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DIE MY DEMON | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

  DIE MY DEMON | Belgium
Die My Demon
  » Releases :

die my demon
"Love The Game... Hate The Players"
(Filled With Hate rds)

  » Photographies :

» Biography

Back in the year 1999 DIE MY DEMON started out as a side-project of DMD's (a.k.a. Dendermonde region) 4 piece Sad Origin. More out of fun than to be a full time band Hans, Wes, Wim and Raf (former Lost in tha system) wrote five fast and furious songs which set the trend of Die My Demon's-style known until this day. Their sound was easy to compare with bands such as Madball, Skarhead, 25 ta life,... After recording their demo and performing on a few S.O.-shows Die My Demon was put on hold due to work and school.

In 2001 Sergio, Hans, Dennis and Davy (former Scratch & Win) picked up the gloves and started rehearsing again. First Hans wanted to play bass, but very soon we saw it wouldn't work out as planned and Hans became second singer. As time went by, Sad Origin called it quits due to several reasons which left bass player Robby and guitarist Wes homeless, so they joined Die My Demon. After playing some shows Robby graduated and got the chance to start a career. A pity for us cause it was way to far for him to keep playing, but we wished him all the luck and searched for a new member.

On a hot summer day Hans called each one of us with the news he had found a new player, "someone familiar" he said. Some weeks later we found out Ricardo Hernandez, former member of Casting Fire, Undaground Disciples and Armor of God, was coming to Belgium to start a new life and that he would join the band. Nice story you say, we wished it had turned out that way, but it didn't. First of all none of us was living by himself, so it wasn't that easy to give him the proper stay until he could find some of his own. Finding a job was a nightmare and letting him stay in Belgium for more than a few months was completely impossible because he came from, and I quote, "an economically well fed country". Despite our good intensions Ricardo needed to go back to the States. We thank everyone who helped Ricardo out during that period. We hope he is still doing his thing out there and when you are reading this Rico

» Country : Belgium
» Hit profil : 2594

Related DIE MY DEMON flyers:

agnostic front,hatebreed,killswitch engage,ignite,slapshot,blood for blood,discipline,caliban,heaven shall burn,die my demon,end of days,do or die,destiny,deadsoil,black friday 29,fear my thoughts,evergreen terrace,knuckledust,terror,sworn enemy,walls of jericho,throwdown,shattered realm,shai hulud,personal vendetta,settle the score,retaliate,paint the town red,e-town concrete,maroonbazooka,kickback,the arrs,die my demon,count to react,last quiet time,divineirate,die my demon,purgatory,divine,count to react

» Total added : 515


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