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UNITYHXC.COM | Hardcore Dvds - video tapes

» Hardcore related DVDs

Blood of judas BLOOD OF JUDAS
"Official tour documentary dvd " feat: Loyal To the Grave, Extinguish The Fire, Crystal Lake

Document exceptionnel sur cette tournée magistrale a l'echelle du japon. 3 groupes principaux , Loyal to the grave , Extinguish the fire et Crystal lake.Durant 80 minutes ce dvd retrace de maniere sincere la tournée marathon intitulée Blood of judas. tout un programme... plus de 20 dates dispersées au 4 coins de l'archipel nippon , un public extraordinaire ( le public chante , danse , slam .. en un mot VIT le show!!) , des concerts chauds bouillants.. bref on aimerait y etre. La galette na s'arrete pas a cela et delivre le dernier show tokyoite de la tournée dans son integralité ...ainsi que 3 clips des groupes "Sorrow tears of the dead pour EtF , "168 set terror" pour LttG et "The only way" pour CL. En bonus ce dvd qui regorge de surprises , nous donne un large apercu de ce qu'est la legendaire histoire du Blood axe 168.. avec des videos de Loyal to the grave , Extinguish the fire , Crystal lake mais aussi Division ,Holykeeper , Devitalized ,Sward,Days of oblivion ,Vanguard, Unboy , Endzweck , Birthplace et Statecraft !!Bref une putain de rétrospective sur la scene metal/hxc jap'!Ultime! (by xGPx)

80 minutes of never seen footage, behind the scene, and music videos.
3way split DVD "BLOOD OF JUDAS" released from BLOOD AXE 168 COMMUNICATIONS.Including a lot live shots of Loyal to the grave, Extinguish the fire and Crystal lake joint tour in the whole country.Especially each 3 songs in Tokyo tour final show are amazing.This DVD enable to find out Japanese newschool scene.Still more this one record extra footage of State craftBirthplaceEndzweckLoyal to the grave...etc old live shots.

Time : 80 min
Labels: Blood Axe Communication
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"Foreign films "

Pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas eu la chance de voir Will Haven en live (derniere prestation en France le 6 novembre 1999), ce DVD retrace bien la puissance delivree pas ce quatuor. La set list est absolument terrible, l'ambiance est la, il est juste un peu dommage que l'image et le son ne soient pas a la hauteur... Mais vous inquietez pas, c'est du tout bon. (Matthieu)

Time : 180 min
Labels: Golf records
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"The living proof "

The ultimate commercial hardcore band. Look for this DVD to be jam packed with live songs from around the world (Brazil, UK/Europe, Japan, Australia). Also included will be an entire live set captured in London in January 2006, as well as behind-the-scenes footage (and interviews) of the band recording their new album with producer Zeuss (Throwdown, Shadows Fall). Over 3 hours long and includes over 30 live songs, professionally filmed, edited, and with mixed audio. Get stoked.

01. Intro/BetterOffWithYou
02. Push It Away
03. The Living Proof (STUDIO)
04. Spit My Rage
05. Planet Zeuss (STUDIO)
06. One With The Underdogs
07. What Have We Done
08. Aaron Knuckles (STUDIO)
09. Life And Death
10. Not This Time
11. Cabin Fever (STUDIO)
12. Survival Comes Crashing In
13. Keep Your Mouth Shut
14. "Gang" Vocals (STUDIO)
15. Nothing To Me
16. Out Of My Face
17. Why We Play (STUDIO)
18. Overcome
19. Lowest Of The Low
20. This is Hardcore Outtro (STUDIO)

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Hellfest 2002
California 2002
Hellfest 2003
Krazy Fest 2003
New England Metal Fest 2004
Europe 2004
Brazil Liberation Fest 2005
Quebec City 2005
Japan 2005


Time : 180 min
Labels: Trustkill records
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Superbowl of Hardcore SUPERBOWL OF HARDCORE 2005

Here it is - the first DVD version ever of New York Hardcore's annual extravaganza - THE Superbowl Of Hardcore, 2005 Edition! Bands include Sick Of It All, Madball, Skarhead (3 songs each), H2O, Merauder, Subzero, Bulldoze, Maximum Penalty (2 songs each), Vietnom, Son Of Skam, Iron Cross, Fearless Vampire Killers, No Redeeming Social Value, Everybody Gets Hurt, Billy Club Sandwich, Rejuvenate, Murderer's Row, and Stout (1 song each). Not bad, not good DVD, i am lil bit disapointed.

Time : 90 min
Autor: Black N Blue productions
Born To Hate BORN TO HATE #1

Born To Hate Video magazine featuring footage from heavy hardcore groups such as: No Innocent Victim, Everyman for Himself, Blood Stands Still, Life or Death, Angels Die, Merauder, Vendetta, Folsom, Terror, & The Hoods. Nice shot for this first diy effort. Dont expect a high quality dvd, this shit is straight from the stage with its crappy sounds, low luminosity...but it doesn't matter, it 's hardcore. As they said, This volume is dedicated to all the bands, labels, promoters, zines, distros, clubs owners and hardcore kids worldwide for keeping this shit alive.

Time : 90 min
Autor: Born To Hate zine
Earth Crisis

"Forever True "

Earth Crisis ' 10 years legacy is captured and documented on this full length DVD release. Features include : never before seen footage, behind the scenes interviews, music videos, spectacular live footage and more.
Throughout their career the band garnered massive media exposure via features on CNN, MTV, ABC...Their revolutionary and militant stance against animal cruelty and substance gained them a universal legion of die-hard followers. The conviction, determination and fortitude displayed by this band put them in an almost untouchable, exclusive category in the hard music genre.
Earth Crisis were a radical, guerilla, musical force that forged music and ideological beliefs into a countercultural battering-ram.

Time : 90 min
Labels: Victory records
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Guerilla Warfare 2 GUERILLA WARFARE #2
Features bands like Everybody Gets Hurt, TJ Maxxx, Settle The Score. 45 min of pure and honest hardcore in your face.

Time : 45 min
Autor: Guerilla zine
Guerilla Warfare 3 GUERILLA WARFARE #3

Time : 45 min
Autor: Guerilla zine
Eulogy / Alveran Dvd

"2K3 DVD"

This DVD could have been better. The sound is really crappy. Featuring Unearth,Until the End,Shattered Realm,This Day Forward,Bury Your Dead,Where fear and weapons meet,On Broken Wings,Evergreen Terrace

Time : 45 min
Labels: Eulogy records | Alveran records


Time : 45 min
Autor: Velvet Motion
Boston Beatdown 2 BOSTON BEATDOWN #2
"See the world through our eyes"

Deuxieme volume donc sur la vie , les moeurs du FSU crew de Boston et ca fait toujours pas dans la dentelle.Deux mots pour resumer le dvd.? Baston et Musique.. bien que ce deuxieme point soit plut�t l�ger... � mon gout du moins. Les groupe pr�sents en interview ou en "live" sont peu nombreux mais de qualité...Blood 4 Blood; Death Before Dishonor; Wrecking Crew etc....Bah que dire de ce reportage sur une scene non representative du hxc US..? Au 1er degres on peut declarer que les mecs de Boston sont des oufs de chez ouf.... ( surtout le mec qui se bastonne tout le temps , pour rien selon lui en plus.. et tatoué SOCIOPATH!) La musique est omnipresente en fonds sonore , mais il est tres peu question d'elle dans le dvd.... on parle crew , amis , quartier, baston , fiereté etc...quelques scenes bordelines sont a noter .. notamment celle ou un vieux bonhomme se fait literallement savater par des jeunes du public... par moment ca vire presque au jackass like , quand les membres du FSU arborent leurs cicatrices; ou pire nous montrent l'operation chirurgicale DIY de l'un d'eux.. attention plan gore et cradingue a l'appuie! Les intervenants sont tout de meme interessants ( le chanteur de wrecking crew , white trash rob de blood4blood..), et nous parlent de leur vision du hxc a travers leur scene et leur crew respectifs...Côte bonus ( on est sur un dvd!!!) , bah 3 lives digne d'une vhs des 80's niveau qualite.. et cours de sutures de la part d'un membre du FSU suite a une bagarre..Comme vous l'aurez constaté mon avis est plutot mitigé... d'un coté pas assez de musique et de discusiion autours d'elle , de l'autre des images et des propos trop borderline a mon gout pour suciter l'interet a visionner la chose une seconde fois...
Une curiosité , mais pas le monument annoncé!

By xGPx

Time : 45 min
Label : Crosscheck records

» Hardcore related video tapes


The long awaited video compilation is finally out, it contains clips and live footage of so many will love it...Professional quality, more than 60 minutes, contains footage from the Vort'n Vis fest, Goodlife Summer Fest etc....Some bands havemore than one song-for many of you this will be the first chance to see some of Goodlife bands play live and see the kids go off !!! Contains one or more songs by : Arkangel, Length Of Time, As Friends Rust, Morning Again, Statecraft, Congress, Liar, Spirit 84, Driven, Reprisal, Shockwave, In Dying Days...

Time : 90 min
Label : Goodlife recordings
Vision Of Disorder

On tour with Vision Of Disorder

Time : 30 min
Label : Roadrunner records


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