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NarzissKindredFive Minute MajorOne King DownThe AutomataMost High GameDehanzaKrutchTime Has ComeOvercomeLawstreet 16
  Kindred ''split cd'' | Goodlife records
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For The Glory  (436)
Spider Crew  (507)
Inside Me  (482)
The Hope Conspiracy  (324)
Maypole  (315)
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Dew Scented
''issue vi''
Born From Pain
''in the love...''
When Freedom Dies
''demo cd''
Cast Aside
''the struggle''
Blood 4 Blood
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Householdname Records

FOI PROD Records

FOI PROD Records
FOI PROD Records
654 HOMESTELL "Deceit" (cd)

Split with Field Of Illusion
coming soon

653 FIELD OF ILLUSION "Deceit" (cd)

Split with Homestell

coming soon


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