LAST TO REMAIN | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
Last To Remain was founded back in 2003 after our old band, Aggravation broke up.
We wanted to start a new band with less metal and more brutal beatdowns, still keeping the heavy sound but adding more hardcore feelings than we had in Aggravation. So we started making new songs, shorter but still brutal and more mosh-friendly.
Since the beginning, the band has been through numerous line up changes, and today only two of the original members still remains. But all these changes have made the band stronger and shaped it into what it has become today : an unstoppable and relentless warmachine that takes no prisoners.
Through the years, the band has shared the stage with great acts such as Shattered Realm, Since The Flood, Sworn Enemy, Knuckledust, St Hood, Cutdown, Sick Of It All and Madball, amongst others.
We are not a straight edge band, but three Last To Remain members support and follow this lifestyle.
The band focuses on representing the tougher and harder side of hardcore and aim to bring the mosh to the masses.
Stay true...or stay away !!!
» Country : Norway » Website : http://www.myspace.com/lasttoremain » Hit profil : 1913
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