UNITYHXC.COM | Hardcore Dvds - Hardcore related books

"A tribal history by Steven Blush" Hardcore,
the hard-edged second generation of punk rock, whose peak period
ranged from 1980 to 1986, has never before been captured in the
way Steven Blush’s authoritative, extensively illustrated oral
history revisits its dynamic and sordid past. All the major hardcore
scenes, particularly in Southern California, San Francisco, Washington
D.C., Boston, New York City and Texas are given provocative voice
through its major players, from drugged-out suburban Metal misfits
to shit-kicking skinheads to vegan anti-drug pacifists. American
Hardcore: A Tribal History not only recapitulates an important
and influential scene, its provocative sociological snapshots
reveal the apocalyptic desperation of a singular time in American
history. Author Steven Blush was a prime mover in the scene he
writes about; in the ’80s, he promoted many hardcore tours and
shows, DJ’d an influential college radio show, and ran a record
label. Later Blush published Seconds magazine, and wrote for Paper,
Spin, Interview, Village Voice, Details and High Times magazines.
The primary photographers included in this volume are Edward Colver
and Karen O’Sullivan. Flyers, set lists, logos, and record covers
have been provided by many collectors, and the book includes an
extensive discography of Hardcore rock releases from 1980 to 1986.
Pages : 334
Publisher : Feral House (November 9, 2001)
» Read an interview of Steven Blush » BUY IT on Amazon |
ALL AGES "Reflections on Straight-edge"
"All Ages -- Reflections on Straight Edge" takes an in-depth look at the second wave of American Hardcore -- the music that borrowed from the likes of Minor Threat, Black Flag and SSD -- bands like Youth of Today, Slapshot, Bold, Underdog, Side by Side, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Inside Out, Chain of Strength, No for an Answer and Supertouch. Most of these bands were awesome and unique and have yet to be documented accurately outside of their own recordings until now. The personalities and opinions expressed in this book are as varied as the music these people have since created. So many of the people who at one time held similar beliefs have since then explored virtually every direction in life imaginable and they candidly discuss their experiences in "All Ages."
If you care one iota about not just straight edge, but American Hardcore in general, "All Ages" is a must. And if you can deal with some honesty and some fallen angels and even some humor, then buy it. And don't just look at it, read it. And then put it in that spot you have reserved for things that become part of your permanent collection.
Pages : 224
Publisher: Revelation records (1997)
» BUY IT on Amazon |
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