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Awaken Demons  (395)
No Turning Back  (408)
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884 ESO CHARIS "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

Featuring one time members of Living Sacrifice Matthew Putman and Arthur Green and current singer of Norma Jean Cory Brandan, Eso-Charis is a combination of melody and brutal hardcore. This is an album that was before it's time Think Coalesce meets Strongarm. Check it out!

642 SOUL EMBRACED "This is my blood" (cd)

Review soon

636 SOUL EMBRACED "Immune" (cd)

Their new full length cd - featuring members of LIVING SACRIFICE - SE have taken their str8forward approach to death metal and documented it with crushing heaviness,technical chugging and a twist of experimentation...

635 ZAO "All else failed" (cd) pix in the database

D'aucuns se mettront d'accord pour dire que Zao

557 LIVING SACRIFICE "Conceived in fire" (cd)

The brand new record from Arkansas' Living Sacrifice! 2000's "The Hammering Process" was a career defining moment for this stellar band but they have more than outdone themselves on "Conceived In Fire", the band's most aggressive record to date!

533 ZAO "A parade of chaos" (cd) pix in the database

It would be near impossible to have not heard of the legendary ZAO by now. The band have released 4 critically acclaimed records on Solid State, toured America time and time again and the amount of drama following this band rival's any Hollywood movie.
ZAO's 5th release on Solid State,

532 NORMA JEAN "Bless the martyr and kiss the child" (cd)

Norma Jean's latest offering "Bless The Martyr and Kiss The Child" is in
stores! For those that have been following the band since their days at
Luti - Kriss, "Bless The Martyr and Kiss The Child" is a huge step forward
for this young band. Many have seen this band's dramatic transformation for
themselves over the last couple years. Norma Jean has toured relentlessly
and made a name for themselves by their powerful live shows and chaotic
music. "Bless The Martyr and Kiss The Child" is testament to this powerful
young bands staying power!


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