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Filled With Hate Records


1401 END OF ONE "The aftermath" (7)

End Of One was a band from Poughkeepsie, NY that mixed death metal and hardcore. Formed in 1994, they didn't release a lot as far as I know, but their 'The Aftermath' 7" from 1996 is awesome enough to warrant a post. It's basically death metal with pretty sweet mosh-parts. Sound-wise, it is reminiscent of All Out War, but the vocals are much much deeper. And to keep up the All Out War reference, 3 End Of One members (2 from the 7" line-up) would eventually end up in All Out War. Also, this 7" was released on Hardway Records out of France, the label of Stephan, the singer of Kickback. The same label had released All Out War's 1st 7", 'Destined To Burn', 2 years earlier. So really, if you like All Out War, you will love End Of One!

1368 ALL OUT WAR "Destined to burn" (7) pix in the database


1. Destined to burn
2. Resist
3. Fall from grace

on Kickback 'singer records label


Skinhead hardcore from Long Island,NY -
on Stephen Kickback records label


side A

1. Burn Out
2. What's wrong

side B

1. Dead world
2. Chop meat

1291 CONFUSION "Taste of hate" (7)

Finally! My first exposure to this brutal yet criminally underrated early-90's metalcore band came from the "East Coast Assault" compilation a few years after it hit the streets. For a ballpark idea of Confusion's sound just think sick chugga rhythms and a sinister atmosphere that leans towards way more crunchy metal than hardcore, with pissed off vocals that really fit in perfectly with the feel of the music. I've been trying to get my hands on this extremely rare "Taste of Hate" 7" (which was released in 1992 on Hardway Records from France) for about seven years now. I radically intensified my search a couple of years ago, and after losing a few sparse auctions on eBay I finally lucked out and won a copy about two months ago for a reasonable price. Coincidentally, the seller just happened to be Inhuman vocalist Michael Scondotto, who I had been in contact with on and off several years ago. Like a true jackass, I didn't realize until looking at the 7" insert that Mike was also the bassist in Confusion! So of course I emailed him right away, and the result is this awesomely detailed account of Confusion's four-year existence. You can check out the tunes at the end of the post

1216 BACKSTABBERS "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

Belgian metalcore with members of Length Of Time, Angel Crew - produced Hostile records and Hardway records ( kickback 's singer own label)


1. Already dead
2. Empty
3. Let it rain
4. Destiny
5. Exagerationz
6. Cry wolf


Knives Out Records
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