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1167 SET IT STRAIGHT "Live your heart and never follow" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

After an EP called "My Favorite Words", Set It Straight are back with a full lenght named "Live Your Heart and Never Follow". The band had already proven it's capacity to write fuckin good melodic hardcore, and their new effort is a demonstration of great songs. Focusing on topics quite classic such as straight edge, self confidence, political & social issue, all the tracks got a "from the heart" label you couldn't reject. If you love melodic old school and if you're straight edge but you don't like this album : Houston, we got a problem ..
by xpierrex


1. Title track
2. Callouses
3. Hourglass
4. Self deprogramming
5. Oblivious
6. Young voices
7. Reclamation
8. Percent
9. Ground zero
10. Meltdown
11. Strikes and gutters II
12. Injustice
13. So many questions


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