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1104 TEN YARD FIGHT "Back on track" (cd) pix in the database


1. Running Scared
2. Refuse to Change
3. The Same Side
4. We Know the Truth
5. Still Lives
6. You Taught Them
7. Lost Sight
8. Back on Track
9. Opportunities
10. Back It Up
11. False Convictions
12. Frame of Mind
13. Our Times
14. Stronger Than Before

1103 TEN YARD FIGHT "Hardcore pride" (cd) pix in the database


1. Hardcore Pride
2. Forever
3. Where I Stand
4. Believe
5. Proud to Be Straight
6. Holding On
7. First and Ten
8. Line of Scrimmage
9. Enough
10. Pit of Equality
11. Drug Free Nation
12. Offsides
13. Till Death

1099 BETRAYED "Substance" (cd)


1. Think Twice
2. Substance
3. Consequence
4. The City Lights
5. Crossroads
6. Work For It
7. A Light In The Dark
8. Understand
9. Self Doubt
10. Nothing Tears Us Apart
11. Time Will Tell
12. Bring It To Life
13. I'm Not Afraid

1098 BURN "Cleanse" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base


1. Cleanse
2. Strata
3. Melt-Meta-Growth
4. The Bait
5. Disgraces
6. Decay

1097 GOOD CLEAN FUN "Positively positive 1997-2002" (cd)


1. Anthem of Positivity
2. Coll-edge
3. Forget Your Platitudes
4. Good Clean Fun
5. I Can't Wait
6. In Defense of All Life
7. It's Time to Beat the Meat
8. Last Night I Dreamt An Emo Kid Loved Me
9. Loserdotcom
10. My Best Friends
11. Next Year In Jerusalem
12. No Sacrifice Too Great
13. On the Streets Saving The Scene From the Forces of Evil
14. Positively Positive
15. Shopping for a Crew
16. Song for the Ladies
17. Straight Outta Hardcore
18. Sweet Tooth
19. The Eleventh Commandment
20. The Ice Cream Man Cometh
21. Time of My Life
22. Today The Scene, Tomorrow The World
23. Today Was a Positive Day
24. Vegan Revolution Draft Dodget Anthem
25. V.R.S.
26. Who Shares Wins
27. WWZD
28. You Gotta Stay Positive
29. You're Only Punk Once
30. ZTV Interview (I Wanna Be Straightedge)

1096 BANE "It all comes down to this" (cd) pix in the database


1. Fuck What You Heard
2. Struck Down By Me
3. The Paint Chips Away
4. My Cross To Bear
5. What Makes Us Strong
6. Can We Start Again
7. I Once Was Blind
8. Place In The Sun
9. Her Lucky Pretty Eyes
10. A Bridge Too Far

1095 ONE KING DOWN "Bloodlust revenge" (cd) pix in the database


1. More Hate Than Fear
2. Absolve
3. Prey To Human Silence
4. Defiance
5. Mass Suicide
6. Bloodlust Revenge

431 UNTIL THE END "S/t" (cd) pix in the database


1. Finger on the trigger
2. Judas
3. If thoughts could kill
4. Running in circles
5. As friends fall

416 TRIAL "Are these our lives ?" (cd) pix in the database

Old school straight-edge hardcore from Seattle.

297 ONE KING DOWN "God loves, man kills" (cd) pix in the database

In your face sXe old school meets new school hardcore !

177 FLOORPUNCH "Fast times at ..." (cd) pix in the database

Old school hardcore from New Jersey, powerful & with cool singalong parts.


Brutal Beatdown records
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