APATHEMY | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

» Releases :
» Biography
APATHEMY are one of Detroit's premiere hardcore bands, they first arrived on the scene in 1997. Since their inception they have been destroying hardcore audiences all over the Midwest and Northeast. They have shared the stage with such prominent acts as Drowning Man, Darkest Hour, Disembodied, Poison The Well and Every time I Die (to name just a FEW!) APATHEMY's first CD, "Our Decayed Remains" was released on No Substance Records and debuted on the local Detroit Soundscan charts among such major label heavyweights as Sarah McLachlan and Veruca Salt. That being a mighty feat for a hardcore act with virtually nothing more than an independent label to back them up. Then a four song demo showcasing their latest creations found its way into the hands of TRIBUNAL RECORDS, and the rest is history.
» Country : U S A » Hit profil : 2079
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