborn, Juggernault, Mantys etc, recorded 3 shows live and released a 10 tracks CD in complete DIY.
In 2006 Lovebreed release a single song "MasterLover", a cover of Merauder's legendary hit "MasterKiller" with twisted lyrics, but couldn't manage to record more due to the geographical distance between the members. The band hope to find time and place in 2007 or 2008 to record a new CD.
2006 - "MasterLover"
2004 - 10 tracks CD "2 Months"
» Country : France » Website : http://www.myspace.com/truelovebreed » Hit profil : 1684
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