BROKEN OATH | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
Formed in Glasgow in 2001, their aim was to begin a new metalcore project that differed from their previous bands.
The band took its time writing and rehearsing, and made sure that they were not rushed into any gigs or recording before they were ready. It was actually on 19th May 2002 that they played their first show, gaining a lot favourable feedback. The band was booked regularly after that, and has been gaining valuable experience from every show they play.
Drawing influences from the wide spectrum of extreme music, and using elements of all different styles, they create dynamic music that can be both brutal and discordant, but also dark and emotional. The aim is, regardless of genre or style, to make music they all enjoy, and to strive to provide an increasingly animated and adrenalin fueled live show.
» Country : U K » Website : http://www.brokenoath.co.uk » Hit profil : 2310
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