A PERFECT MURDER | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

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» Biography
While it can be argued that some cats indeed have nine lives, the same cannot always be said about metal and hardcore bands, with even the luckiest enjoying two but rarely more. Sprouting up nearly six years ago from the extreme music mecca of Canada and even North America at large, Montreal Quebec, A Perfect Murder beat the odds and are now on their third or fourth life at least. But time is still on their side; the band began recording when still in their teens, highlighting an early appetite for crafting heavy music not unlike legendary acts Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Pantera did during their formative years.
And very much like those bands A Perfect Murder were onto something from the beginning, releasing a riff-laden, brick of a debut EP in 2001, Blood Covered Words, on local indie Cyclop Media (Mi Amore, Cobra Noir) which was immediately picked up by dominant US distros Very, Lumberjack, and No Idea. The band showed taste for quality metal, boldly asserting influence from Crowbar, Testament, and Metallica. Despite laying claim to a lion-like roar strikingly similar to Sepultura
» Country : Canada » Website : http://aperfectmurder.org » Hit profil : 1973
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