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Filled With Hate Records


855 SHATTERED REALM "All will suffer" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base


1. This world is mine
2. Slipping away
3. No one else
4. All will suffer
5. No mercy

779 NOTHING LEFT TO MOURN "Through thick and thin" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Formed in September of 2002, Nothing Left to Mourn has become one of the most aggressive bands in New Jersey. The group recorded a 4-song demo in January of 2003, which has spread incredibly well. They have played with acts such as Shattered Realm, Punishment, Burnt By the Sun, Between the Buried and Me, Full Blown Chaos, With Honor, Love is Red, and Death Threat. Already known for their destructive live shows and energetic fan base, NLTM began working on new material to release on War Machine Records. Their mixture of fast paced hardcore with explosive breakdowns make NLTM an undeniable force. An obvious amount of brotherhood and family is felt amongst the group, Nothing Left To Mourn leaves no topics as taboo and pulls no punches about the way they see the world.
For fans of Shattered realm, Hatebreed, Buried Alive.


1. Honor thy father
2. Not alone
3. Take a hike
4. Attrition
5. Shanty's passing


Knives Out Records
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