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Strasbourg hxc scene | NY Hardcore's history

(from PRHC)
What's Up People
To clear up any questions about What Hardcore Music is and What is a Hardcore Music Scene .
You see Hardcore Music started in New York in the late 70's when a bunch of different groups of people came together trying to do something different . The people were sick of Buble Gum music and Punk Rockers , Real Non-Racist Skinhead , Raggee Kids , Mod Kids "That's a group of kids who aren't around anymore , they were like goth kids , they called themselves Mod Skins ,well all these groups got together and tried to do something different . The group of kids that went to the shows to support this new music started calling it New York Hardcore music and they invented the NYHC sysmbol we all use today .

The same kids went to show after show supporting this new music , and the kids started reconizing one another from show to show and became friends , the audience started calling themselves "The Hardcore Scene" this was more to be ment like the Hardcore Music Family . And you had all these different groups coming to shows dancing and creating something new and different .

Kids would support each other like family and it didn't matter what you looked like or how much money you had , many , many times kids who didn't have money for the shows asked the kids on line for the show if they had a dollar so they could get in , and tons of times , I gave what-ever I could to them to get them in , and you stood there and watched them go up and down the line till they had five bucks and could get into CBGBs in New York City .

That's when we started treating each other like family , reconizing each other from show to show and becoming friends with everyone that went to Hardcore shows cause , it was such a small scene you respected your bothers and sisters in the Scene , and we all started treating each other like a true family , saying what's up to everyone , most of the time , you never knew each others names , you just said what's up and shared a hand shake and a smile for your brothers and your sisters . The Hardcore Music Scene became a Family in New York City , this was from the late 70's to mid 80's in New York City .

In the mid 80's a club in New York City called CBGBs opened up their doors to Hardcore music and held Hardcore Music Shows every week-end rain or shine at 3:00pm in the afternoon the shows lasted till 8 or 9:00pm , then CBGBs would hold other shows in the club at night . Everyone going to shows started calling themselves the Hardcore Music Scene , and it was still all mixed up in New York and we had tons and tons of shows 3 or 4 a week and we had 1,500 to 3,500 kids dancing and singing along , stage diving and goin off at every show , sometimes there were people standing in the front of the club and there were people on top of them crawling to the stage , and people on top of those people and people on top of those people , three rows high at least , with people trying to make it to the stage to stage dive , it was so new and so fun , no music scene ever had anything like a stage dive or slam dancing the Hardcore Music Scene was in full effect .

In 1990 , the Scene at CBGBs , kept coming up with stupid Rules for Hardcore and Hardcore Music was off track from what it was originally , CBGBs kids started this thing where if you had long hair and you couldn't wear Doc Martin Boots , any Metal-Head kid who went to a show with long hair and DMs would get Rat Packed , that means jumped by about 50 to 100 kids and they stole his boots . Another rule was , you can't kick in the Pit , these kids at CBGBs used to say , "What are you a balarina , this means girl dancer , kicking in the Pit " Anyone who tried to kick in the Pit would be rat packed immedetily . There were more rules and if you didn't follow them you were getting jumped 100 % for sure . The CBGBs kids used to call you a "New Jack" this was way before the movie New Jack City , "New jack" ment you were new in the Scene there-fore you were a poser 100% Fake and you'd get shunned by the Scene and they'd do anything they could to make sure you never came to another show again .

In 1990 the Scene was huge in NYC but like I said these Assholes kept coming up with all these Bullshit rules , I call it "bullshit mentality" , bullshit thinking . The Scene became getting rougher and rougher , everyone being jumped at shows all the time , there was more then 5 to 10 fights at every show , and the CBGBs kids started swininging Hammers and Chains in the Pit , people were getting stabbed and killed at shows , every show , so in 1990 , all the clubs in NYC stopped hosting Hardcore shows and the Scene died in NY , CBGBs even closed their doors to us . I was in a Hardcore band then and we couldn't get any shows in New York so we had to go on the road all the time to play , that's what killed our band , cause we were a New York band and we couldn't play in New York it sucked !

Hardcore was dead in NYC till 1993 , in 1993 a club called Coney Island High started hosting Hardcore shows again , and this time , I knew it could be different , so me and my friends Policed the Scene , beating down anyone Targeting kids in the Pit . We came at it trying to regain what we once had , I had another band goin and I used to annoce on the stage "If your new in the Scene , your our pride and joy cause your building up the scene again , we got rid of that New Jack Mentality , I know the first person who started kicking in the Pit , his name is Malta The Damager , he is a wreslter in NYC and he's 6 foot 10 inches and no one was gonna say shit to us , we were trying to elevate it , and we made sure everyone was welcome at Hardcore Music shows , Metal Heads wearing Doc Martens , that didn't matter to us , we were never racist about what someone was wearing , we were just interested in listening to the music , closing your eyes , letting the music fill your soul and move you to dance and react to the Music , we made Hardcore Music Rise Up from the ashes in a new and better way , there's only about 10 or 15 kids left from the original Scene , they all left , they were all my friends and I miss the original Scene , but I'm also very proud of what we did for New York Hardcore music in NYC , we truely brought it to new levels , with respect for one another and no hang ups and treating each other like a true family !

Hardcore Music is about reacting to the music through dancing your ass off and singing along and stage diving . And we made sure everyone was invited.
In 1994 Castle Heights in Queens New York opened up it's doors to us , and we all treated the club with a lot of respect , Yes , we had a lot of fights , but that was when people started targeting , other people in the Pit , we called them Head Hunters , people dancing just to Fuck up people , so we beat their asses out of our Scene or they learned .....

"It's not about that one guy going all out for himself , it's about that one guy going all out for the group trying to make it the best show possible .
Castle Heights shows lasted for over 10 years , straight , always throwing Hardcore shows there , there's not been another club in NYC that can say that .
Right now , Queenz has a new club doing three or four shows a month this club is called The Redzone , and kids there are welcome to come and do what-ever they want , new dance moves , dancing hard , two stepping , just straight up having fun , and not worring about some asshole swinging a hammer or a chain in the Pit . Or some assholes jumping you just because your wearing Doc Martens and have long hair .
I'm very proud of us , we have shows in NY now and 200 to 400 kids come out to the small clubs and we still have shows in Mahanttan where 1,500 to 3,500 kids show up and you should see me , shaking over 1000 hands , The New York Hardcore Scene in NY is real tight and everyone respects each other and the bands are all trying to elevate it and the kids are dancing hard trying to elevate it too , that's what it's all about trying to do something different and new , and we have true Unity in NY now , and it's been a long road but we've achieved it . By being straight up and treating each other like family .

So , when you say , why is Chris Beee posting up his personal info on the PRHC website , it's because I look at all of you like my true brothers and sisters .
That's what the Hardcore Music Scene means to me "Family" , I've met the best people in my life through this scene and it's a lot harder to be friendly with people , then it is to be a faceless person , just going to show to show by yourself .
Like the Metal Scene , those dudes are just running around into each other face first , not giving a shit about each other , to the NY Hardcore Scene that's some homo stuff . We believe in treating our Scene like family , true friends are the hardest thing to come by in life . If you have one good friend your lucky . And through Hardcore Music I seriously have millions of friends I concider my family .
And I'll always write my EGH fans back , and invite them to our pratices , because in my heart I've never met a stranger in life .
And becuase to us in the New York City Hardcore Scene we truely treat each other like a family and I see that in Puerto Rico , I'm very proud of your Scene there and the way your all trying to elevate it , we're all trying to build up the scene and take it to a new level . Through true Brotherhood . And doing it Sraight From The Heart !

One Scene, One Family, United

Chris Everybody gets hurt


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