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  Miss Mofet ''an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea'' | Northpost records
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# Friends-crew
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Primal Age  (386)
Crossbreed  (2416)
Point Of Recognition  (427)
Shikari  (391)
Aftermath Of A Trainwreck  (348)
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Dew Scented
''issue vi''
Born From Pain
''in the love...''
When Freedom Dies
''demo cd''
Cast Aside
''the struggle''
Blood 4 Blood
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Filled With Hate Records



346 SENTENCE "Dominion on evil" (cd) pix in the database

This cd came from the depths of hell !!! Crunching metallic riffs, heavy breakdowns, and plenty of anger by sick, screaming vocals.

275 NEGATE "Tragik circus" (cd)

Review soon !!!!

185 FROM THE DYING SKY "Truth's last horizon" (mcd) pix in the database

The master of brutality are back !!! intense metallic emotional hardcore from Italia !!! really really good !!!


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