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» Biography
Founded in '99, we reunited with a deep concern for preaching the word of God, through music. In a period of one year in a half, we dedicated ourselves in seeking the will of God for our lives, meanwhile preparing spiritually as well as musically, many went through this lapse of time but not all qualified for the calling and the vision God had for the band. Until God put the right people for the job: Enzo (drums) founder, Daniel (guitar), Natanael (vocal), after a long search, difficult moments, many adversities and oppositions, Gods vision began and we took the word of God to the streets through hardcore!! preaching the word of God were we live. We have played with many local bands from the hardcore scene in PUERTO RICO , which have been of deep support for us. After tree years, the opportunity to make a demo came, which was distributed by FACEDOWN RECORDS, a Christian record in U.S.A California, this demo has 4 songs, by this oportunity, we play in Costa Rica in a concert called "LUMBRERA FEST " .Jason Dunn (owner of FACEDOWN RECORDS) made the approach to sign us in STRIKEFIRST RECORDS and record our first full album called warning. This musical production contains 11 songs and "intro, this was produced by Tim Mason (guitarist NO INNOCENT VICTIM). thanks to God, we toured through the states to promote our CD and played with some really good friends: xLOOKING FOWARDx, SEVENTH STAR, BLOODY SUNDAY , INKED IN BLOOD and others. we love what we do and nkow in 2007 a new CLEAR CONVICTIONS its coming stronger than ever!
» Country : Puerto Rico » Hit profil : 2684