KILLING THE DREAM | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
California's KILLING THE DREAM are a truly inspiring and passionate contemporary hardcore band. Embodying the same positive raw emotion found in contemporaries Comeback Kid and Bane, while also paying tribute to the rage of legends Unbroken and Chain Of Strength. Their collective energy and heart is the definition of hardcore power. Making even the most jaded of listeners appreciate, respect, and praise them as their new hardcore heroes in the making.
"In Place, Apart" from KILLING THE DREAM picks up where their highly praised "I Rewrote It" 7"EP (Deathwish 2005) left off. "In Place, Apart" was recorded by Kurt Ballou @ Godcity Studios (Converge, Modern Life Is War) and features visuals and design by J. Bannon (Converge, As I Lay Dying). Emoting with an awe inspiring intensity, "In Place, Apart" is a 12 song journey into the shattered heart and soul of its creators. Serving as an open letter, a calling out, and a line in the sand to all of the lost love in their lives. "In Place, Apart" is destined to be an empowering hardcore classic. A lesson in survival in the face of desperation, and a shoulder to lean on in a time of need...
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